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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of September, 2008

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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(Rio de Janeiro – September 3, 2008) PETRÓLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. – PETROBRAS today announced its consolidated results stated in U.S. dollars, prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

Consolidated net income in the second quarter of 2008 was 43.4% higher than in the second quarter of 2007, due mainly to the increase in oil and oil products average realization prices and the increase in our oil and gas production. However, the refining margins were reduced in Brazil and in the world due to the higher oil prices, with the average Brent crude oil price in the second quarter of 2008 reaching a historical record of U.S.$121.00 bbl, compared to U.S.$68.76 bbl in the second quarter of 2007. Excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real of 16.5% in the second quarter of 2008, our consolidated net income in the second quarter of 2008 increased 19.7% compared to the second quarter of 2007.

Consolidated net income in the first half of 2008 increased 65.0% compared to the first half of 2007 due to the higher oil and oil products average realization prices, the increased sales volume and due to the extraordinary expense with pension plan in 2007, which reduced the net income in the first half of 2007. Excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real of 17.0% in the first half of 2008, our consolidated net income in the first half of 2008 increased 37.8% compared to the first half of 2007.

Adjusted EBITDA in the second quarter of 2008 increased 55.6% compared to the second quarter of 2007 and 37.2% compared to the first quarter of 2008, generating resources for our investment plan and to reduce our debt.

Adjusted EBITDA increased 55.0% in the first half of 2008 compared to the first half of 2007, due not only to higher oil and oil product sale prices, increased production and higher sales volume, but also to our program to reduce operating expenses.

Nevertheless, costs were pressured by the increase in oil and oil product prices, which increased industrial costs in general, especially non-manageable costs, such as government take, which increased 38.0% in the first half of 2008 compared to the first half of 2007. See page 4 for a reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA to net income.


Average oil and gas production (including non-consolidated international production) increased 3.7% in the second quarter of 2008 compared to the second quarter of 2007 due to the start-up of FPSO-Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Espadarte), FPSO-Cidade de Vitória (Golfinho) and the P-52 and P-54 platforms (Roncador), which offset the decline in output from the more mature fields. By the end of the year, three major new systems are scheduled for start-up in the Jabuti, Marlim Sul and Marlim Leste fields, that we expect will add production capacity of 460,000 barrels/day.

Our total capital expenditures in the first half of 2008 reached U.S.$12,164 million, 37.2% higher than the first half of 2007. Most of these funds were allocated to boosting future oil and gas production capacity in Brazil.

(*) Includes acquisitions



Dear shareholders and investors,

It gives me great satisfaction to announce our second-quarter net income, which was the higher quarterly record of the Company. Cash flow measured by EBITDA played a vital role in our investments.

These excellent results were fueled by the increase in international oil prices, higher oil and gas production, the increase in average gasoline and diesel prices in May and the increase in total sales volumes.

With demand-side pressure and restrictions on supply, oil prices rose from an average of U.S.$68.76 per barrel in the second quarter of 2007 to U.S.$121.00 in the second quarter of 2008. This meant higher revenues for us, but it also increased costs substantially, creating the need for more efficient resources management.

On the production front, the operational start-up of the FPSO-Cidade de Vitória, in the Golfinho field, the FPSO-Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, in the Espadarte field, and the P-52 and P-54 platforms, in the Roncador field, not only offset the natural decline in output, but also contributed to the 3.9% increase in total domestic production volume. Growth should become even more vigorous in the coming months, with the start-up of P-51 (Marlim Sul), P-53 (Marlim Leste) and FPSO-Cidade de Niterói (Jabuti).

Domestic market sales increased 8.8% for the second quarter of 2008, as compared to the second quarter of 2007, primarily due to more robust economic activity in Brazil, especially in the agribusiness and tourism sectors, exemplified by the substantial increase in aviation fuel, natural gas and diesel sales.

I would also like to draw your attention to the creation of the Pre-salt Executive Department, which will play a vital part in researching and organizing the exploration of this new frontier, regarded as one of the most important oil and gas discoveries of the last 30 years. One of its first tasks will be to plan and execute the long-term test in the Tupi field at the beginning of 2009, followed by pilot production in 2010. In the next few weeks, we will initiate production of the first pre-salt well in the Jubarte field in the Espírito Santo Basin.

The scheduled investments in refineries and vertical integration of the production chain are designed to add value to our oil, generating higher revenues from domestic and international sales. Aiming to capture synergies, we are investing in modernizing and expanding our current refineries, such as Abreu Lima, in Pernambuco, and new projects, such as the Premium I and II facilities, on Brazil’s Northeast.

In the second quarter of 2008, we continued to restructure our petrochemical assets, a process we began at the end of 2007. This change is helping us to prepare for a global scenario marked by stronger competition and the growing integration of assets.

All of these measures were supported by a deep sense of social and environmental responsibility. Income generation programs, biofuel production incentives and marine life protection initiatives are based on the conviction that the Company will play a vital role in promoting development.

We created a specific subsidiary to develop the biofuels business. Several studies have shown that ethanol derived from sugarcane has a series of comparative advantages in regard to its substitutes, and that castor-oil-based biodiesel production is an important social inclusion vector.

In order to achieve our objectives, investments in human resources and infrastructure are essential. With this in mind, Petrobras participates in the National Oil and Gas Industry Mobilization Program (PROMINP), which plays an important role in structuring Brazil’s oil and gas industry and whose initiatives gives support to and sustain the future needs of the Company, such as the recently announced commissioning of drilling ships, platforms, drilling units and other facilities. We are therefore preparing for future challenges in an increasingly dynamic and competitive scenario.


Financial Highlights

For the first half of

            Income statement data         
1Q-2008    2Q-2008    2Q-2007    (in millions of U.S. dollars, except for per    2008    2007 
            share and per ADS data)        
33,351    40,940    26,513    Sales of products and services    74,291    50,213 
26,342    33,495    20,564    Net operating revenues    59,837    38,964 
279    (470)   37    Financial income (expense), net    (191)   (100)
4,501    6,215    4,334    Net income for the period    10,716    6,493 
            Basic and diluted earnings per common and         
0.51    0.71    0.49    preferred share (4)   1.22    0.74 
1.02    1.42    0.98    Basic and diluted earnings per ADS (4)   2.44    1.48 
            Other data         
41.6    41.1    46.7    Gross margin (%) (1)   41.3    44.9 
17.1    18.6    21.1    Net margin (%) (2)   17.9    16.7 
49    47    50    Debt to equity ratio (%) (3)   47    50 
            Financial and Economic Indicators        
96.90    121.00    68.76    Brent crude (U.S.$/bbl)   109.00    63.26 
            Average Commercial Selling Rate for U.S. dollar         
1.7388    1.6555    1.9831       (R$/U.S.$)   1.6972    2.0453 
            Period-end Commercial Selling Rate for U.S.         
1.7491    1.5919    1.9262       Dollar (R$/U.S.$)   1.5919    1.9262 

(1) Gross margin equals net operating revenues less cost of sales divided by net operating revenues.
(2) Net margin equals net income divided by net operating revenues.
(3) Debt to equity ratio equals total liabilities divided by the sum of total liabilities and total shareholders’ equity.
(4) For purposes of comparison all share, ADS, per share and per ADS information in this report have been adjusted to reflect the result of the stock split which became effective on April 25, 2008. See Note 15 of our unaudited consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2008.

Reconciliation between Adjusted EBITDA and net income
(in millions of U.S. dollars)

For the first half of

1Q-2008    2Q-2008    2Q-2007        2008    2007 
4,501    6,215    4,334    Net income for the period    10,716    6,493 
1,450    1,531    1,382           Depreciation, depletion and amortization    2,981    2,539 
(441)   (517)   (367)          Financial income    (958)   (673)
109    345    354           Financial expense    454    460 
                   Monetary and exchange variation on monetary         
53    642    (24)                  assets and liabilities, net    695    313 
2,061    2,704    1,174           Total income tax expense    4,765    2,602 
(81)   (253)   (46)          Equity in results of non-consolidated companies    (334)   (75)
  (94)   (13)          Other expenses, net    (94)   (28)
                   Minority interest in results of consolidated         
67    20    15    subsidiaries    87    182 
7,719    10,593    6,809    Adjusted EBITDA    18,312    11,813 

Our adjusted EBITDA is not a U.S. GAAP measure and it is possible that it may not be comparable with indicators with the same name reported by other companies. Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered as a substitute for operational profit or as a better measure of liquidity than operational cash flow, both of which are calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP. We provide our adjusted EBITDA to give additional information about our capacity to pay debt, carry out investments and cover working capital needs.

The comparison between our results of operations for the first half of 2008 and for the first half of 2007 has been affected by the 17.0% increase in the value of the Real against the U.S. dollar in the first half of 2008 as compared to the first half of 2007.



For the first half of

1Q-2008    2Q-2008    2Q-2007            2008    2007 
                Average daily crude oil and gas production         
1,937    1,971    1,920                           Crude oil and NGLs (Mbpd) (1)   1,954    1,924 
1,816    1,854    1,789                                 Brazil    1,835    1,795 
108    104    117                                 International    106    114 
13    13    14                                 Non-consolidated international production(2)   13    15 
2,448    2,508    2,298                           Natural gas (Mmcfpd) (3)   2,472    2,280 
1,824    1,926    1,614                                 Brazil    1,872    1,626 
618    576    672                                 International    594    642 
    12                                 Non-consolidated international production(2)     12 
                Crude oil and NGL average sales price (U.S. dollars         
                per bbl)        
86.13    105.46    57.04                                 Brazil (4)   95.89    52.42 
62.23    75.41    46.92                                 International    69.41    44.67 
                Natural gas average sales price (U.S. dollars per Mcf)        
6.19    6.50    6.03                                 Brazil (5)   6.35    5.73 
2.83    2.98    2.80                                 International    2.90    2.61 
                Lifting costs (U.S. dollars per boe)        
                                   Crude oil and natural gas – Brazil         
8.66    9.88    7.33                                   Excluding production taxes (6)   9.28    7.27 
24.82    31.08    17.95                                   Including production taxes (6)   27.99    17.10 
4.01    4.37    4.19                           Crude oil and natural gas – International    4.19    4.05 
                Refining costs (U.S. dollars per boe)        
3.61    3.53    2.69                                 Brazil    3.57    2.62 
6.16    5.58    2.83                                 International    5.82    2.62 
                Refining and marketing operations (Mbpd)        
2,167    2,223    2,227                                   Primary Processed Installed Capacity    2,223    2,227 
                                                     Brazil (7)        
1,986    1,942    1,986                                               Installed capacity    1,942    1,986 
1,776    1,846    1,796                                               Output of oil products    1,811    1,789 
89%    95%    89%                                               Utilization    93%    89% 
181    281    241    (10)                                          Installed capacity    281    241 
116    193    278    (10)                                          Output of oil products    163    269 
60%    64%    85%    (10)                                          Utilization    59%    85% 
79    77    78        Domestic crude oil as % of total feedstock processed    78    78 
                Imports (Mbpd)        
351    441    410                           Crude oil imports    396    375 
228    167    159                           Oil product imports    198    128 
                Exports (Mbpd)        
314    425    321                           Crude oil exports (8)(9)   369    349 
258    245    271                           Oil product exports (9)   252    259 
(7)   62    23        Net exports (imports) of crude oil and oil products    27    105 
                Other Imports and Exports (Mbpd)        
194    197    157                           Imports of gas and others    195    151 
                             Exports of other products (9)    
                Sales Volume (thousand bpd)        
1,703    1,765    1,709                           Oil products    1,734    1,678 
76    90    51                           Alcohol and others    82    53 
302    315    234                           Natural gas    309    230 
2,081    2,170    1,994           Total domestic market    2,125    1,961 
574    676    595                           Exports    625    610 
557    631    619                           International sales and other operations    594    637 
1,131    1,307    1,214           Total international market (8)   1,219    1,247 
3,212    3,477    3,208           Total    3,344    3,208 

(1) Includes production from shale oil reserves.
(2) Non-consolidated companies in Venezuela.
(3) Does not include liquefied natural gas. Includes reinjected gas.
(4) Crude oil and NGL average sales price in Brazil includes intra-company transfers and sales to third parties.
(5) The increase in the first quarter of 2008 is due to the new methodology that takes in consideration the international natural gas prices as one of the variables.
(6) Production taxes includes royalties, special government participation and rental of areas.
(7) As per ownership registered with and acknowledged by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP).
(8) Includes third-party sales by our international subsidiary, Petrobras International Finance Company (PifCo).
(9) Volumes of exports include exports in progress.
(10) Revised due to de consolidation of Bolivian Refineries data until June 25, 2007 (sales date).



Exploration and Production

Crude Oil and NGL

Domestic crude oil and natural gas liquid (NGL) production increased 2.2% to 1,835 thousand barrels per day in the first half of 2008, as compared to 1,795 thousand barrels per day in the first half of 2007. This increase was primarily due to the increase in the production of P-34 (Jubarte) and FPSO-Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Espadarte), and to the start-up of FPSO-PRM (Piranema), FPSO-Cidade de Vitória (Golfinho) and the P-52 and P-54 platforms (Roncador), which was partially offset by the natural decline in production of the mature fields.

International consolidated crude oil and NGL production by the consolidated companies decreased 7.0% to 106 thousand barrels per day in the first half of 2008, as compared to 114 thousand barrels per day in the first half of 2007. This decrease in the international crude oil production was primarily due to the reduction in reservoir pressure in the United States and the lower output from the mature fields in Argentina and Angola.

Natural Gas

Domestic natural gas production increased 15.1% to 1,872 million cubic feet per day (Mmcfpd) in the first half of 2008, as compared to 1,626 Mmcfpd in the first half of 2007 due to the increase in the production of the new platforms mentioned above.

International gas production by the consolidated companies for the first half of 2008 decreased 7.5% to 594 Mmcfpd in the first half of 2008, compared to 642 Mmcfpd in the first half of 2007, due to the natural decline in the U.S. wells production caused by reduced reservoir pressure.

Lifting Costs

Our lifting costs in Brazil, excluding production taxes (consisting of royalties, special government participation and rental of areas), increased 27.6% to U.S.$9.28 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2008, from U.S.$7.27 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2007. Excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real, our lifting costs per barrel of oil equivalent increased 15.0% from one period to the next, due to the increase in costs with drilling rigs and vessels, the higher number of scheduled maintenance stoppages of certain production units, salary adjustments and the increase in the workforce, associated with higher initial unit cost of the new production systems that started-up operations in the fourth quarter of 2007, which we believe will gradually decrease as production increases.

Our production taxes in Brazil, on a per barrel basis, increased 90.3% to U.S.$18.71 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2008 from U.S.$9.83 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2007. This increase was the result of an increase in the average reference price used to calculate production taxes for our domestic production to U.S.$88.00 in the first half of 2008 from U.S.$50.61 in the first half of 2007 and the higher production taxes on the production from the new FPSO-Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, P-52 and P-54 systems.

Our lifting costs in Brazil, including production taxes, increased 63.7% to U.S.$27.99 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2008 from U.S.$17.10 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2007, due to the reasons described above.

Our international lifting costs increased 3.5% to U.S.$4.19 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$4.05 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2007. This increase was primarily due to the price increase of third-party services and salary increase in Argentina, mainly associated with the price adjustment of the maintenance and vigilance services in Colômbia. Such increases were partially offset by the reduction in the transportation services costs in United States.



Our refinery output in Brazil increased 1.2% to 1,811 Mbpd in the first half of 2008 from 1,789 Mbpd in the first half of 2007, due to the decrease of scheduled maintenance stoppages in the destilation units and their increased reliability.

Our international refinery output decreased 39.4% to 163 Mbpd in the first half of 2008 as compared to 269 Mbpd in the first half of 2007, due to the sale of our Bolivian refineries in June, 2007 and due to the scheduled stoppages in Argentina and USA refineries that occurred in the first half of 2008, partially offset by the production of the Japanese refinery acquired in April, 2008.

Refining Costs

Domestic refining costs increased 36.3% to U.S.$3.57 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$2.62 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2007. Excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real, our refining costs increased 16.0% in the first half of 2008 as compared to the first half of 2007, as a result of higher electricity consumption, maintenance and repair services, due to greater complexity of our existing refineries and the increased demand, salary adjustments, and higher scheduled stoppages.

International refining costs increased 122.1% to U.S.$5.82 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$2.62 per barrel of oil equivalent in the first half of 2007, due to the scheduled stoppage in the Pasadena refinery associated with the decrease of processed crude oil volume in the first half of 2008.

Sales Volume

As a result of overall economic growth in Brazil, our domestic sales volume increased 8.4% to 2,125 thousand barrels per day in the first half of 2008, as compared to 1,961 thousand barrels per day in the first half of 2007, due to increases in sales of diesel, aviation fuel and natural gas. The increase in diesel sales was due to the improved performance of the economy, especially agribusiness, and the increased use of emergency diesel-driven thermal plants. The increase in aviation fuel sales was a result of the expansion of tourism, leveraged by Brazilian economic growth and the appreciation of the Real against the dollar. Gas sales increased by 34.3% due to higher sales to the thermal plants and the increased supply of imported and domestic gas (Manati field and Espírito Santo Basin).

Oil and oil products export volumes increased 2.5% to 625 thousand barrels per day in the first half of 2008, as compared to 610 thousand barrels per day in the first half of 2007.

Our sales volumes in the international market decreased 6.8% to 594 thousand barrels per day in the first half of 2008, as compared to 637 thousand barrels per day in the first half of 2007, due to the programmed stoppage in the Pasadena refinery and the sale of the Bolivian refineries in June, 2007, partially offset by the production of the Japanese refinery we acquired in the second quarter of 2008.




We earn income from:

 • domestic sales, which consist of sales of oil products (such as diesel oil, gasoline, jet fuel, naphtha, fuel oil and liquefied petroleum gas), natural gas, ethanol, electricity and petrochemical products;

• export sales, which consist primarily of sales of crude oil and oil products;

• international sales (excluding export sales), which consist of sales of crude oil, natural gas and oil products that are purchased, produced and refined abroad; and

• other sources, including services, investment income and foreign exchange gains.

Our expenses include:

• costs of sales (which are composed of labor expenses, operating costs and purchases of crude oil and oil products); maintaining and repairing property, plant and equipment; depreciation and amortization of fixed assets; depletion of oil fields; and exploration costs;

• selling (which include expenses for transportation and distribution of our products), general and administrative expenses; and

• interest expense, monetary and foreign exchange losses.

Fluctuations in our financial condition and results of operations are driven by a combination of factors, including:

• the volume of crude oil, oil products and natural gas we produce and sell;

• changes in international prices of crude oil and oil products, which are denominated in U.S. dollars;

• related changes in the domestic prices of crude oil and oil products, which are denominated in Reais;

• fluctuations in the Real/U.S. dollar and to a lesser degree, Argentine peso/U.S. dollar exchange rates; and

• the amount of production taxes that we are required to pay with respect to our operations.

Virtually all of our revenues and expenses for our Brazilian activities are denominated and payable in Reais. When the Real strengthens relative to the U.S. dollar as it did in the first half of 2008 (17.0%) the effect is to generally increase both revenues and expenses when expressed in U.S. dollars. However, the appreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar affects the line items discussed below in different ways. The following comparison between our results of operations in the first half of 2008 and in the first half of 2007 is also impacted by the increase in the value of the Real against the U.S. dollar during that period.




    U.S.$ million 
    For the first half of 
    2008    2007 
Exploration and Production    12,514    5,689 
Supply    (449)   2,001 
Gas and Energy    (71)   (214)
International    147    (21)
Distribution    351    203 
Corporate    (931)   (932)
Eliminations    (845)   (233)
Net income    10,716    6,493 

Exploration and Production

Our Exploration and Production segment includes our exploration, development and production activities in Brazil, sales and transfers of crude oil in domestic and foreign markets, transfers of natural gas to our Gas and Energy segment and sales of oil products produced at natural gas processing plants.

The net income from our Exploration and Production segment increased by 120.0% in the first half of 2008, as compared to the first half of 2007, due to the increase in average domestic oil prices and the 2.2% increase in daily oil and NGL production.

These effects were partially offset by higher expenses from production taxes and the increase in exploration cost, the latter mainly due to write-off of dry and economically unviable wells.

The   spread  between   the   average   domestic   oil  sale/transfer   price   and   the   average   Brent   price  rose   from  U.S.$10.84/bbl   in   the   first   half   of   2007   to
U.S.$ 13.25/bbl in the first half of 2008, due to the fact that the price of heavy crude oil moved up less than light oil price, together with the upturn in the international transport costs.



Our Supply segment includes refining, logistics, transportation, exportation and the purchase of crude oil, as well as the purchase and sale of oil products and fuel alcohol. Additionally, this segment includes the petrochemical and fertilizers division, which includes investments in domestic petrochemical companies and our two domestic fertilizer plants.

The reduction in net income from our Supply segment in the first half of 2008 was mainly due to the higher oil sale/transfer costs and the increase in oil product import cost, reflecting the trend of international oil price.

These effects were partially offset by the increase in oil product prices in Brazil and abroad.

Gas and Energy

Our Gas and Energy segment consists principally of the purchase, sale, transportation and distribution of natural gas produced in or imported into Brazil. Additionally, this segment includes our participation in domestic natural gas transportation, natural gas distribution and thermoelectric power generation.

The net loss from Gas and Energy decreased as a result of the higher margins in natural gas business and also the increase of electricity sales volume in the first half of 2008, as compared to the first half of 2007.

These effects were partially offset by the contractual charges related to natural gas supply.



The International segment comprises our activities in other countries, which include Exploration and Production, Supply, Distribution and Gas and Energy activities.

The increase in the net income of the International segment in the first half of 2008 as compared to the first half of 2007 was due to higher prices and the reduction in oil extraction exploration costs in Turkey, Angola, United States and Libya.

These effects were partially offset by lower sale volume and margin in the United States and the provision for contingencies related to royalties.


Our Distribution segment comprises the oil product and ethanol distribution activities conducted by our majority owned subsidiary, Petrobras Distribuidora S.A., in Brazil.

The net income for our Distribution segment increased 72.9% in the first half of 2008, resulting from higher sales volumes. This performance represented a 35.2% share of the Brazilian national fuel distribution market in the first half of 2008, as compared to 33.8% in the first half of 2007.



Our Corporate segment includes our financing activities not attributable to other segments, including corporate financial management, central administrative overhead and actuarial expenses related to our pension and health care plans for inactive participants.

The lower net loss for our Corporate segment in the first half of 2008, as compared to the first half of 2007, was mainly due to a reduction in expenses from the amendments to the Petros Plan regulations and a reduction in tax expenses due to the extinction of CPMF tax.

These effects were partially offset by the increase in the net financial expenses.



The comparison between our results of operations has been affected by the 17.0% increase in the value of the Real against the U.S. dollar for the first half of 2008, as compared to the first half of 2007.


Net operating revenues increased 53.6% to U.S.$59,837 million in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$38,964 million in the first half of 2007. This increase was primarily attributable to higher prices for our products in domestic and international markets and higher sales volumes in the domestic market.

Consolidated sales of products and services increased 48.0% to U.S.$74,291 million in the first half of 2008, compared to U.S.$50,213 million in the first half of 2007, primarily due to the increases mentioned above.

Included in sales of products and services are the following amounts that we collected on behalf of federal or state governments:

• Value-added, PASEP, COFINS and other taxes on sales of products and services and social security contributions. These taxes increased 33.2% to U.S.$12,493 million in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$9,382 million in the first half of 2007 primarily due to higher prices and sales volumes; and

• CIDE, the per-transaction fee due to the Brazilian government, which increased 5.0% to U.S.$1,961 million in the first half of 2008, compared to U.S.$1,867 million in the first half of 2007, primarily due to higher prices and sales volumes.

Cost of sales (excluding depreciation, depletion and amortization)

Cost of sales in the first half of 2008 increased 63.6% to U.S.$35,095 million, as compared to U.S.$21,453 million in the first half of 2007. This increase was principally a result of:

• a U.S.$3,145 million increase in the cost of imports due to higher volumes and prices;

• a U.S.$2,704 million increase in costs for our international trading activities, due to increases in volume from offshore operations, conducted by PifCo;

• a U.S.$1,213 million increase in production taxes and charges imposed by the Brazilian government totaling U.S.$ 4,404 million in the first half of 2008, compared to U.S.$3,191 million in the first half of 2007, due to the 44% increase in the reference price for local oil in the first half of 2008 versus the first half of 2007, resulting from the average Brent price on the international market (U.S.$1,014 million), and the increase in output (U.S.$199 million). This increase in production taxes and charges includes an increase in the special participation charge (an extraordinary charge payable in the event of high production and/or profitability from our fields) in the first half of 2008, as compared to the first half of 2007;

• a U.S.$1,010 million increase in costs related to the increase of our sales volumes in the domestic market; and

• a U.S.$657 million increase in costs related to the generation and purchase of energy for commercialization.


Depreciation, depletion and amortization

We calculate depreciation, depletion and amortization of most of our exploration and production assets using the units of production method. Depreciation, depletion and amortization expenses increased 17.4% to U.S.$2,981 million in the first half of 2008, compared to U.S.$2,539 million in the first half of 2007. Excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real, the increase in depreciation, depletion and amortization resulted from higher capital expenditures and increased depletion and amortization charges relating to increased oil and gas production.

Exploration, including exploratory dry holes

Exploration costs, including costs for exploratory dry holes, increased 46.8% to U.S.$743 million in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$506 million in the first half of 2007. This increase was primarily attributable to a U.S.$320 million increase in expenses related to the write-off of dry and economically unviable wells in Brazil, partially offset by a U.S.$118 million decrease in expenses related to international seismic drilling and by a U.S.$45 million decrease in expenses related to dry holes abroad, in the first half of 2008 compared to the first half of 2007.

Selling, general and administrative expenses

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased 29.6% to U.S.$3,507 million in the first half of 2008, compared to U.S.$2,706 million in the first half of 2007.

Selling expenses increased 37.0% to U.S.$1,729 million in the first half of 2008 from U.S.$1,262 million in the first half of 2007. This increase was primarily attributable to:

• approximately U.S.$160 million in higher transportation costs due mainly to increased sales volumes;

• approximately U.S.$61 million in additional technical consulting services due to increased outsourcing of selected non-core general activities; and

• an increase of approximately U.S.$34 million in allowance for uncollectible accounts.

General and administrative expenses increased 23.1% to U.S.$ 1,778 million in the first half of 2008 from U.S.$1,444 million in the first half of 2007. Excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real, the increase in general administrative expenses was primarily attributable to the increase in personnel expenses in the first half of 2008, due to the increase in the workforce, the increase in salaries as a result of the 2007/08 collective bargaining agreement, the new jobs and salaries plan and the 2007 advancement and promotion plan.

Research and development expenses

Research and development expenses increased 17.1% to U.S.$466 million in the first half of 2008 from U.S.$398 million in the first half of 2007. This increase was primarily due to higher costs for training of the technical workforce and research for development of production from current reserves and new exploratory frontiers.

Other operating expenses

Other operating expenses decreased 15.2% to U.S.$1,112 million in the first half of 2008, from U.S.$1,312 million in the first half of 2007. A breakdown of other operating expenses by segment is included on page 27.

The most significant expenses in the first half of 2008 were:

• a U.S.$328 million expense for institutional relations and cultural projects;


• a U.S.$171 million expense of losses and contingencies related to legal proceedings;

• a U.S.$169 million expense for contractual fines;

• a U.S.$149 million expense related to operating expenses with thermoelectrics;

• a U.S.$102 million expense for health, safety, and environment (HSE); and

• a U.S.$42 million expense for unscheduled stoppages of plants and equipment.

The most significant expenses in the first half of 2007 were:

• a U.S.$512 million expense related to the amendments to certain clauses in the Petros Pension Plan regulations;

• a U.S.$255 million expense for institutional relations and cultural projects;

• a U.S.$120 million expense for idle capacity from thermoelectric power plants;

• a U.S.$110 million expense for losses resulting from legal proceedings and contingencies related to pending lawsuits;

• a U.S.$97 million expense for health, safety, and environment (HSE); and

• a U.S.$60 million expense related to the implementation of our new salaries plan.

Equity in results of non-consolidated companies

Equity in results of non-consolidated companies increased to U.S.$334 million in the first half of 2008, compared to U.S.$75 million in the first half of 2007, primarily as a result of the increase in gains in investments in affiliated companies of Petrobras Distribuidora S.A. - BR (U.S.$26 million); Petroquisa (U.S.$157 million) and Petrobras International Braspetro B.V. (U.S.$41 million).

Financial income

We derive financial income from several sources, including interest on cash and cash equivalents. The majority of our cash equivalents are short-term Brazilian government securities, including securities indexed to the U.S. dollar. We also hold U.S. dollar deposits.

Financial income increased 42.3% to U.S.$958 million in the first half of 2008 as compared to U.S.$673 million in the first half of 2007. This increase was primarily attributable to the increase in financial interest income from gains in derivatives and increase in income from marketable securities in the first half of 2008 as compared to the first half of 2007. A breakdown of financial income and expenses is set forth in Note 11 of our unaudited consolidated financial statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2008.

Financial expenses

Financial expenses decreased 1.3% to U.S.$454 million in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$460 million in the first half of 2007. A breakdown of financial income and expenses is set forth in Note 11 of our unaudited consolidated financial statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2008.

Monetary and exchange variation on monetary assets and liabilities, net

Monetary and exchange variation on monetary assets and liabilities, net increased to a loss of U.S.$695 million in the first half of 2008, as compared to a loss of U.S.$313 million in the first half of 2007. The increase in monetary and exchange variation on monetary assets and liabilities, net is primarily attributable to the increase of denominated investments both in Brazil (via our Exploration and Production segment) and abroad (via our International segment and financial investments).


Employee benefit expense for non-active participants

The employee benefit expense for non-active participants consists of financial costs associated with our expected pension and health care costs. Our employee benefit expense for non-active participants decreased 8.6% to U.S.$427 million in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$467 million in the first half of 2007. Excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real, the decrease in employee benefit expense for non-active participants was U.S.$135 million, primarily due to an increase in the expected return on plan assets as a result of anticipated market performance during 2008.

Other taxes

Other taxes, consisting of miscellaneous value-added, transaction and sales taxes, decreased 43.4% to U.S.$175 million in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$309 million in the first half of 2007. This decrease is primarily attributable to the U.S.$247 million decrease related to the extinguishment of the CPMF, a tax payable in connection with certain bank account transactions, as of January 1, 2008. This decrease was partially offset by the U.S.$45 million increase in the IOF, a tax payable over financial transactions, due to the increase of IOF tax rates, also effective January 1, 2008.

Other expenses, net

Other expenses, net are primarily composed of gains and losses recorded on sales of fixed assets and certain other non-recurring charges. Other expenses, net increased to a gain of U.S.$94 million in the first half of 2008, as compared to a gain of U.S.$28 million in the first half of 2007. This increase was primarily attributable to the non-operating income of U.S.$82 million related to the merger made according to the Braskem Investment Agreement (See Note 18 – (a.1) of our unaudited consolidated financial statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2008).

Income tax (expense) benefit

Income before income taxes and minority interest increased 67.8% to U.S.$15,568 million in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$9,277 million in the first half of 2007. Income tax expense increased 83.1% to U.S.$4,765 million in the first half of 2008, as compared to U.S.$2,602 million in the first half of 2007. The reconciliation between the tax calculated based upon statutory tax rates to income tax expense and effective rates is set forth in Note 4 of our unaudited consolidated financial statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2008.



Our principal uses of funds are for capital expenditures, dividend payments and repayment of debt. Historically we have met these requirements with internally generated funds, short-term debt, long-term debt, project financing and sale and lease-back transactions. We believe these sources of funds, together with our strong position of cash and cash equivalents, will continue to allow us to meet our currently anticipated capital requirements.

Financing Strategy

The objective of our financing strategy is to help us achieve the targets set forth in our Business Plan released on August 14, 2007, which provides for capital expenditures of U.S.$112.4 billion from 2008 through 2012. We will continue our policy of extending the term of our debt maturity profile. We also intend to reduce our cost of capital through a variety of medium and long-term financing arrangements, including the issuance of bonds in the international capital markets, supplier financing, project financing and bank financing.


Government Regulation

The Brazilian Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management controls the total amount of medium and long-term debt that we and our Brazilian subsidiaries can incur through the annual budget approval process (Plano de Dispêndio Global, or PDG). Before issuing medium and long-term debt, we and our Brazilian subsidiaries must also obtain the approval of the National Treasury Secretariat.

All of our foreign currency denominated debt, as well as the foreign currency denominated debt of our Brazilian subsidiaries, requires registration with the Central Bank. The issuance of debt by our international subsidiaries, however, is not subject to registration with the Central Bank or approval by the National Treasury Secretariat. In addition, all issuances of medium and long-term notes and debentures require the approval of our Board of Directors. Borrowings that exceed the approved budgeted amount for any year also require approval of the Brazilian Senate.

Sources of Funds

Our Cash Flow

On June 30, 2008, we had cash and cash equivalents of U.S.$6,648 million compared to U.S.$6,987 million at December 31, 2007. The decrease in our cash and cash equivalents was primarily due to the increase in our capital expenditures in the first half of 2008 as compared to the first half of 2007.

Operating activities provided net cash flows of U.S.$12,591 million in the first half of 2008, compared to U.S.$10,678 million in the first half of 2007. Cash generated by operating activities was mainly affected by our net operating revenues that increased U.S.$20,873 million during the first half of 2008 as compared to the first half of 2007.

Net cash used in investing activities increased to U.S.$12,031 million in the first half of 2008, compared to U.S.$9,036 million in the first half of 2007. This increase was due primarily to capital expenditures associated with our operating activities, which totaled U.S.$12,164 million, including U.S.$7,055 million related to our exploration and production projects in Brazil, mainly in the Campos basin.

Net cash used in financing activities was U.S.$1,966 million in the first half of 2008, compared to U.S.$6,220 million in the first half of 2007. This decrease was primarily due to an increase in the funds raised by PifCo through the issuance of Global Notes, and to the increase in proceeds from project financing, mainly in Gasene, Codajás and Cia. de Desenvolvimento e Modernização de Plantas Industriais - CDMPI projects.

Our net debt increased to U.S.$19,204 million as of June 30, 2008 as compared to U.S.$14,908 million as of December 31, 2007, primarily due to an increase in short-term debt, particularly from credit lines taken out to boost ethanol exports, and the funds raised by PifCo through the issuance of Global Notes, an increase in project financing proceeds, mentioned above, as well as a reduction in cash and cash equivalents due to the payment of interest on equity and the increase in our capital expenditures. See table below for a reconciliation of net debt to total long-term debt:


    U.S.$ million 
Balance sheet data    06.30.2008    12.31.2007    (06.30.2008    06.30.2007 
Cash and cash equivalents    6,648    6,987    (4.9)   9,007 
Short-term debt    1,704    1,458    16.9    1,088 
Total long-term debt    16,188    13,421    20.6    12,269 
Total project financings    7,306    6,278    16.4    5,777 
Total capital lease obligations    654    738    (11.4)   908 
Net debt (1)   19,204    14,908    28.8    11,035 
Shareholders’ equity (2)   82,967    65,179    27.3    54,767 
Total capitalization (3)   108,819    87,074    25.0    74,809 
    U.S.$ million    
Reconciliation of Net debt    06.30.2008    12.31.2007    06.30.2007     
Total long-term debt    16,188    13,421    12,269     
     Plus short-term debt    1,704    1,458    1,088     
     Plus total project financings    7,306    6,278    5,777     
     Plus total capital lease obligations    654    738    908     
     Less cash and cash equivalents    6,648    6,987    9,007     
Net debt (1)   19,204    14,908    11,035     

(1) Our net debt is not computed in accordance with U.S. GAAP and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for total long-term debt calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Our calculation of net debt may not be comparable to the calculation of net debt by other companies. Management believes that net debt is an appropriate supplemental measure that helps investors assess our liquidity and assists management in targeting leverage improvements. Please see the table above for a reconciliation of net debt to total long-term debt.
(2) Shareholders’ equity includes obligation adjustments in the amount of U.S.$1,715 million at June 30, 2008 and U.S.$1,544 million at December 31, 2007, related to “Post-retirement benefit reserves adjustments, net of tax - pension cost”; and U.S.$1,032 million at June 30, 2008 and U.S.$928 million at December 31, 2007, related to “Post-retirement benefit reserves adjustments, net of tax - health care cost”.
(3) Total capitalization is calculated as shareholders’ equity plus short-term debt, total long-term debt, total project financings and total capital lease obligations.

Our net debt increased 28.8% in the first half of 2008, as compared to the year ended December 31, 2007, primarily due to proceeds from our long-term debt and project financing, incurred in order to achieve our needs of capital expenditures during 2008.



Short-Term Debt

Our outstanding short-term debt serves mainly to support our imports of crude oil and oil products, and is provided almost entirely by international banks. At June 30, 2008, our short-term debt (excluding current portions of long-term debt) amounted to U.S.$1,704 million compared to U.S.$1,458 million at December 31, 2007.

Long-Term Debt

Our outstanding long-term debt consists primarily of the issuance of securities in the international capital markets, debentures in the domestic capital markets, amounts outstanding under facilities guaranteed by export credit agencies and multilateral agencies and loans from the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (the Brazilian National Development Bank, or BNDES) and other financial institutions. Outstanding long-term debt, plus the current portion of our long-term debt amounted to U.S.$16,188 million at June 30, 2008 as compared to U.S.$13,421 million at December 31, 2007.

Project financing

Since 1997, we have utilized project financings to provide capital for our extensive exploration and production operations and related projects, including some natural gas processing and transportation systems. All of these projects and the related debt obligations of special purpose companies established for these financings are on-balance sheet and accounted for under the line item “Project Financings”. Under typical contractual arrangements, we are responsible for completing the development of the oil and gas fields, operating the fields, paying all operating expenses relating to the projects and remitting a portion of the net proceeds generated from the fields to fund the special purpose companies’ debt and return on equity payments. At the end of each financing project, we have the option to purchase the project assets from the special purpose company or, in some cases, acquire control over the special purpose company itself.

Outstanding project financing, plus the current portion of our project financing, totaled U.S.$7,306 million at June 30, 2008, as compared to U.S.$6,278 million at December 31, 2007. This increase in outstanding project financing was primarily due to the increase in debt related to the Gasene, Codajás and Cia. de Desenvolvimento e Modernização de Plantas Industriais - CDMPI Projects. See Note 12 of our unaudited consolidated financial statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2008.

Extinguished securities

On June 30, 2008 and December 31, 2007, we had amounts invested abroad in an exclusive investment fund that held debt securities of some of our group companies in the amount of U.S.$802 million and U.S.$856 million, respectively. Once these securities are purchased by the fund, the related amounts, together with applicable interest, are removed from the presentation of marketable securities and project financing. See Note 12 of our consolidated unaudited financial statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2008.

Off Balance Sheet Arrangements

As of June 30, 2008, there were no off-balance sheet arrangements that have, or are reasonably likely to have, a material effect on our financial condition, revenues or expenses, results of operations, liquidity, capital expenditures or capital resources.


Uses of Funds

Capital Expenditures

We invested a total of U.S.$12,164 million in the first half of 2008, a 37.2% increase as compared to our investments of U.S.$8,867 million in the first half of 2007. Our investments in the first half of 2008 were primarily directed towards increasing our production capabilities in the Campos basin, modernizing our refineries and expanding our pipeline transportation and distribution systems. Of the total amount of capital expenditures in the first half of 2008, U.S.$7,055 million was made in connection with exploration and development projects mainly in the Campos basin (58.0%), which includes investments financed through project financing.

The following table sets forth our consolidated capital expenditures (including project financings and investments in thermoelectric power plants) for each of our business segments for the first half of 2008 and 2007:

    U.S.$ million 
    For the six-month period 
    ended June 30, 
    2008    2007 
•  Exploration and Production  7,055    5,097 
•  Supply  1,574    1,184 
•  Gas and Energy  1,460    678 
•  International:       
         Exploration and Production  1,202    1,288 
         Supply  128    94 
         Distribution    13 
         Gas and Energy   
•  Distribution  125    187 
•  Corporate  606    323 
Total capital expenditures  12,164    8,867 


The remaining balance of dividends relating to the financial year of 2007 approved by the Ordinary General Meeting held on April 04, 2008, in the amount of U.S.$495 million (after deducting those distributed earlier to shareholders on January 23, March 31 and April 30, 2008, in the amount of U.S.$3,220 million), were paid out to shareholders on June 03, 2008.


Income Statement
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except for share and per share data)

                For the first half of 
1Q-2008    2Q-2008    2Q-2007        2008    2007 
33,351    40,940    26,513    Sales of products and services    74,291    50,213 
(5,896)   (6,597)   (4,955)          Value-added and other taxes on sales and services    (12,493)   (9,382)
(1,113)   (848)   (994)          CIDE    (1,961)   (1,867)
26,342    33,495    20,564    Net operating revenues    59,837    38,964 
(15,380)   (19,715)   (10,968)          Cost of sales    (35,095)   (21,453)
(1,450)   (1,531)   (1,382)          Depreciation, depletion and amortization    (2,981)   (2,539)
(380)   (363)   (204)          Exploration, including exploratory dry holes    (743)   (506)
(1,706)   (1,801)   (1,393)          Selling, general and administrative expenses    (3,507)   (2,706)
(237)   (229)   (216)          Research and development expenses    (466)   (398)
(603)   (509)   (566)          Other operating expenses    (1,112)   (1,312)
(19,756)   (24,148)   (14,729)  
            Total costs and expenses 
  (43,904)   (28,914)
6,586    9,347    5,835    Operating income    15,933    10,050 
81    253    46         Equity in results of non-consolidated companies    334    75 
441    517    367           Financial income    958    673 
(109)   (345)   (354)          Financial expense    (454)   (460)
                   Monetary and exchange variation on monetary         
(53)   (642)   24                   assets and liabilities, net    (695)   (313)
                   Employee benefit expense for non-active         
(208)   (219)   (241)  
  (427)   (467)
(109)   (66)   (167)          Other taxes    (175)   (309)
  94    13           Other expenses, net    94    28 
43    (408)   (312)       (365)   (773)
6,629    8,939    5,523    Income before income taxes and minority interest    15,568    9,277 
            Income tax expense:         
(1,713)   (2,372)   (1,432)          Current    (4,085)   (2,750)
(348)   (332)   258           Deferred    (680)   148 
(2,061)   (2,704)   (1,174)                  Total income tax expense    (4,765)   (2,602)
            Minority interest in results of consolidated         
(67)   (20)   (15)   subsidiaries    (87)   (182)
4,501    6,215    4,334    Net income for the period    10,716    6,493 
            Weighted average number of shares outstanding         
5,073,347,344(*)   5,073,347,344    5,073,347,344(*)          Common    5,073,347,344    5,073,347,344(*)
3,700,729,396(*)   3,700,729,396    3,700,729,396(*)          Preferred    3,700,729,396    3,700,729,396(*)
            Basic and diluted earnings per share         
0.51(*)   0.71    0.49(*)          Common and Preferred    1.22    0.74(*)
            Basic and diluted earnings per ADS         
1.02(*)   1.42    0.98(*)          Common and Preferred    2.44    1.48(*)

(*) For purposes of comparison all share, ADS, per share and per ADS information in this report have been adjusted to reflect the result of the stock split which became effective on April 25, 2008. See Note 15 of our unaudited consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2008.


Balance Sheet Data
(in millions of U.S. dollars, except for share data)

    As of June    As of December 
    30, 2008    31, 2007 
Current assets         
       Cash and cash equivalents    6,648    6,987 
       Marketable securities    80    267 
       Accounts receivable, net    10,021    6,538 
       Inventories    13,692    9,231 
       Recoverable taxes    3,486    3,488 
       Other current assets    3,291    2,629 
               Total current assets    37,218    29,140 
Property, plant and equipment, net    101,533    84,523 
Investments in non-consolidated companies and other investments    5,238    5,112 
Non-current assets         
       Accounts receivable, net    1,598    1,467 
       Advances to suppliers    2,323    1,658 
       Petroleum and Alcohol Account – Receivable from Federal Government    503    450 
       Government securities    769    670 
       Marketable securities    2,201    2,144 
       Restricted deposits for legal proceedings and guarantees    1,110    977 
       Recoverable taxes    3,281    2,477 
       Others    1,152    1,097 
               Total other assets    12,937    10,940 
     Total assets    156,926    129,715 
Liabilities and shareholders' equity         
Current liabilities         
       Trade accounts payable    10,666    7,816 
       Short-term debt    1,704    1,458 
       Current portion of long-term debt    2,214    1,273 
       Current portion of project financings    979    1,692 
       Current portion of capital lease obligations    217    227 
       Taxes payable    6,119    4,510 
       Payroll and related charges    1,851    1,549 
       Dividends and interest on capital payable      3,220 
       Advances from customers    313    276 
       Other current liabilities    2,635    2,447 
               Total current liabilities    26,698    24,468 
Long-term liabilities         
       Long-term debt    13,974    12,148 
       Project financings    6,327    4,586 
       Capital lease obligations    437    511 
       Employees’ benefits obligation - Pension    5,372    4,678 
       Employees’ benefits obligation - Health care    7,735    6,639 
       Deferred income taxes    6,100    4,802 
       Other liabilities    5,023    4,372 
               Total long-term liabilities    44,968    37,736 
Minority interest    2,293    2,332 
Shareholders' equity         
       Shares authorized and issued:         
     Preferred stock – 2008 and 2007 - 3,700,729,396 shares    15,106    8,620 
     Common stock – 2008 and 2007 – 5,073,347,344 shares    21,088    12,196 
       Reserves and others    46,773    44,363 
               Total shareholders' equity    82,967    65,179 
     Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity    156,926    129,715 


Statement of Cash Flows Data
(in millions of U.S. dollars)

                For the first half of 
1Q-2008    2Q-2008    2Q-2007        2008    2007 
            Cash flows from operating activities         
4,501    6,215    4,334     Net income for the period    10,716    6,493 
             Adjustments to reconcile net income to net         
                 cash provided by operating activities:         
1,450    1,531    1,382         Depreciation, depletion and amortization    2,981    2,539 
                 Loss on property, plant and equipment, dry         
263    302    25           holes costs    565    166 
348    332    (258)        Deferred income taxes    680    (148)
597    138    119         Foreign exchange and monetary loss (gain)   735    343 
38    (184)   18       Others    (146)   156 
 Decrease (Increase) in assets:
(654)   (1,867)   96             Accounts receivable, net    (2,521)   (299)
(693)   (2,500)   (603)            Inventories    (3,193)   (276)
(290)   88    (108)            Recoverable taxes    (202)   (590)
(290)   16    271           Others    (274)   357 
 Increase (Decrease) in liabilities
551    744    1,297             Trade accounts payable    1,295    489 
496    729    (198)            Taxes payable    1,225    291 
                     Employee’s post-retirement benefits, net of         
19    152    141             unrecognized obligation    171    260 
(209)   780    699             Other liabilities    571    897 
6,127    6,464    7,215    Net cash provided by operating activities    12,591    10,678 
(6,070)   (5,961)   (5,491)   Net cash flows from investing activities    (12,031)   (9,036)
(908)   (1,058)   (2,942)   Net cash flows from financing activities    (1,966)   (6,220)
            Increase (Decrease) in cash and cash         
(851)   (555)   (1,218)   equivalents    (1,406)   (4,578)
            Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and         
65    1,002    558    cash equivalents    1,067    897 
            Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of         
6,987    6,201    9,667    period    6,987    12,688 
            Cash and cash equivalents at the end of         
6,201    6,648    9,007    period    6,648    9,007 


Income Statement by Segment

    First half of 2008 
    U.S.$ million 
    E&P    SUPPLY    &    INTERN.    DISTRIB.    CORPOR.    ELIMIN.    TOTAL 
STATEMENT OF INCOME                                 
Net operating revenues to third parties    459    35,989    3,674    4,646    15,069        59,837 
Inter-segment net operating revenues    31,882    13,097    497    493    260      (46,229)  
Net operating revenues    32,341    49,086    4,171    5,139    15,329      (46,229)   59,837 
Cost of sales    (10,494)   (48,066)   (3,450)   (3,955)   (13,999)     44,869    (35,095)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization    (1,619)   (645)   (179)   (267)   (107)   (164)     (2,981)
Exploration, including exploratory dry holes    (606)       (137)         (743)
Selling, general and administrative                                 
     expenses    (215)   (1,200)   (222)   (391)   (698)   (860)   79    (3,507)
Research and development expenses    (232)   (89)   (31)   (1)   (4)   (109)     (466)
Other operating expenses      (150)   (416)   (89)   27    (485)     (1,112)
Cost and expenses    (13,165)   (50,150)   (4,298)   (4,840)   (14,781)   (1,618)   44,948    (43,904)
Operating income (loss)    19,176    (1,064)   (127)   299    548    (1,618)   (1,281)   15,933 
Equity in results of non-consolidated                                 
     companies      163    61    109          334 
Financial income (expenses), net              (191)     (191)
Employee benefit expense for non-active                                 
participants              (427)     (427)
Other taxes    (28)   (30)   (11)   (36)   (8)   (62)     (175)
Other expenses, net      83    10    (1)   (8)       94 
Income (loss) before income taxes and                                 
     minority interest    19,157    (848)   (67)   371    532    (2,296)   (1,281)   15,568 
Income tax benefits (expense)   (6,513)   343    44    (169)   (181)   1,275    436    (4,765)
Minority interest    (130)   56    (48)   (55)     90      (87)
Net income (loss) for the period    12,514    (449)   (71)   147    351    (931)   (845)   10,716 


Income Statement by Segment

    First half of 2007 
    U.S.$ million 
    E&P    SUPPLY    &    INTERN.    DISTRIB.    CORPOR.    ELIMIN.    TOTAL 
STATEMENT OF INCOME                                 
Net operating revenues to third parties    1,222    22,616    1,502    3,529    10,095        38,964 
Inter-segment net operating revenues    16,377    8,278    516    555    235      (25,961)  
Net operating revenues    17,599    30,894    2,018    4,084    10,330      (25,961)   38,964 
Cost of sales    (6,645)   (26,198)   (1,816)   (3,015)   (9,350)     25,571    (21,453)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization    (1,543)   (485)   (104)   (254)   (73)   (80)     (2,539)
Exploration, including exploratory dry holes    (206)       (300)         (506)
Selling, general and administrative                                 
     expenses    (170)   (855)   (201)   (335)   (501)   (681)   37    (2,706)
Research and development expenses    (198)   (73)   (41)   (1)   (3)   (82)     (398)
Other operating expenses    (193)   (204)   (136)   (46)   (50)   (683)     (1,312)
Cost and expenses    (8,955)   (27,815)   (2,298)   (3,951)   (9,977)   (1,526)   25,608    (28,914)
Operating income (loss)    8,644    3,079    (280)   133    353    (1,526)   (353)   10,050 
Equity in results of non-consolidated                                 
     companies        33    68      (31)     75 
Financial income (expenses), net              (100)     (100)
Employee benefit expense for non-active                                 
participants              (467)     (467)
Other taxes    (15)   (35)   (21)   (32)   (44)   (162)     (309)
Other expenses, net    (6)   (2)   (9)   50    (2)   (3)     28 
Income (loss) before income taxes and                                 
     minority interest    8,623   3,047   (277)   219   307   (2,289)   (353)   9,277
Income tax benefits (expense)   (2,931)   (1,034)   105    (134)   (104)   1,376    120    (2,602)
Minority interest    (3)   (12)   (42)   (106)     (19)     (182)
Net income (loss) for the period    5,689    2,001    (214)   (21)   203    (932)   (233)   6,493 


Other Operating Expenses by Segment

    First half of 2008 
    U.S.$ million 
    E&P    SUPPLY    &    INTERN.    DISTRIB.    CORPOR.    ELIMIN.    TOTAL 
Institutional Relations and Culture Projects    (22)   (18)   (2)     (15)   (271)     (328)
Contractual fines        (169)           (169)
Idle capacity from thermoelectric power plants        (149)           (149)
Losses resulted from Legal Proceedings    (8)   (15)     (74)   (5)   (69)     (171)
HSE expenses    (5)   (23)   (1)       (73)     (102)
Unscheduled stoppages of plant and equipment    (18)   (24)             (42)
Ship or pay commitments          (26)         (26)
Other    54    (70)   (95)   11    47    (72)     (125)
      (150)   (416)   (89)   27    (485)     (1,112)

    First half of 2007 
    U.S.$ million 
    E&P    SUPPLY    &    INTERN.    DISTRIB.    CORPOR.    ELIMIN.    TOTAL 
Expenses related to Petros Plan repactuation    (106)   (62)   (6)   (4)   (20)   (314)     (512)
Institutional Relations and Culture Projects    (17)   (13)       (10)   (215)     (255)
Idle capacity from thermoelectric power plants        (120)           (120)
Losses resulted from Legal Proceedings    (67)   (17)     (1)   (24)   (1)     (110)
HSE expenses    (4)   (24)   (1)       (68)     (97)
Unscheduled stoppages of plant and equipment    (8)   (31)             (39)
Ship or pay commitments          (23)         (23)
Expenses related to the new salaries plan    (23)   (11)   (2)   (2)     (22)     (60)
Other    32    (46)   (7)   (16)     (63)     (96)
    (193)   (204)   (136)   (46)   (50)   (683)     (1,312)


Selected Balance Sheet Data by Segment

    First half of 2008 
    U.S.$ million 
    E&P    SUPPLY    &    INTERN.    DISTRIB.    CORPOR.    ELIMIN.    TOTAL 
Current assets    4,397    18,939    3,588    3,247    3,424    10,860    (7,237)   37,218 
Cash and cash equivalents              6,648      6,648 
Other current assets    4,397    18,939    3,588    3,247    3,424    4,212    (7,237)   30,570 
Investments in non-consolidated                                 
companies and other                               
investments    121    2,274    637    1,281    688    237        5,238 
Property, plant and equipment,                                 
net    57,019    18,857    13,171    8,695    2,041    1,781    (31)   101,533 
Non-current assets    2,094    878    1,857    693    395    7,477    (457)   12,937 
Petroleum and Alcohol Account              503      503 
Government securities              769      769 
Other assets    2,094    878    1,857    693    395    6,205    (457)   11,665 
Total assets    63,631    40,948    19,253    13,916    6,548    20,355    (7,725)   156,926 


Selected Balance Sheet Data by Segment

    Year ended December 31, 2007 
    U.S.$ million 
    E&P    SUPPLY    &    INTERN.    DISTRIB.    CORPOR.    ELIMIN.    TOTAL 
Current assets    3,180    13,725    2,864    2,184    2,848    10,710    (6,371)   29,140 
Cash and cash equivalents              6,987      6,987 
Other current assets    3,180    13,725    2,864    2,184    2,848    3,723    (6,371)   22,153 
Investments in non-consolidated                                 
companies and other                                 
investments    85    2,348    550    1,278    640    211      5,112 
Property, plant and equipment,                                 
net    48,529    14,480    10,615    7,596    1,838    1,475    (10)   84,523 
Non-current assets    1,381    665    1,507    659    326    6,741    (339)   10,940 
Petroleum and Alcohol Account              450      450 
Government securities              670      670 
Other assets    1,381    665    1,507    659    326    5,621    (339)   9,820 
Total assets    53,175    31,218    15,536    11,717    5,652    19,137    (6,720)   129,715 


Selected Data for International Segment

    U.S.$ million 
    E&P    SUPPLY    GAS &    DISTRIB.    CORPOR.    ELIMIN.    TOTAL 
ASSETS (As of June30, 2008)   9,666    3,747    825    442    1,577    (2,341)   13,916 
STATEMENT OF INCOME                             
(First half of 2008)                            
Net Operating Revenues    1,483    3,186    235    1,312      (1,079)   5,139 
Net operating revenues to third parties    714    2,442    210    1,278        4,646 
Inter-segment net operating revenues    769    744    25    34      (1,079)   493 
Net income (loss) for the period    242    (79)   39    42    (106)     147 

    U.S.$ million 
    E&P    SUPPLY    GAS &    DISTRIB.    CORPOR.    ELIMIN.    TOTAL 
ASSETS (As of December 31, 2007)   8,337    2,514    753    414    1,403    (1,704)   11,717 
STATEMENT OF INCOME                             
(First half of 2007)                            
Net Operating Revenues    1,233    2,659    328    912    13    (1,061)   4,084 
Net operating revenues to third parties    363    1,939    300    907    13      3,529 
Inter-segment net operating revenues    870    720    28        (1,068)   555 
Net income (loss) for the period    (17)   81    59    (10)   (140)     (21)

Investor Relations Department | E-mail: /
Av. República do Chile, 65 – 22nd floor - 20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Tel.: 55 (21) 3224-1510 / 9947

This document may contain forecasts that merely reflect the expectations of the Company’s management. Such terms as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “plan”, “project”, “seek”, “should”, along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forecasts. These predictions evidently involve risks and uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the Company. Therefore, the future results of operations may differ from current expectations, and readers must not base their expectations exclusively on the information presented herein.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: September 3, 2008

/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates offuture economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.