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For the month of August, 2012

(Commission File No. 1-14862 )


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Braskem S.A.

Quarterly Information (ITR) at

June 30, 2012

and Report on the Review

of the Quarterly Information







Report on Review of Quarterly Information



To the Board of Directors and Shareholders

Braskem S.A.







We have reviewed the accompanying parent company and consolidated interim accounting information of Braskem S.A., included in the Quarterly Information Form (ITR) for the quarter ended June 30, 2012, comprising the balance sheet as at that date and the statements of operations and comprehensive income for the quarter and six-month periods then ended, and the statements of changes in equity and cash flows for the six-month period then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.


Management is responsible for the preparation of the parent company interim accounting information in accordance with the accounting standard CPC 21, Interim Financial Reporting, of the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC), and of the consolidated interim accounting information in accordance with CPC 21 and International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34 - Interim Financial Reporting issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), as well as the presentation of this information in accordance with the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information (ITR). Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim accounting information based on our review.


Scope of review


We conducted our review in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Reviews of Interim Financial Information (NBC TR 2410 – Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity and ISRE 2410 – Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, respectively). A review of interim information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Conclusion on the parent

company interim information


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying parent company interim accounting information included in the quarterly information referred to above has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with CPC 21 applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information, and presented in accordance with the standards issued by the CVM.


Conclusion on the consolidated

interim information


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying consolidated interim accounting information included in the quarterly information referred to above has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with CPC 21 and IAS 34 applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information, and presented in accordance with the standards issued by the CVM.




Other matters


Statements of value added


We have also reviewed the parent company and consolidated statements of value added for the six-month period ended June 30, 2012. These statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management, and are required to be presented in accordance with standards issued by the CVM applicable to the preparation of Quarterly Information (ITR) and are considered supplementary information under IFRS, which do not require the presentation of the statement of value added. These statements have been submitted to the same review procedures described above and, based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that they have not been prepared, in all material respects, in a manner consistent with the parent company and consolidated interim accounting information taken as a whole.


Salvador, August 14, 2012.





Auditores Independentes

CRC 2SP000160/O-5 "F" BA




Fábio Cajazeira Mendes

Contador CRC 1SP196825/O-0 "S" BA




Braskem S.A.


Balance sheet

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais                                                                                                                          



      Parent Company      Consolidated 
Assets  Note  Jun/2012    Dec/2011  Jun/2012    Dec/2011 
Current assets               

Cash and cash equivalents 

2,682,328  2,224,335  3,297,456  2,986,819 

Financial investments 

144,570  168,979  169,962  170,297 

Trade accounts receivable 

1,208,373    1,097,482  2,087,627  1,843,756 


2,618,302  1,968,509  4,533,689  3,623,522 

Taxes recoverable 

10  800,106  606,258  1,300,513  1,036,253 

Dividends and interest on capital 

  22,002  30,268 

Prepaid expenses 

  40,201  60,109  74,430    104,496 

Related parties 

13,512  10,341 

Other receivables 

13  261,942  162,173  386,149  415,174 
    7,791,336    6,318,113  11,860,167    10,180,317 
Non-current assets               

Financial investments 

43,017  34,720  71,317  34,752 

Trade accounts receivable 

52,747  49,858  55,268  51,056 

Taxes recoverable 

10  1,125,138  1,062,974  1,613,660  1,506,247 

Deferred income tax and social contribution 

20(b)  1,061,320    415,002  1,936,226  1,237,144 

Judicial deposits 

11  155,212  151,592  176,831  174,220 

Related parties 

544,442  1,624,513  166,406    58,169 

Insurance claims 

12  137,857  246,357  138,911  252,670 

Other receivables 

13  116,462  138,265  180,329  182,533 

Investments in subsidiaries 

14  9,803,138  8,091,220  116,605 

Investment in associates and jointly-controlled subsidiaries 

14  31,012  29,870  31,012  29,870 

Other investments 

  6,575  6,575  10,485  10,844 

Property, plant and equipment 

15  11,998,814  11,665,942  21,098,227  20,662,721 

Intangible assets 

16  2,253,829  2,248,675  3,000,515  3,016,692 
    27,329,563    25,765,563  28,595,792    27,216,918 
Total assets    35,120,899    32,083,676  40,455,959    37,397,235 



The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements





Braskem S.A.


Balance sheet

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Continued



      Parent Company      Consolidated 
Liabilities and equity  Note  Jun/2012    Dec/2011  Jun/2012    Dec/2011 
Current liabilities               

Trade payables 

  7,008,513  5,052,757  8,838,558  6,847,340 


17  983,331  961,519  1,385,407  1,391,779 

Hedge operations 

18.2  213,452  82,912  213,451  83,392 

Payroll and related charges 

  176,555  155,248  256,403  242,102 

Taxes payable 

19  506,779  215,924  660,258  329,987 

Dividends and interest on capital 

26(d)  484,193  1,617  487,402    4,838 

Advances from customers 

23  486,799  13,935  102,670  19,119 

Sundry provisions 

21  5,566    18,759  14,171  23,629 

Accounts payable to related parties 

9  31,916  79,790     

Other Payables 

24  25,732  47,514  257,244  119,402 
    9,922,836    6,629,975  12,215,564    9,061,588 
Non-current liabilities               


17  10,991,228  11,276,196  15,307,550  13,753,033 



Hedge operations 

18.2    10,278    10,278 

Taxes payable 

19  1,094,087  1,500,584  1,206,257  1,613,179 

Accounts payable to related parties 

9  2,920,950  1,297,567    44,833 

Long-term incentives 

  10,240  15,213  10,240  15,213 

Deferred income tax and social contribution 

20(b)  981,726  900,716  2,055,610  1,953,353 

Pension plans 

22  134,506  134,506  150,799  149,575 

Provision for losses on subsidiaries 

  116,633  90,990     

Advances from customers 

23  86,221  77,846  228,344  218,531 

Sundry provisions 

21  106,892  94,913  316,795  298,094 

Other payables 

24  253,114  241,412  266,356  280,546 
    16,695,597    15,640,221  19,541,951    18,355,737 
Equity  26             


  8,043,222  8,043,222  8,043,222  8,043,222 

Capital reserve 

  845,998  845,998  845,998  845,998 

Revenue reserves 

  108,714  591,307  108,714  591,307 

Other comprehensive income 

  350,176  315,586  350,176  315,586 

Treasury shares 

  (11,325)  (11,325)  (60,217)  (60,217) 

Profit (losses) accumulated 

  (834,319)  28,692  (834,319)  28,692 

Total attributable to the Company's shareholders 

  8,502,466    9,813,480  8,453,574    9,764,588 

Non-controlling interest 

2.4        244,870    215,322 
    8,502,466    9,813,480  8,698,444    9,979,910 
Total liabilities and equity    35,120,899    32,083,676  40,455,959    37,397,235 




The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements





Braskem S.A.


Statement of operations for the period

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais, except earnings (loss) per share  



    Parent Company  Consolidated 
  Note  2Q12  YTD12  2Q11  YTD11  2Q12  YTD12  2Q11  YTD11 
Net sales revenue  28  5,121,830  9,696,524  4,640,809  8,718,631  9,137,644  17,362,609  8,368,188  15,779,907 

Cost of products sold 

  (4,599,513)  (8,746,223)  (3,838,567)  (7,299,361)  (8,278,007)  (15,873,874)  (7,137,221)  (13,537,208) 
Gross profit    522,317  950,301  802,242  1,419,270  859,637  1,488,735  1,230,967  2,242,699 
Income (expenses)                   


  (41,830)  (91,214)  (38,947)  (76,692)  (96,307)  (194,753)  (81,115)  (164,557) 


  (93,204)  (183,526)  (70,878)  (149,994)  (136,640)  (266,638)  (105,506)  (228,537) 

General and administrative 

  (187,817)  (341,274)  (177,500)  (349,458)  (294,023)  (548,077)  (261,653)  (524,534) 

Research and development 

  (21,457)  (39,617)  (13,202)  (25,855)  (26,911)  (51,357)  (24,122)  (43,749) 

Results from equity investments 

14(c)  114,860  252,090  (89,830)  (16,165)  2,904  2,080  4  (748) 

Other operating income (expenses), net 

30  73,896  41,498  (8,831)  (4,455)  92,045  284,863  (20,687)  (32,781) 
Operating profit    366,765  588,258  403,054  796,651  400,705  714,853  737,888  1,247,793 
Financial results  31                 

Financial expenses 

  (2,167,137)  (2,236,714)  103,938  13,165  (2,389,834)  (2,583,246)  (134,582)  (270,327) 

Financial income 

  188,052  200,982  83,910  196,497  284,829  373,998  55,802  136,363 
    (1,979,085)  (2,035,732)  187,848  209,662  (2,105,005)  (2,209,248)  (78,780)  (133,964) 

Profit (loss) before income tax and social contribution 

  (1,612,320)  (1,447,474)  590,902  1,006,313  (1,704,300)  (1,494,395)  659,108  1,113,829 

Current income tax and social contribution 

20(a)  (81,934)  (103,769)  93,352  (7,894)  (103,312)  (172,381) 

Deferred income tax and social contribution 

20(a)  581,903  570,615  (94,524)  (179,874)  577,771  621,309  (135,708)  (211,478) 
    581,903  570,615  (176,458)  (283,643)  671,123  613,415  (239,020)  (383,859) 
Profit (loss) for the period    (1,030,417)  (876,859)  414,444  722,670  (1,033,177)  (880,980)  420,088  729,970 
Attributable to:                   

Company's shareholders 

        (1,030,417)  (876,859)  414,444  722,670 

Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries 

2.4        (2,760)  (4,121)  5,644  7,300 
            (1,033,177)  (880,980)  420,088  729,970 

Earnings (loss) per share attributable to the shareholders of the Company at the end of the period (R$) 


Basic earnings (loss) per share - common 

            (1.1007)    1.0625 

Basic earnings (loss) per share - preferred 

            (1.1007)    0.9371 

Diluted earnings (loss) per share - common 

            (1.1003)    1.0626 

Diluted earnings (loss) per share - preferred 

            (1.1003)    0.9372 



The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements




Braskem S.A.


Statement of comprehensive income

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais


    Parent Company  Consolidated 
  Note  2Q12  YTD12  2Q11  YTD11  2Q12  YTD12  2Q11  YTD11 
Profit (loss) for the period    (1,030,417)  (876,859)  414,444  722,670  (1,033,177)  (880,980)  420,088  729,970 
Other comprehensive income or loss:                   

Cash flow hedge 

18.2.2  15,613  (3,335)  1,225  15,613  24,619  37,156 

Cash flow hedge - subsidiaries 

  27,954  35,931 

Foreign currency translation adjustment 

14(b)  92,254  36,623  (12,184)  (14,412)  98,713  49,269  (12,184)  (14,604) 

Income tax and social contribution related to components of comprehensive income 

18.2.2    (5,309)  2,441  891    (5,309)  2,441  891 
Total other comprehensive income    92,254  46,927  14,876  23,635  98,713  59,573  14,876  23,443 
Total comprehensive income (loss) for the period    (938,163)  (829,932)  429,320  746,305  (934,464)  (821,407)  434,964  753,413 
Attributable to:                   

Company's shareholders 

          (938,163)  (829,932)  451,631  746,305 

Non-controlling interest 

          3,699  8,525  (16,667)  7,108 
            (934,464)  (821,407)  434,964  753,413 



The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements





Braskem S.A.


Statement of changes in equity

All amounts in thousands of reais 


  Parent company 
        Revenue reserves      Retained   
            Unrealized  Addicional  Other    earnings   
    Social  Capital  Legal  Tax  profit  dividends  comprehensive  Treasury  (accumulated  Total 
  Note  capital  reserve  reserve  incentives  reserve  proposal  income  shares  deficit)  equity 
At December 31, 2010    8,043,222  845,998  87,710  5,347  995,505  250,346  221,350  (10,379)    10,439,099 

Comprehensive income for the period: 


Profit for the period 

    722,670  722,670 

Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes 

  38,047  38,047 

Foreign currency translation adjustment 

              (14,412)      (14,412) 
    23,635  722,670  746,305 

Equity valuation adjustments 


Deemed cost of jointly-controlled subsidiary 

  22,311  22,311 

Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level 

              (13,618)     13,618   
    8,693  13,618  22,311 

Contributions and distributions to shareholders: 


Additional dividends approved at Shareholders’ Meeting 

  (250,346)  (250,346) 

Expired dividends 

  531  531 

Repurchase of treasury shares 

                (946)    (946) 
    (250,346)  (946)  531  (250,761) 

At June 30, 2011 

  8,043,222  845,998  87,710  5,347  995,505    253,678  (11,325)  736,819  10,956,954 
At December 31, 2011    8,043,222  845,998  87,710  4,547  16,457  482,593  315,586  (11,325)  28,692  9,813,480 

Comprehensive income for the period: 


Loss for the period 

  (876,859)  (876,859) 

Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes 

18.2.2  10,304  10,304 

Foreign currency translation adjustment 

14(b)              36,623      36,623 
    46,927  (876,859)  (829,932) 

Equity valuation adjustments 


Realization of deemed cost of jointly-controlled subsidiary, net of taxes 

  (230)  230 

Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level 

              (13,618)    13,618   
    (13,848)  13,848 

Contributions and distributions to shareholders: 


Additional dividends approved at Shareholders’ Meeting 

  (482,593)  (482,593) 

Gain on interest in subsidiary 

14(b)              1,511      1,511 
    (482,593)  1,511  (481,082) 
At June 30, 2012    8,043,222  845,998  87,710  4,547  16,457    350,176  (11,325)  (834,319)  8,502,466 



The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements





Braskem S.A.


Statement of changes in equity

All amounts in thousands of reais 



    Attributed to the Company’s shareholders       
        Revenue reserves  Other
(accumulated deficit)
Total interest
of Braskem’s
  Note  Capital  Capital

At December 31, 2010 

  8,043,222  845,998  87,710  5,347  995,505  250,346  221,350  (59,271)    10,390,207  18,079  10,408,286 

Comprehensive income for the period: 


Profit for the period 

  722,670  722,670  7,300  729,970 

Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes 

  38,047  38,047  38,047 

Foreign currency translation adjustment 

              (14,412)      (14,412)  (192)  (14,604) 
    23,635  722,670  746,305  7,108  753,413 

Equity valuation adjustments 


Deemed cost of jointly-controlled subsidiary 

  22,311  22,311  22,311 

Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level restatement, net of taxes

              (13,618)    13,618       
    8,693  13,618  22,311  22,311 

Contributions and distributions to shareholders: 


Additional dividends approved at Shareholders’ Meeting 

  (250,346)  (250,346)  (250,346) 

Non-controlling interest 

  106,087  106,087 

Expired dividends 

  531  531  (269)  262 

Repurchase of treasury shares 

                (946)    (946)    (946) 
    (250,346)  (946)  531  (250,761)  105,818  (144,943) 

At June 30, 2011 

  8,043,222  845,998  87,710  5,347  995,505    253,678  (60,217)  736,819  10,908,062  131,005  11,039,067 

At December 31, 2011 

  8,043,222  845,998  87,710  4,547  16,457  482,593  315,586  (60,217)  28,692  9,764,588  215,322  9,979,910 

Comprehensive income for the period: 


Profit for the period 

  (876,859)  (876,859)  (4,121)  (880,980) 

Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes 

18.2.2  10,304  10,304  10,304 

Foreign currency translation adjustment 

14(b)              36,623      36,623  12,646  49,269 
    46,927  (876,859)  (829,932)  8,525  (821,407) 

Equity valuation adjustments 


Deemed cost of jointly-controlled subsidiary 

  (230)  230 

Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level restatement, net of taxes

              (13,618)    13,618       
    (13,848)  13,848 

Contributions and distributions to shareholders: 


Additional dividends approved at Shareholders’ Meeting 

  (482,593)  (482,593)  (482,593) 

Capital increase from non-controlling interest 

  22,534  22,534 

Gain on interest in subsidiary 

14(b)              1,511      1,511  (1,511)   
    (482,593)  1,511  (481,082)  21,023  (460,059) 

At June 30, 2012 

  8,043,222  845,998  87,710  4,547  16,457    350,176  (60,217)  (834,319)  8,453,574  244,870  8,698,444 



The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements





Braskem S.A.


Statement of cash flows

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais 



  Parent Company  Consolidated 
  Jun/2012  Jun/2011  Jun/2012  Jun/2011 
Profit (loss) before income tax and social contribution  (1,447,474)  1,006,313  (1,494,395)  1,113,829 
Adjustments for reconciliation of profit (loss) 

Depreciation, amortization and depletion 

568,976  511,229  927,750  827,780 

Results from equity investments 

(252,090)  16,165  (2,080)  748 

Interest and monetary and exchange variations, net 

1,326,788  (121,300)  1,611,653  327 

Provisions for losses and write-off of long-lived assets 

212  (1,462)  3,584  9,316 
  196,412  1,410,945  1,046,512  1,952,000 
Changes in operating working capital         

Held-for-trading financial investments 

30,079  (2,952)  (21,773)  4,778 

Trade accounts receivable 

(110,040)  (101,982)  (251,271)  18,846 


(617,804)  (413,958)  (897,422)  (649,522) 

Taxes recoverable 

(231,804)  (15,088)  (358,927)  (62,402) 

Prepaid expenses 

19,908  17,920  29,880  14,725 

Other receivables 

(133,439)  (57,551)  27,956  (74,539) 

Trade payables 

1,955,690  (291,980)  1,999,107  548,250 

Taxes payable 

(25,317)  86,105  (57,728)  (43,221) 

Long-term incentives 

(4,973)  7,809  (4,973)  7,808 

Advances from customers 

481,240  5,877  93,364  123,252 

Sundry provisions 

17,094  (37,151)  9,243  (29,616) 

Other payables 

143,814  (148,890)  149,949  (183,623) 
Cash from operations  1,720,860  459,104  1,763,917  1,626,736 

Interest paid 

(354,000)  (307,036)  (392,491)  (421,140) 

Income tax and social contribution paid 

(21,874)  (27,609)  (21,487)  (47,739) 
Net cash generated by operating activities  1,344,986  124,459  1,349,939  1,157,857 
Proceeds from fixed assets's sales and investments  423  747  1,805 
Proceeds from the capital decrease in associates  6,600  6,600 
Cash effect from incorporated subsidiary  394 
Acquisitions of investments in subsidiaries and associates  (35,204) 
Acquisitions to property, plant and equipment  (911,651)  (570,203)  (1,400,457)  (830,178) 
Acquisitions of intangible assets  (4,595)  (320)  (4,695)  (3,308) 
Held-to-maturity financial investments  (1,660)  (2,760)  (4,598)  (10,716) 
Net cash used in investing activities  (952,716)  (566,260)  (1,409,003)  (835,797) 
Short-term and long-term debts         

Obtained borrowings 

1,698,231  2,063,993  3,595,351  3,123,818 

Payment of borrowings 

(2,536,219)  (1,870,474)  (3,182,616)  (3,102,714) 
Related parties 

Obtained loans 

1,081,259  428,340 

Payment of loans 

(135,835)  (394,377) 

Current accounts, net 

(41,696)  314,281 
Dividends paid  (17)  (664,840)  (18)  (664,840) 
Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries  16,347  (5,322) 
Repurchase of shares    (946)    (946) 
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities  65,723  (124,023)  429,064  (650,004) 
Exchange variation on cash of foreign subsidiaries      (24,816)  (343) 
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  457,993  (565,824)  345,184  (328,287) 
Represented by         

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 

2,224,335  2,339,060  2,952,272  2,698,075 

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 

2,682,328  1,773,236  3,297,456  2,369,788 
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  457,993  (565,824)  345,184  (328,287) 


The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements





Braskem S.A.


Statement of value added

At June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais 



  Parent Company  Consolidated 
  Jun/2012  Jun/2011  Jun/2012  Jun/2011 
Revenue  11,790,829  10,765,552  20,777,664  18,972,338 

Sale of goods, products and services 

11,747,235  10,770,810  20,489,394  18,999,757 

Other income (expenses), net 

58,777  (4,050)  313,072  (21,651) 

Allowance for doubtful accounts 

(15,183)  (1,208)  (24,802)  (5,768) 
Inputs acquired from third parties  (9,346,801)  (8,699,844)  (16,861,621)  (15,844,998) 

Cost of products, goods and services sold 

(8,965,192)  (8,350,305)  (16,229,208)  (15,294,013) 

Material, energy, outsourced services and others 

(381,159)  (355,281)  (626,757)  (549,124) 

Impairment / recovery of assets 

(450)  5,742  (5,656)  (1,861) 
Gross value added  2,444,028  2,065,708  3,916,043  3,127,340 
Depreciation, amortization and depletion  (568,976)  (511,229)  (927,750)  (827,780) 
Net value added produced by the entity  1,875,052  1,554,479  2,988,293  2,299,560 
Value added received in transfer  453,169  180,469  376,211  135,761 

Equity in the results of investees 

252,090  (16,165)  2,080  (748) 

Financial income 

200,982  196,497  373,998  136,363 


97  137  133  146 
Total value added to distribute  2,328,221  1,734,948  3,364,504  2,435,321 
Personnel  254,125  243,474  426,926  395,013 

Direct compensation 

182,785  190,232  319,222  310,013 


53,543  38,382  82,927  63,269 

FGTS (Government Severance Pay Fund) 

17,797  14,860  24,777  21,731 
Taxes, fees and contributions  652,301  715,533  1,152,504  949,484 


(218,068)  512,398  (77,051)  712,039 


865,891  199,647  1,213,323  222,052 


4,478  3,488  16,232  15,393 
Remuneration on third parties' capital  2,298,654  53,271  2,666,054  360,854 

Financial expenses (including exchange variation) 

2,227,844  (17,789)  2,572,826  263,582 


70,810  71,060  93,228  97,272 
Remuneration on own capital  (876,859)  722,670  (880,980)  729,970 

Profit (loss) retained in the period 

(876,859)  722,670  (876,859)  722,670 

Non-controlling interests in profits retained or losses 

    (4,121)  7,300 
Value added distributed  2,328,221  1,734,948  3,364,504  2,435,321 






The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


1.                       Operations

              Braskem S.A. (hereinafter “Parent Company”) is a public corporation headquartered in Camaçari, Bahia, which jointly with its subsidiaries (hereinafter “Braskem” or “Company”), operates 35 industrial units. The Company is controlled by Odebrecht S.A. (“Odebrecht”), which indirectly holds interests of 50.11% and 38.11% in its voting and total capital, respectively.

(a)                    Material operating event

              In December 2011, Sunoco Chemicals, Inc. (“Sunoco”) announced the definitive shutdown of operations at its refinery that was responsible for supplying feedstock to one of the five polypropylene (“PP”) plants of the subsidiary Braskem America Inc (“Braskem America”) in the United States.

              In 2012, Sunoco formally informed the Management of Braskem America of its alternative plan to supply feedstock, as required under the supply agreement entered into in 2010. The definitive termination of the supply agreement occurred on June 8, 2012, upon payment of the respective compensation set forth in the contract, in the amount of R$263,571 (Note 30).

              Despite the termination of the supply agreement, the Management of Braskem America has worked to develop alternative supply and logistics solutions in order to continue operations at the unit and has already identified other sources to supply the feedstock required.

              Another important and fundamental step in maintaining the operations at the plant was the acquisition of a propylene splitter unit from Sunoco on June 29, 2012. This unit transforms refinery-grade propylene into polymer-grade propylene, which is the main feedstock of the PP plant. This acquisition does not represent a business combination, since it does not meet the definitions required by IFRS 3 and its corresponding CPC 15 (R1).

              With the acquisition, Braskem America expanded its supply sources, since the supply of refinery-grade propylene is more abundant in the U.S. market.

(b)                    Corporate events

(b.1)       On January 27, 2012, the controlling shareholder of Braskem, BRK Investimentos Petroquímicos S.A. (“BRK”) was proportionally spun-off. In the spin–off, a part of the shares issued by Braskem that were held by BRK was delivered to Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras (“Petrobras”). With the spin-off, BRK became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Odebrecht Serviços e Participações (“OSP”) and maintained ownership of shares corresponding to 50.11% and 28.23% of the voting and total capital of Braskem, respectively. On the same date, the merger of Petrobras Química S.A. – Petroquisa (“Petroquisa”) into Petrobras was approved and Petrobras became the holder of 47.03% and 35.95% of the voting and total capital of Braskem, respectively.  

(b.2)       On February 27, 2012, the company Braskem International GmbH (“Braskem Áustria”) was incorporated with the purpose of holding equity interests in other companies, in addition to performing financial and commercial operations. The capital stock was fully paid up by Braskem, a sole partner, in the amount of R$81 (EUR 35 thousand) (Note 14(b)).

(b.3)       On February 28, 2012, the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Braskem approved the merger of the subsidiary Ideom Tecnologia Ltda., based on its net book value as of December 31, 2011, in the amount of R$20,762, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the protocol and justification dated February 6, 2012.




Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 



(b.4)       On April 30, 2012, the capital stock of the subsidiaries Braskem Petroquímica S.A. (“Braskem Petroquímica”) and Rio Polímeros S.A. (“Riopol”) was increased in the amounts of R$649,639 and R$738,799, respectively (Note 14(b)), without the issue of new shares, as approved at the respective shareholders’ meetings. The increases occurred through utilization of the balances recorded under advance for future capital increase.

(b.5)       On June 27, 2012, Braskem Áustria incorporated Braskem Petroquímica Ibérica, S.L. (“Braskem Espanha”), which has capital of EUR 3 thousand. The purpose of this subsidiary is to hold equity interests in other companies.

(b.6)       On June 30, 2012, BRK was merged into its parent company OSP, which now holds 50.11% and 38.11% of the voting and total capital of Braskem, respectively.

(c)                    Net working capital

              On June 30, 2012, net working capital at the Parent Company and Consolidated were negative R$2,131,500 and R$355,398, respectively. Because the consolidated figures are used in the management of working capital, since the Company uses mechanisms to transfer funds between the companies efficiently without jeopardizing the fulfillment of the commitments of each of the entities forming the consolidated statements, any analysis of the parent company’s working capital will not reflect the actual liquidity position of the consolidated group. On the other hand, the consolidated negative net working capital was rebalanced and does not represent any liquidity problem, in view of the US$250 million funding operation in July 2012 (Note 35 (b)).

              The Company also has two revolving credit lines that may be used at any time (Note 3.3).






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(d)                   Effect of foreign exchange variation


              The Company has balances and transactions in U.S. dollar, as well as financial investments, trade accounts receivable, trade payables, borrowings and sales. The balances of assets and liabilities are translated based on the exchange rate at the end of each period, while transactions are based on the effective exchange rate on the date each operation occurs. These rates are informed by the Central Bank of Brazil.


              The following table shows the U.S. dollar average and end-of-period exchange rates for the periods in this report:


U.S. dollar, end of period


June 29, 2012


December 30, 2011


Appreciation of the U.S. dollar in relation to the Brazilian real




Average U.S. dollar rate


Six-month period ended June 30, 2012


Six-month period ended June 30, 2011


Appreciation of the U.S. dollar in relation to the Brazilian real






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


2.                       Summary of significant accounting policies

2.1.                 Basis of preparation

              This Quarterly Information should be read together with the financial statements of Braskem S.A. as of December 31, 2011 and for the year then ended, which were prepared and presented in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil, including the pronouncements issued by the Brazilian Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC), and in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

              The preparation of the quarterly information requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires the Management of the Company to exercise its judgment in the process of applying its accounting policies. There were no changes in the assumptions and judgments made by the Company’s management in the use of estimates for the preparation of the Quarterly Information in relation to those used in the December 31, 2011 financial statements.

(a)                    Consolidated quarterly information

              The consolidated Quarterly Information was prepared and is being presented in accordance with the pronouncements CPC 21 and IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting, which establish the minimum content for interim financial statements.

(b)                    Parent company quarterly information

               The parent company Quarterly Information was prepared and is being presented in accordance with pronouncement CPC 21.

2.2.                 Significant accounting policies

              There were no changes in the accounting practices used in the preparation of the Quarterly Information in relation to those presented in the December 31, 2011 financial statements, except for the recognition of jointly controlled investments (Note 2.3). The accounting practice adopted complies with the alternative provided for by IAS 31and the corresponding CPC 19 (R1), which determine that such investments may initially be valued at their acquisition cost and subsequently using the equity method.

              Due to the accounting of jointly controlled companies using the equity method as of 2012, the balance of cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated statement of cash flow at the start of the period (January 1, 2012) was reduced by R$34,547, which corresponds to the balances at RPR, Propilsur and Polimerica on that date.

2.3.                 Consolidated quarterly information

              On June 30, 2012, the Company began to recognize investments in jointly controlled companies in its financial statements using the equity method and no longer based on proportionate consolidation (Note 2.2) The consolidated information for prior periods will not be restated given the immateriality of the balances of these jointly controlled companies to the Company's financial statements.






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


The consolidated quarterly information includes the quarterly information of the Company and its subsidiaries (Note 2.2) and of the special purpose entity in which it, directly or indirectly, maintains a controlling equity interest or controls the activities, as presented below:


          Total interest - % 
      (Country)  Jun/2012  Dec/2011  Jun/2011 
Direct and indirect subsidiaries           

Braskem America, Inc. (“ Braskem America”) 

  EUA  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem America Finance Company ("Braskem America Finance") 

  EUA  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Argentina S.A. (“ Braskem Argentina”) 

  Argentina  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem International GmbH ("Braskem Austria") 

(i)  Austria  100.00 

Braskem Chile Ltda. (“Braskem Chile”) 

  Chile  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Distribuidora Ltda.(“ Braskem Distribuidora”) 

  Brazil  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Netherlands B.V (“ Braskem Holanda”) 

  Netherlands  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Europe GmbH ("Braskem Alemanha") 

  Germany  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Finance Limited (“ Braskem Finance”) 

  Cayman Island  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Idesa S.A.P.I (“ Braskem Idesa") 

  Mexico  65.00  65.00  65.00 

Braskem Idesa Servicios S.A. de CV ("Braskem Idesa Serviços") 

  Mexico  65.00  65.00  65.00 

Braskem Importação e Exportação Ltda. (“Braskem Importação”) 

  Brazil  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Incorporated Limited (“ Braskem Inc”) 

  Cayman Island  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Mexico, S de RL de CV (“ Braskem Mexico”) 

  Mexico  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Participações S.A. (“ Braskem Participações”) 

  Brazil  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Petroquímica S.A. (“ Braskem Petroquímica”) 

  Brazil  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Petroquímica Chile Ltda. (“Petroquímica Chile”) 

  Chile  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Braskem Petroquímica Ibérica, S.L. ("Braskem Espanha") 

(ii)  Spain  100.00 

Braskem Qpar S.A. (“ Braskem Qpar”) 

  Brazil  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Cetrel S.A. ("Cetrel") 

  Brazil  53.91  54.09  54.37 

Common Industries Ltd. (“Common”) 

  British virgin islands  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Ideom T ecnologia Ltda. (“ Ideom”) 

(iii)  Brazil  100.00  100.00 

IQ Soluções & Química S.A.(“ Quantiq”) 

  Brazil  100.00  100.00  100.00 

IQAG Armazéns Gerais Ltda. (“IQAG”) 

  Brazil  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Lantana Trading Co. Inc. (“ Lantana”) 

  Bahamas  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Norfolk Trading S.A. (“ Norfolk”) 

  Uruguai  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Politeno Empreendimentos Ltda. (“Politeno Empreendimentos”) 

  Brazil  100.00  100.00  100.00 

Rio Polímeros S.A. (“ Riopol”) 

  Brazil  100.00  100.00  100.00 
Jointly-controlled subsidiaries     

Refinaria de Petróleo Riograndense S.A. (“ RPR”) 

  Brazil  33.20  32.56 

Polietilenos de America S.A.(“ Polimerica”) 

  Venezuela  49.00  49.00 

Polipropileno Del Sur S.A.(“ Propilsur”) 

  Venezuela  49.00  49.00 
Specific Purpose Entity ("SPE")     

Fundo de Investimento Multimercado Crédito Privado Sol (“ FIM Sol”) 

  Brazil  100.00  100.00  100.00 
(i)  Company created in february 2012 (Nota 1 (b.2)).           
(ii)  Company created in june 2012 (Nota 1 (b.5)).           
(iii)  Merged into Braskem in February 2012 (Note 1 (b.3)).           






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


2.4.                 Non-controlling interest in the equity and results of operations
of the Company’s subsidiaries

        Profit (loss) for 
  Equity, adjusted  the period, adjusted 
  Jun/2012  Dec/2011  Jun/2012  Jun/2011 
Braskem Idesa  115,137  93,578  (9,701)  (2,248) 
Cetrel  129,733  121,744  5,580  9,548 
Total  244,870  215,322  (4,121)  7,300 


2.5.                Reconciliation of equity and profit (loss) for the period
between parent company and consolidated

  Equity  Profit (loss) for the period 
  Jun/2012  Dec/2011  Jun/2012  Jun/2011 
Parent Company  8,502,466  9,813,480  (876,859)  722,670 

Braskem shares owned by subsidiary of Braskem Petroquímica 

(48,892)  (48,892)     

Non-controlling interest 

244,870  215,322  (4,121)  7,300 
Consolidated  8,698,444  9,979,910  (880,980)  729,970 



3.                      Risk management

              Braskem is exposed to (i) market risks arising from variations in commodity prices, foreign exchange rates and interest rates; (ii) the credit risks of its counterparties in cash equivalents, financial investments and trade accounts receivable; and (iii) liquidity risks to meet its obligations related to financial liabilities.

              Braskem adopts procedures for managing market, credit and liquidity risks that are in conformity with the new financial policy approved by the Board of Directors on August 9, 2010. The purpose of risk management is to protect the cash flows of Braskem and reduce the threats to the financing of its operating working capital and investment programs.

3.1.                Market risk

              Braskem prepares a sensitivity analysis for the main types of market risk to which it is exposed, which is presented in Note 18.4.

(a)                   Exposure to commodity risks


              Braskem is exposed to the variation in the prices of certain commodities and seeks to transfer the variations caused by fluctuations in market prices. On the other hand, during the first six months of 2012, the Company entered into derivative operations to hedge against the exposure to risks arising from isolated transactions involving the commodities naphtha and ethanol (Note 18.2.1). Additionally, an immaterial part of sales is performed based on fixed-price contracts or contracts with a maximum and/or minimum fluctuation range. These contracts can be commercial agreements or derivative contracts associated with future sales.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(b)                   Exposure to foreign exchange risk


              Braskem has commercial operations denominated in or pegged to foreign currencies. Braskem’s inputs and products have prices denominated in or strongly influenced by international prices of commodities, which are usually denominated in U.S. dollar. Additionally, Braskem has long-term loans in foreign currencies that expose it to variations in the foreign exchange rate between the Brazilian real and the foreign currency, in particular the U.S. dollar. Braskem manages its exposure to foreign exchange risk through the combination of debt, financial investments and accounts receivable denominated in foreign currencies and through derivative operations. Braskem’s financial policy for managing foreign exchange risks provides for the maximum and minimum coverage limits that must be observed and which are continuously monitored by its Management.


              On June 30, 2012, Braskem prepared a sensitivity analysis for its exposure to U.S. dollar risk, as informed in Note 18.4(c).


(c)                   Exposure to interest rate risk


              Braskem is exposed to the risk that a variation in floating interest rates causes an increase in its financial expense due to payments of future interest. Debt denominated in foreign currency subject to floating rates is mainly subject to fluctuations in Libor. Debt denominated in local currency is mainly subject to the variation in the Long-Term Interest Rate (“TJLP”), to fixed rates in Brazilian real and to the variation in the Interbank Certificate of Deposit (“daily CDI”) rate. Braskem has swap contracts designated as hedge accounting with asset positions subject to floating LIBOR and liability positions subject to fixed rates.


              On June 30, 2012, Braskem prepared a sensitivity analysis for the exposure to the floating interest rates Libor, CDI and TJLP, as informed in Notes 18.4(d), 18.4(e), 18.4(f), respectively.


3.2.                Exposure to credit risk


               The transactions that subject Braskem to the concentration of credit risks are mainly in current accounts with banks, financial investments and trade accounts receivable in which Braskem is exposed to the risk of the financial institution or customer involved. In order to manage this risk, Braskem maintains bank current accounts and financial investments with major financial institutions, weighting concentrations in accordance with the credit rating and the daily prices observed in the Credit Default Swap market for the institutions, as well as netting contracts that minimize the total credit risk arising from the many financial transactions entered into by the parties.


              On June 30, 2012, Braskem held netting contracts with Banco Citibank S.A. HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. – Banco Múltiplo, Banco Itaú BBA S.A. Banco Safra S.A. Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A. Banco Votorantim S.A. Banco West LB do Brasil S.A. Banco Caixa Geral – Brasil S.A. and Banco Bradesco S.A., which seek to mitigate credit and liquidity risks in the event of the insolvency of the parties involved.  Approximately 27% of the amounts held in cash and cash equivalents (Note 5) and financial investments (Note 6) are contemplated by these agreements, whose related liabilities are accounted for under “borrowings” (Note 17).


              With respect to the credit risk of customers, Braskem protects itself by performing a rigorous analysis before granting credit and obtaining secured and unsecured guarantees when considered necessary.


              The maximum exposure to credit risk of non-derivative financial instruments on the reporting date is the sum of their carrying amounts less any provisions for impairment losses. On June 30, 2012, the balance of trade accounts receivable was net of allowance for doubtful accounts of R$277,189 (R$253,607 on December 31, 2011).





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 



3.3.                Liquidity risk and capital management


              Braskem has a calculation methodology to determine operating cash and minimum cash for the purpose of, respectively: (i) ensuring the liquidity needed to comply with short-term obligations, calculated based on the operating disbursements projected for the following month; and (ii) ensuring that the Company maintains liquidity during potential crises, calculated based on the projected operating cash generation, less short-term debts, working capital needs and other items.


              In some borrowing agreements, Braskem has financial covenants that link net debt and the payment of interest to its consolidated EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) (Note 17). The Company’s Management monitors these indicators on a quarterly basis in U.S. dollar, as established in the borrowing agreements.


              Additionally, Braskem has two revolving credit lines amounting to: (i) US$350 million, which may be used without restriction for a period of three years as from September 2010; and (ii) US$250 million, which may be used without restriction for a period of five years as from August 2011. These credit facilities enable Braskem to reduce the amount of cash it holds. On June 30, 2012, Braskem had not drawn any credit from these lines.







Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


4.                      Business combination

              PP assets abroad – Dow Chemical

              On September 30, 2011, Braskem, through its subsidiaries Braskem America and Braskem Alemanha, acquired the PP business of Dow Chemical for R$607.6 million (US$323 million). On the same date, the amount of R$312,263 (US$166 million) was paid, which corresponds to the portion of accounts payables that were assumed in the transaction.

              The agreement also provided for adjustments to the amount paid based on the variation in trade accounts receivable and inventory, for which the final amount was a receivable of R$23.7 million (US$12.3 million) by the acquirers.

              The negotiation included four industrial units, of which two are in the United States and two in Germany, with combined annual production capacity of 1,050 thousand tons of PP.

              In the United States and Germany, the acquisition included mainly industrial plants, trade accounts receivable, inventory and assumed liabilities related to the business operation. In the United States, the acquired plants are located in the state of Texas and have annual production capacity of 505 thousand tons of PP. In Germany, the plants have annual production capacity of 545 thousand tons of PP.

              The amount paid includes trade accounts receivable and inventory located in Mexico through the subsidiary Braskem México, in the amount of R$13.2 million (US$7.6 million), net of the accounts payable assumed. Since it represented an isolated asset acquisition closed in the short term with the sale of inventory and the financial settlement of accounts receivable and payable, this part of the operation is not considered a business combination.

              The effective settlement of the operation by the parties occurred on September 30, with financial settlement on October 3, 2011. Until the effective payment to Dow Chemical, the acquirers did not make any relevant decisions regarding the operations of the plants, which began to occur only after October 3. The rights and obligations generated as of October 1, 2011 are the responsibility of the acquirers, such as the inventory produced and the new obligations assumed.

              The reasons mentioned above lead to the conclusion that the acquisition of control occurred on October 3, 2011, the date of the registration of the business combination and as of when the acquired assets and liabilities were consolidated into Braskem’s financial statements.

              This acquisition was approved by Brazil’s antitrust authority CADE (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica) on February 8, 2012, by the corresponding U.S. regulatory body on September 9, 2011, and by the European antitrust authorities on September 28, 2011.

              The allocation of the amounts of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011 was made on a preliminary basis by the acquirers. The Company contracted independent experts to measure the fair value of this acquisition, which was concluded in the second quarter of 2012. As a result of this assessment, and as required by IFRS 3 and its corresponding CPC 15 (R1), the Company recognized, retrospectively, the following amounts in the 2011 financial statements:


             (i)         addition of property, plant and equipment, in the amount of R$36,526;






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


              (ii)       effect on deferred income tax loss, in the amount of R$15,021.

              The Company also recognized a credit, in the amount of R$8,540, related to an adjustment in the amount paid, as provided for by the initial agreement.

              Therefore, the Company recognized a gain (bargain purchase) of R$30,045 (US$16.3 million) in the 2011 financial statements under “retained earnings”. The Company also recognized depreciation on the fair value adjustment in the amount of R$1,992, and its deferred income tax effect in the amount of R$639.

              The following table summarizes the consideration paid to Dow Chemical and the fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, which were recognized retrospectively in the financial statements of December 31, 2011:

Germany  Total
Mexico  Total 
Transferred consideration           
Cash  285,135  285,551  570,686  13,214  583,900 
Total transferred consideration (A)  285,135  285,551  570,686  13,214  583,900 

Recognized values of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed

Current assets

Trade receivable accounts

143,932  133,438  277,370  18,948  296,318 


161,617  126,385  288,002  12,661  300,663 
Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment

137,186  222,483  359,669  359,669 
Current liabilities

Trade payables

(140,558)  (153,310)  (293,868)  (18,395)  (312,263) 

Other payable accounts

(845)  (141)  (985)  (985) 
Non-current liabilities

Deferred income tax

(6,374)  (8,647)  (15,021)  (15,021) 

Pension plans

(14,436)  (14,436)  (14,436) 

Total comprehensive identified assets andassumed liabilities in a fair value (B)

294,959  305,773  600,731  13,214  613,945 
Result of business combination (A) - (B) 9,824  20,222  30,045    30,045 


              A specialized independent company estimated the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed, based on the following assumptions:

              (i)         the fair value of trade accounts receivable was calculated based on the collectability of the receivables acquired;

              (ii)       the fair value of inventory was calculated considering the net realizable value of inventories;







Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


              (iii)      the method used to calculate the value of property, plant and equipment was the “replacement cost approach”, reduced by economic and functional obsolescence. The Management, together with its external valuation experts, believed that because it uses the unit value of each asset comprising the plant, the “market approach” would not reflect the actual economic value, since it would not consider the costs with the technologies installed, the costs with installation-support and the active connection with the production and distribution system. During the valuation process, the following information was considered: (a) the installation cost of  similar plants; (b) the most recent quotes for the expansion and replacement of similar  assets; (c) the cash price for replacing the asset, considering the use conditions on the inspection date; and (d) the projected cash flows of the business.

              (iv)     the fair value of trade payables was determined based on the amount paid to settle the obligations by Dow during the negotiation; and

              (v)      the fair value of private pension plans was determined based on the net present value of actuarial liabilities.

              The information related to the other business combinations carried out by the Company was presented in Note 5 to the annual financial statements for 2011.






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


5.                       Cash and cash equivalents


  Parent Company  Consolidated 
  Jun/2012  Dec/2011  Jun/2012  Jun/2011 
Cash and banks  9,841  69,306  364,736  349,916 
Cash equivalents:         

Domestic market 

2,499,010  1,748,027  2,657,622  1,899,825 

Foreign market 

173,477  407,002  275,098  737,078 
Total  2,682,328  2,224,335  3,297,456  2,986,819 


             This table was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 6.



6.                    Financial investments


  Parent Company  Consolidated 
  Jun/2012  Dec/2011  Jun/2012  Dec/2011 



Investments in FIM Sol 

39,496  36,410  39,496  36,410 

Investments in foreign currency 

7,049  10,716  7,049  10,716 


3,023  3,023  3,023  3,023 

Loans and receivables 

Investments in FIM Sol 

90,624  116,007  90,624  116,007 


Quotas of investment funds in credit rights 

43,017  34,720  43,017  34,720 

Restricted deposits 

4,378  2,823  7,415  4,173 

Investments in time deposit 


Investments in foreign currency 


Compensation of investments in foreign currency (i) 

Total  187,587  203,699  241,279  205,049 
In current assets  144,570  168,979  169,962  170,297 
In non-current assets  43,017  34,720  71,317  34,752 
Total  187,587  203,699  241,279  205,049 


             This table was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 7.


             (i)          On June 30, 2012, Braskem Holanda had a balance of financial investments held-to-maturity that was irrevocably offset by an export prepayment agreement of the Parent Company, in the amount of US$150 million, as provided for in the credit assignment agreement entered into between these two companies and Banco Bradesco (Note 17(b)). This accounting offset was carried out in accordance with CPC 39, which provides for the possibility of offsetting financial instruments when there is intent and rightfully executable right to realize an asset and settle a liability simultaneously.







Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


7.                       Trade accounts receivable


  Parent company  Consolidated 
  Jun/2012  Dec/2011  Jun/2012  Dec/2011 

Domestic market 

784,709  660,289  1,064,324  866,168 

Foreign market 

680,665  676,122  1,355,760  1,282,251 
Allowance for doubtful accounts  (204,254)  (189,071)  (277,189)  (253,607) 
Total  1,261,120  1,147,340  2,142,895  1,894,812 
In current assets  1,208,373  1,097,482  2,087,627  1,843,756 
In non-current assets  52,747  49,858  55,268  51,056 
Total  1,261,120  1,147,340  2,142,895  1,894,812 


              This table was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 8.



8.                      Inventories


  Parent company  Consolidated 
  Jun/2012  Dec/2011  Jun/2012  Dec/2011 
Finished goods  1,626,842  1,192,940  3,082,638  2,444,547 
Raw materials, production inputs and packaging  831,822  620,877  1,106,043  866,206 
Maintenance materials  98,878  95,980  191,125  183,779 
Advances to suppliers  11,874  16,522  78,626  58,200 
Imports in transit and other  48,886  42,190  75,257  70,790 
Total  2,618,302  1,968,509  4,533,689  3,623,522 


              This table was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 9.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


9.                      Related parties

              The information concerning related parties was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 10.

(a)                   Parent company


  Balances at June 30, 2012
  Assets Liabilities
  Current Non-current Current Non-Current
  Trade accounts
Related Parties Other   Total Related Parties Total Trade payables Advances

Borrowings Accounts payable to related parties Total Borrowings Accounts payable to
related parties
    Receivable notes Other receivable       Current
  Advance to export Payable notes     Advance to

Braskem America 

12,068 1,485 13,553 1 1

Braskem Argentina 

46,452 46,452

Braskem Chile 

2,809 2,809

Braskem Distribuidora 

5,688 5,688

Braskem Holanda 

11,930 108 12,038 453,689 23,368 7,765 484,822 2,493,932 2,493,932

Braskem Idesa 

504 504

Braskem Importação 

115 115

Braskem Inc 

12,073 12,073 7,324 7,324 2,722,364 52,659 783 2,775,806 3,210,303  85,245 3,295,548

Braskem México 

581 581

Braskem Participações 

96 96 1,507 1,507

Braskem Petroquímica 

26,160 14,273 (i) 40,433 58,341 58,341 451 451      

Braskem Qpar 

509 326 835 352,625 352,625 171 171      


3,188 3,188      


733 733


58 58

Politeno Empreendimentos 

15 15


6,009 7,729 (i) 13,738 19,874 19,874 145 145 79,741 79,741


7,085   71   7,156          154         154     255,481   255,481


125,095 2,774 397 22,002 150,268 432,405 7,324   439,729 2,726,474 453,689  52,659 23,368 8,548 3,264,738 3,210,303  2,493,932 341,773 85,245 6,131,253


Jointly-controlled subsidiaries 


3,497 3,497


  6,658     6,658                              


  10,155     10,155                              


Associated companies 


4 186 190


15,136       15,136                              


15,140 186     15,326                              


Related companies 

Construtora Norberto Odebrecht ("CNO") 

333 333      


60,511 44,201 60,511 1,247,207 1,247,207      

Petrobras International Finance ("PifCo") 

65,340 65,340       


87       87                                


65,427       65,427    60,511 44,201 60,511 1,247,540         1,247,540          



FIM Sol 

      2,402,294 (ii) 2,402,294                              


      2,402,294 2,402,294                              




205,662 13,115 397 2,424,296 2,643,470 432,405 67,835 44,201 500,240 3,974,014 453,689 52,659 23,368 8,548 4,512,278 3,210,303 2,493,932 341,773 85,245 6,131,253
(i) Amounts in "dividends and interest on capital receivable".
(ii)Amounts in "cash and cash equivalents" : R$ 2,272,174 and in "financial investments": R$ 130,120.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 



  Income statement transactions from January to June 30, 2012 
    Purchases of    Cost of 
    raw materials,  Financial  production/general 
  Sales  services and  income  and administrative 
  of products  utilities  (expenses)  expenses 
Braskem America  5,425  1,413 
Braskem Argentina  59,906  1,924 
Braskem Chile  21,438  119 
Braskem Finance  1 
Braskem Holanda  246,737  (301,120) 
Braskem Idesa  14 
Braskem Inc  21,069  1,096,587  (631,305) 
Braskem Petroquímica  180,481  100,280 
Braskem Qpar  22,548  41,926 
Ideom  2  5,500 
Lantana  4 
Quantiq  95,635  4,815 
Riopol  71,688  49,295     
  724,929  1,298,403  (928,950)   
Jointly-controlled subsidiaries 
RPR  1,940  1,482  743   
  1,940  1,482  743   
Associated companies         
Borealis  35,694 
Sansuy  13,504  6,902     
  49,198  6,902     
Related companies 
CNO  156,758 
OSP  87,538 
Petrobras  321,686  5,153,849  2,341 
Other    82,459     
  321,686  5,480,604  2,341   
Post-employament benefit plan         
Odebrecht Previdência Privada ("Odeprev")        12,490 
Total  1,097,753  6,787,391  (925,866)  12,490 






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 



  Balances at December 31, 2011
  Assets  Liabilities
  Current Non-current Current Non-current
Other receivable Other    Total  Related parties Total Trade payables Borrowings Accounts payable
to related
Total Borrowings Accounts payable
to related parties
            Current accounts Loan
 Advance for future capital increase       Advance to export Payable notes     Advance to export Current accounts Payable notes  

Braskem America 

8,164 8,164

Braskem Argentina 

37,149 37,149

Braskem Chile 

496 10 506

Braskem Distribuidora 

5,500 5,500 

Braskem Holanda 

171,590 171,590 7,157 7,157 1,155,493 1,155,493 

Braskem Importação 

119 119 

Braskem Inc 

30,641 30,641 6,633 6,633 2,307,204 56,309 72,633 2,436,146 3,448,165 7,203 3,455,368 

Braskem México 

581 581

Braskem Petroquímica 

77,055 14,273 (i) 91,328 649,639 649,639 25,523 25,523 17,726 17,726 

Braskem Participações 

96 96 1,497 1,497

Braskem Qpar 

3,137 3,137 155,712 155,712 1,100 1,100


58 58


189 189 8,987 8,987 18,899 18,899


115 115 


54 54

Politeno Empreendimentos 

1 1


7,788 15,995 (i) 23,783 5,022 5,022 246 246 14,275 14,275 


12,977     12,977     738,799 738,799 10,476       10,476     97,136   97,136 
  349,186 687 30,268 380,141 171,273 6,633 1,388,438 1,566,344 2,363,506 56,309 7,157 72,633 2,499,605 3,448,165 1,155,493 134,871 7,203 4,745,732
Jointly-controlled subsidiaries 



5,196 5,196


  3,497   3,497                            
    8,693   8,693                            
Associated companies 


2,936 187   3,123                            


2,936 187   3,123                            

Related companies 


4,128 4,128


5,329 15,990 21,319 58,169 58,169 1,360,267 1,360,267


19,953 103   20,056          9,930        9,930          


25,282 16,093   41,375   58,169  


1,374,325       1,374,325          


FIM Sol 

    1,665,817 (ii) 1,665,817                            
      1,665,817 1,665,817                            
Total  377,404 25,660 1,696,085 2,099,149 171,273 64,802 1,388,438 1,624,513 3,737,831 56,309 7,157 72,633 3,873,930 3,448,165 1,155,493 134,871 7,203 4,745,732
(i) Amounts in "dividends and interest on capital receivable".  
(ii)Amounts in "cash and cash equivalents" : R$ 1,513,400 and in "financial investments": R$ 152,417.  






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 



  Income statement transactions from January to June 30, 2011 
    Purchases of    Cost of 
    raw materials,  Financial  production/general 
  Sales  services and  income  and administrative 
  of products  utilities  (expenses)  expenses 

Braskem America 

5,106  (208) 

Braskem Argentina 

25,977  (2,172) 

Braskem Chile 

5,682  6,312 

Braskem Distribuidora 


Braskem Holanda 

231,186  21,545 

Braskem Idesa 


Braskem Importação 


Braskem Inc 

1,742,080  231,552 

Braskem Participações 


Braskem Petroquímica 

62,427  20,508  (346) 

Braskem Qpar 

2,642  32,986  45,681 


71  16,769 


10  760 




117  55 



Politeno Empreendimentos 



52,469  4,999  1,662 


15,782  133,717  1,561   
  401,352  1,951,176  306,262   
Jointly-controlled subsidiary 


13,276  6,540     
  13,276  6,540     
Associated companies         


Related companies 






1,221  13 




442,110  3,552,599  2,150 




  449,556  4,277,122  2,152   
Post-employament benefit plan         


Total  957,218  6,234,838  308,414  5,064 







Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(b)                      Consolidated


  Balances at June 30, 2012 
  Assets  Liabilities 
  Current  Non-current  Current 
  receivable    Related parties  Total  Related parties  Total  Trade payables 
          Loan  Other     
      Receivable notes    agreements  receivable     
Jointly-controlled subsidiaries 
Polimerica  3,497  3,497 
Propilsur  6,658  6,658 
RPR              2,575 
    10,155  10,155        2,575 
Associated companies     
Borealis  264  186  450 
Sansuy  15,136    15,136         
  15,400  186  15,586         
Related companies 
CNO  333 
Petrobras  60,511  105,895  166,406  1,716,221 
PifCo  70,880  70,880 
Other  87    87         
  70,967    70,880  60,511  105,895  166,406  1,716,554 
Total  86,367  10,341  96,621  60,511  105,895  166,406  1,719,129 



  Income statement transactions from January to June 30, 2012 
    Purchases of    Cost of 
    raw materials,  Financial  production/general 
  Sales  services and  income  and administrative 
  of products  utilities  (expenses)  expenses 
Jointly-controlled subsidiary 


2,247  17,877  743   
  2,247  17,877  743   
Associated companies 




13,504  6,902     
  55,043  6,902     
Related parties 






477,410  8,352,188  1,992 


  477,410  8,679,616  1,992   
Post-employment benefit plan 


Total  534,700  8,704,395  2,735  14,469 






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 



  Balances at December 31, 2011 
  Assets  Liabilities 
  Current  Non-current  Current  Non-current 
  Trade accounts  Other        Payable accounts to 
  receivable  receivable  Total  Related parties  Trade payables  related parties 
            Advance for future 
        Loan agreements    capital increase 
Jointly-controlled subsidiaries             


  2,598  2,598      24,855 


  1,748  1,748      19,978 
    4,346  4,346      44,833 
Associated companies             


2,936  187  3,123       
  2,936  187  3,123       
Related parties           




6,887  81,955  88,842  58,169  1,777,503   


19,954  103  20,057    10,003   
  26,841  82,058  108,899  58,169  1,791,634   
Total  29,777  86,591  116,368  58,169  1,791,634  44,833 








Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 



  Income statement transactions from January to June 30, 2011 
    Purchases of    Cost of 
    raw materials,  Financial  production/general 
  Sales  services and  income  and administrative 
  of products  utilities  (expenses)  expenses 
Jointly-controlled subsidiary 


13,615  18,770  (56)   
  13,615  18,770  (56)   

Associated companies 


Related companies 








712,945  6,481,978  2,150 




  720,391  7,207,764  2,139   
Post-employment benefit plan 


  827,040  7,226,534  2,083  6,866 


(c)                 Key management personnel



Non-current liabilities  Jun/2012  Dec/2011     

Long-term incentives 

2,172  4,121     


2,172  4,121     
Income statement transactions  Parent Company  Consolidated 
  Jun/2012  Jun/2011  Jun/2012  Jun/2011 

Short-term benefits to employees and managers 

26,302  22,693  26,302  25,168 

Post-employment benefit 

102  98  102  121 

Long-term incentives 

298  569  298  569 


26,702  23,360  26,702  25,858 






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


10.                Taxes recoverable


    Parent Company  Consolidated 
  Note  Jun/2012  Dec/2011  Jun/2012  Dec/2011 
Parent Company and subsidiaries in Brazil           

Excise tax (IPI) 

  32,663  30,625  36,248  31,575 

Value-added tax on sales and services (ICMS) 

  626,818  649,546  1,056,783  1,057,964 

Social integration program (PIS) and social contribution on revenue (COFINS) 

  539,118  280,480  736,339  470,962 

PIS and COFINS - Law 9,718/98 

  153,620  151,457  159,896  157,733 

PIS - Decree-Law 2,445 and 2,449/88 

  90,857  180,234  110,595  199,972 

Income tax and social contribution (IR and CSL) 

  273,994  242,615  412,930  372,489 

Tax on net income (ILL) 

  15,175  14,912  15,175  14,912 

REINTEGRA program 

(a)  97,171  13,804  122,248  17,924 

Additional state income tax (AIRE) 

  56,001  56,001  56,001  56,001 


  39,827  49,558  68,216  81,345 
Foreign subsidiaries           

Value-added tax 

      122,100  64,291 

Income tax 

      17,346  17,332 




  1,925,244  1,669,232  2,914,173  2,542,500 
In current assets    800,106  606,258  1,300,513  1,036,253 
In non-current assets    1,125,138  1,062,974  1,613,660  1,506,247 
Total    1,925,244  1,669,232  2,914,173  2,542,500 


             The information related to taxes recoverable was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 11.


(a)                   REINTEGRA Program


              On December 14, 2011, Federal Law 12,546 was approved, which created the program called “REINTEGRA”. The program aims to refund to exporters the federal taxes levied on the production chain for goods sold abroad. The realization of such credits may occur in two ways: (i) to offset PIS and COFINS taxes; or (ii) as cash refund. The Company opted for cash refund.






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


11.                   Judicial deposits

  Parent Company  Consolidated 
  Jun/2012  Dec/2011  Jun/2012  Dec/2011 
Judicial deposits         

Tax contingencies 

95,672  96,081  104,797  105,611 

Labor and social security contingencies 

54,626  50,595  65,875  60,187 


4,914  4,916  6,159  8,422 
Total  155,212  151,592  176,831  174,220 


             This table was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 12.


12.                 Insurance claims

              On June 30, 2012, the main amounts under this item were as follows:

              (i)    damages receivable for losses that occurred in December 2010 and February 2011 in the furnaces and electric system at the Olefins plants of the Basic Petrochemicals unit of the Northeast Complex in the amounts of R$84,940 and R$28,575, respectively; and

              (ii)    damages receivable for losses at the Chlor-Alkali plant in the state of Alagoas in the amount of R$7,137.

              In the first half of 2012, Braskem received the amount of R$36,545 from insurers related to damages for the losses that occurred in the furnaces of the Olefins plants. On June 30, 2012, the amounts of damages expected to be received within 12 months were transferred to current assets, under “other accounts receivable” (Note 13), in the amount of R$68,731, of which R$40,426 are related to the losses mentioned in item (i) of this note.

              The information related to insurance claims was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements, in Note 13.







Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


13.                  Other accounts receivable - consolidated

              The information related to other accounts receivable was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements, in Note 14.

(a)                   Current

              The main balances forming this line under current assets are:

              (i)              R$101,888 in advances to service suppliers (R$96,213 on December 31, 2011); and

              (ii)            R$68,731 in insurance claims, which were transferred to current assets, in accordance with the estimated receivable dates (Note 12).

(b)                   Non-current

              On June 30, 2012, the main balance under this item refers to credits from the mandatory Eletrobras loan in the periods from 1977 to 1986 and 1987 to 1994, in the amount of R$80 million.







Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


14.                  Investments

              The information related to investments was presented in the Company’s 2011 annual financial statements, in Note 15.

(a)                   Information on investments

    Parent company
    Interest in
total capital (%)
Adjusted net profit (loss)
for the period
  Jun/2012 Jun/2011 Jun/2012 Dec/2011
(a.1) Investments of the parent company             

Braskem Alemanha 

  5.66  (45,348)  191,356  208,192 

Braskem America 

  100.00  252,851  25,636  746,712  480,405 

Braskem Argentina 

  96.77  (523)  2,320  3,942  4,465 

Braskem Austria 

(i)  100.00  81 

Braskem Chile 

  99.02  150  (135)  1,693  1,543 

Braskem Distribuidora 

  100.00  6,561  (5,301)  101,051  94,490 

Braskem Holanda 

  100.00  11,414  13,223  527,528  489,925 

Braskem Finance 

  100.00  (25,643)  (102,997)  (116,633)  (90,990) 

Braskem Idesa 

  65.00  (27,719)  (7,192)  328,964  267,367 

Braskem Importação 

  0.04  (1)  8  204  205 

Braskem Inc. 

  100.00  27,475  (49,196)  215,465  187,990 

Braskem Participações 

  100.00  286  1,231  1,637  781 

Braskem Petroquímica 

  100.00  22,280  7,988  1,585,147  913,193 

Braskem Qpar 

  96.96  (49,646)  72,795  2,672,410  2,722,056 


  52.67  11,569  20,563  305,935  290,192 


(ii)  100.00  (10,748)  20,762 


  0.12  627  371  2,820  1,690 

Petroquímica Chile 

  97.96  212  1,016  6,920  6,708 

Politeno Empreendimentos 

  99.98  (2)  (4)  29  31 


  99.90  7,524  10,533  236,424  228,899 


  100.00  43,356  64,864  2,549,730  1,767,574 
Jointly-controlled subsidiary           


  33.20  2,696  8,860  120,534  120,655 


  20.00  5,703  7,533  155,060  149,349 

Companhia de Desenvolvimento Rio Verde ("Codeverde")

  35.97  649  1,561  47,343  66,606 


  20.00  (12)  (12)  1,942  1,954 

       Company incorporated in February 2012 (Note 1(b.2)).

(ii)     Company merged into Braskem in February 2012 (Note 1(b.3)).






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 



  Parent company 
  Interest in
total capital (%)
Adjusted net profit (loss)
for the period
  Jun/2012 Jun/2011 Jun/2012 Dec/2011
(a.2) Investiments of subsidiaries           
Braskem America           

Braskem America Finance 

100.00  (505)  (5,605)  (3,506) 

Braskem Chile 

Braskem Argentina 

3.17  (523)  2,320  3,942  4,465 

Petroquímica Chile 

2.03  212  1,016  6,920  6,708 

Braskem Distribuidora 

Braskem Argentina 

0.06  (523)  2,320  3,942  4,465 


96.34  6,845  (4,947)  95,117  88,272 

Braskem Holanda 


Braskem Alemanha 

94.34  (45,348)  191,356  208,192 


49.00  (515)  (310)  107,909  103,419 


49.00  (13)  (132)  74,045  71,377 

Braskem Idesa 


Braskem Idesa Serviços 

100.00  234  2,448  1,982 

Braskem Importação 


Braskem México 

0.03  259  1,033  3,065  2,237 

Braskem Inc. 


Braskem Chile 

0.98  150  (135)  1,693  1,543 


3.66  6,845  (4,947)  95,117  88,272 

Petroquímica Chile 

0.01  212  1,016  6,920  6,708 

Braskem Participações 


Braskem Importação 

99.96  (1)  8  204  205 

Braskem México 

99.97  259  1,033  3,065  2,237 

Politeno Empreendimentos 

0.02  (2)  (4)  29  31 


0.10  7,524  10,533  236,424  228,899 

Braskem Petroquímica 

Braskem Qpar 

3.04  (49,646)  72,795  2,672,410  2,722,056 


1.24  11,569  20,563  305,935  290,192 



100.00  6,076  (2,376)  68,071  61,995 



99.88  627  371  2,820  1,690 

Braskem Qpar 


100.00  550  (324)  7,456  6,906 




  Interest in
total capital (%)
Adjusted net profit (loss)
for the period
  Jun/2012 Jun/2011 Jun/2012 Dec/2011


20.00  5,703  7,533  155,060  149,349 


35.97  649  1,561  47,343  66,606 


20.00  (12)  (12)  1,942  1,954 






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(b)                      Changes in investments in subsidiaries, jointly-controlled subsidiaries and associates


Parent company
Balance at
Merger Shares
interest on
Equity in results of investees Goodwill
Other Interest
Balance at
of results
of profit
in inventories
Domestic subsidiaries   

Braskem Distribuidora 

94,490  6,561  101,051 

Braskem Participações 

781  286  570  1,637 

Braskem Petroquímica 

(ii) 773,644  649,639  22,280  1,539  (1,718)  34  1,445,418 

Braskem Qpar 

3,632,228  (48,136)  1,609  (42,835)    3,542,866 


147,638  254  6,392  (956)  1,477  154,805 


(i) 20,762  (23,387)    2,625   

Politeno Empreendimentos 

31  (2)  29 


234,169  7,525  190  18  241,902 


(ii) 1,765,777  738,799    43,356  477  2,548,409 


40,063           (1,689)  1,649                 40,023 
  6,709,583  (23,387)  254  1,388,438  (1,689)  42,536  3,815  (45,509)  18  1,511  570  8,076,140 
Fore ign subsidiarie s                         

Braskem Alemanha 

12,853  (2,567)    545  10,831 

Braskem America 

488,191  252,851  2,025  3,645  746,712 

Braskem Argentina 

3,127  (523)  1,338  3,942 

Braskem Austria 

81    81 

Braskem Chile 

1,543  150  1,693 

Braskem Holanda 

507,737  11,414  8,377  527,528 

Braskem Idesa 

173,488  34,869  (18,017)  23,486  213,826 

Braskem Inc. 

187,990  27,475  215,465 

Petroquímica Chile 

6,708          212            6,920 
  1,381,637      34,950    270,995  3,363        36,053  1,726,998 
Total subsidiaries and jointly-controled  8,091,220  (23,387)  254  1,423,388  (1,689)  313,531  7,178  (45,509)  18  1,511  36,623  9,803,138 


29,870          1,142            31,012 
Total associate  29,870          1,142             31,012 


(i)       Company merged into Braskem in February 2012 (Note 1(b.2)).

(ii)     On April 30, 2012, the capital stock of these subsidiaries was increased though Advance for Future Capital Increase (AFAC) (Note 1 (b.4)).





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(c)                        Breakdown of equity accounting results



Parent company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Jun/2011 Jun/2012 Jun/2011
Equity in results of subsidiaries  320,709  113,494  118  (293) 
Equity in results of associate and jointly-controlled subsidiary  1,142  2,227  589  1,871 
Amortization of fair value adjustment  (45,509) (i) (48,546) 
Provision for losses on investments  (25,625)  (83,760)  (18) 
Dividends from other investments / other  1,373  420  1,373  (2,308) 
  252,090  (16,165)  2,080  (748) 


(i)         Amortization of fair value adjustments comprises the following:


·        R$42,835 related to the amortization of fair value adjustments on the assets and liabilities from the acquisition of Quattor. This amount is distributed in the following items of the consolidated statement of operations: “net sales revenue”, in the amount of R$9,718; “cost of sales”, in the amount of R$46,672; “general and administrative expenses” in the amount of R$45, and “financial results”, in the amount of R$8,466. The effect of deferred income tax and social contribution was R$22,066.


·        R$2,674 related to the amortization of goodwill from fair value adjustments on property, plant and equipment of the subsidiaries Braskem Petroquímica and Cetrel.








Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


15.                     Property, plant and equipment


Parent company
Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Cost Accumulated
Net Cost Accumulated
Land  84,112    84,112  84,112    84,112 
Buildings and improvements  1,434,136  (656,245)  777,891  1,429,520  (632,144)  797,376 
Machinery, equipment and installations  15,465,291  (7,136,247)  8,329,044  14,900,873  (6,767,658)  8,133,215 
Projects in progress  2,772,726    2,772,726  2,618,316    2,618,316 
Other  511,225  (316,292)  194,933  499,450  (306,491)  192,959 
Impairment  (159,892)    (159,892)  (160,036)    (160,036) 
Total  20,107,598  (8,108,784)  11,998,814  19,372,235  (7,706,293)  11,665,942 
Jun/2012 Dec/2011 
Cost Accumulated
Net Cost Accumulated
Land  419,284  419,284  418,426    418,426 
Buildings and improvements  1,876,246  (710,512)  1,165,734  1,859,991  (678,524)  1,181,467 
Machinery, equipment and installations  23,480,852  (8,615,728)  14,865,124  22,782,338  (7,923,353)  14,858,985 
Projects in progress  4,286,872  4,286,872  3,771,381  3,771,381 
Other  922,038  (400,933)  521,105  941,649  (349,151)  592,498 
Impairment  (159,892)    (159,892)  (160,036)    (160,036) 
Total  30,825,400  (9,727,173)  21,098,227  29,613,749  (8,951,028)  20,662,721 


This table was presented in the Company’s 2011 annual financial statements, in Note 16.


The projects in progress mainly relate to operating improvements to increase the economic useful life of machinery and equipment and to the expansion projects, particularly the expansion of the PVC plant in the state of Alagoas and the construction of a new Butadiene plant in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. In addition, this balance includes the Company's investment in Mexico called Ethylene XXI, for the construction of an ethylene and polyethylene plant through the subsidiary Braskem Idesa.


Impairment test for property, plant and equipment


In the first quarter of 2012, with the announcement of the shutdown of the refinery of Sunoco (Note 1 (a)), the Company's Management decided to conduct impairment testing of the Cash Generating Unit (“CGU”) composed of the PP plants in the United States and that is part of the International Business operating segment, in accordance with the guidelines in CPC 1 (IAS 36). The test did not indicate the need to provision for the impairment loss of this CGU.


The following premises were adopted to determine the discounted cash flow: cash flow for 5 years based on the Business Plan, discount rate based on the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of 8.1% p.a. and growth rate to determine the perpetuity based on the annual inflation as measured by the U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 2.3% p.a.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 



Given the potential impact on cash flows of the “discount rate” and the “growth rate in perpetuity”, a sensitivity analysis was conducted based on changes in these variables, which confirmed that there was no need for recording a provision. The sensitivity analysis included two scenarios: (i) +0.5% in the discount rate; and

(ii) - 0.5% in the growth rate in perpetuity.


There were no significant events or circumstances in the period ended June 30, 2012 that indicated the need for impairment testing on the property, plant and equipment of the other CGUs and/or operating segments of the Company.


16.                     Intangible Assets


Consolidated Parent
Jun/2012 Dec/2011 Jun/2012
Cost Accumulated
Net Cost Accumulated
Net Net
Goodwill based on future profitability  3,194,545  (1,130,794)  2,063,751  3,194,545  (1,130,794)  2,063,751  2,058,874 
Trademarks and patents  209,103  (66,805)  142,298  189,745  (62,217)  127,528  51,459 
Software and use rights  434,699  (188,584)  246,115  410,231  (162,444)  247,787  143,496 
Contracts with customers and suppliers  671,190  (122,839)  548,351  671,190  (93,564)  577,626   
Total  4,509,537  (1,509,022)  3,000,515  4,465,711  (1,449,019)  3,016,692  2,253,829 


This table was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 17.


Impairment testing of intangible assets with indefinite useful life


In December 2011, the Company tested intangible assets for impairment and did not identify any losses. The projection of cash flows used was 5 years as from December 2011. The following assumptions were adopted to determine value through the discounted cash flow method: projections of cash flows based on estimates of the business for future cash flows, discount rates based on the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and growth rates to determine perpetuity based on annual inflation measured by the IPCA consumer price index (Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo). 


There were no significant events or circumstances in the period ended June 30, 2012 that indicated the need for impairment testing of the intangible assets with indefinite useful life.






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


17.                     Borrowings


Annual financial charges Consolidated
Mone tary restate ment Average inte rest
(unle ss otherwise stated)
Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Foreign currency             

Bonds and MTN 

(i)  Note 17 (a)  Note 17 (a)  8,669,641  6,147,427 

Advances on exchange contracts 

(ii)  US dollar exchange variation  2.03%  131,668 

Export prepayments 

  Note 17 (b)  Note 17 (b)  929,017  1,781,346 


  Note 17 (c)  Note 17 (c)  460,195  413,722 

Export credit notes 

  Note 17 (d)  Note 17 (d)  779,023  723,153 

Project financing (NEXI) 

(iii)  Yen exchange variation  0.95% above Libor  26,318 


  US dollar exchange variation  1.69% above Libor  759,203  476,086 

Transactions costs, net 

      (80,822)  (84,525) 
Local currency             

Export credit notes 

  Note 17 (d)  Note 17 (d)  1,980,193  2,281,814 


  Note 17 (c)  Note 17 (c)  2,497,894  2,556,521 


    6.93%  655,660  504,476 


  T JLP  0.31%  32,079  40,372 


  Post-fixed monetary correction  106% of CDI  11,252  148,158 

Transactions costs, net 

      (378)  (1,724) 
Total        16,692,957    15,144,812 
Current liabilities        1,385,407  1,391,779 
Non-current liabilities        15,307,550  13,753,033 
Total        16,692,957    15,144,812 


(i)           Medium Term Notes (MTNs)

(ii)         In February 2012, the Company prepaid this borrowing.

(iii)        In June 2012, the Company paid at maturity the borrowing denominated in yen contracted from NEXI.


  Parent company 
  Jun/2012  Dec/2011 
Foreign currency     

Current liabilities 

319,092  409,580 

Non-current liabilities 

7,267,814  7,586,674 
  7,586,906  7,996,254 
Local currency     

Current liabilities 

664,239  551,939 

Non-current liabilities 

3,723,414  3,689,522 
  4,387,653  4,241,461 
Current liabilities  983,331  961,519 
Non-current liabilities  10,991,228  11,276,196 
Total  11,974,559  12,237,715 


The information related to borrowings was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 19.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(a)                      Bonds and MTN


Issue date Issue amount
(US$ in thousands)
Maturity Interest
(% per year)
Jun/2012 Dec/2011
July 1997    250,000  June 2015  9.38  132,949  123,379 
January 2004    250,000  January 2014  11.75  179,292  166,392 
September 2006    275,000  January 2017  8.00  273,223  253,563 
June 2008    500,000  June 2018  7.25  1,015,738  942,622 
May 2010    400,000  May 2020  7.00  811,710  752,951 
May 2010    350,000  May 2020  7.00  714,746  663,296 
October 2010    450,000  no maturity date  7.38  925,610  858,981 
April 2011    750,000  April 2021  5.75  1,529,008  1,419,013 
July 2011    500,000  July 2041  7.13  1,042,254  967,230 
February 2012  (i)  250,000  April 2021  5.75  511,378 
February 2012  (ii)  250,000  no maturity date  7.38  514,331 
May 2012  (iii)  500,000  May 2022  5.38  1,019,402   
Total    4,725,000      8,669,641  6,147,427 


(i)         On February 2, 2012, the Company concluded the bond issue in the amount of US$250 million that represented an additional issue to the operation that Braskem Finance carried out in April 2011, in the amount of US$750 million.


(ii)       On February 14, 2012, the Company concluded the bond issue in the amount of US$250 million that represented an additional issue to the perpetual bond issue carried out by Braskem Finance in October 2010 in the amount of US$450 million.


(iii)     On May 2, 2012, the subsidiary Braskem Finance concluded the US$500 million bond issue with an interest coupon of 5.375% per annum and an effective yield for investors of 5.4% per annum. The bonds mature in May 2022 and have semiannual interest payments on May 2 and November 2 of each year.


(b)                      Export prepayments (“EPP”)


Issue date Initial amount
of the transaction
(US$ thousand)
Maturity Charges (% per year) Consolidated
Jun/2012 Dec/2011
December 2005    55,000  December 2012  US dollar exchange variation + semiannual Libor + 1.60  13,903  25,803 
July 2006  (i)  95,000  June 2013  US dollar exchange variation + 3.17  33,416 
July 2006  (i)  75,000  July 2014  US dollar exchange variation + 2.73  72,696 
March 2007  (i)  35,000  March 2014  US dollar exchange variation + 4.10  47,147 
April 2007  (ii)  150,000  April 2014  US dollar exchange variation + 3.40  282,206 
March 2010  (i)  100,000  March 2015  US dollar exchange variation + 4.67  190,808 
May 2010    150,000  May 2015  US dollar exchange variation + semiannual Libor + 2.40  304,037  282,093 
June 2010  (i)  150,000  June 2016  US dollar exchange variation + semiannual Libor + 2.60  281,869 
December 2010    100,000  December 2017  US dollar exchange variation + semiannual Libor + 2.47  203,856  187,783 
March 2011  (iii)  200,000  February 2021  US dollar exchange variation + semiannual Libor + 1.20  407,221  377,525 
Total    1,110,000      929,017  1,781,346 


(i)         The Company prepaid these borrowings.






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(ii)       On June 30, 2012, the balance of financial investments of Braskem Holanda was irrevocably offset in the consolidated financial statements using the balance of EPP of the Parent Company (Note 6).


(iii)     The operation establishes formal financial covenants between the Company and the financial institution (Note 17(h)).


(c)                      BNDES borrowings


Braskem has borrowings contracted with the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), with a breakdown by project presented below:

Projects Issue date Maturity Charges (% per year) Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Foreign currency           
Other  2005/2006  October 2016  US dollar exchange variation + 6.39 to 6.59  11,281  11,764 
Other  2005/2006  May 2013  Monetary variation (UMBNDES) + 5.49 to 6.29  2,424  3,683 
Plant PP - Paulinia  2006  January 2015  US dollar exchange variation + 6.49  23,059  25,546 
Limit of credit UNIB-South  2006  July 2014  US dollar exchange variation + 5.41 to 6.09  14,941  17,866 
Braskem Qpar expansion  2006/2007/2008  April 2016  US dollar exchange variation + 6.09 to 6.59  40,688  44,047 
Braskem Qpar expansion  2006/2007/2008  January 2015  Monetary variation (UMBNDES) + 6.24  2,580  2,862 
Limit of credit I  2007  April 2015  US dollar exchange variation + 4.91 to 5.80  52,176  57,813 
Green PE  2009  July 2017  US dollar exchange variation + 6.17  48,761  49,463 
Limit of credit II  2009  January 2017  US dollar exchange variation + 6.17  103,667  87,694 
Plant expansion PVC Alagoas  2010  January 2020  US dollar exchange variation + 6.17  73,954  68,630 
Limit of credit III  2011  January 2018  US dollar exchange variation + 6.04  62,534  28,169 
Butadiene  2011  January 2021  US dollar exchange variation + 6.04  24,130  16,185 
        460,195  413,722 
Local currency           
Other  2005/2006  September 2016  TJLP + 0.52 to 3.50  134,568  166,862 
Plant PP - Paulinia  2006  December 2014  TJLP + 2.40 to 3.40  204,128  245,014 
Limit of credit UNIB-South  2006  May 2014  TJLP + 2.02 to 3.00  67,772  92,131 
Braskem Qpar expansion  2006/2007/2008  February 2016  TJLP + 1.00 to 3.50  392,638  460,270 
Limit of credit I  2007  April 2015  TJLP + 1.81 to 2.32  217,170  260,851 
Green PE  2008/2009  June 2017  TJLP + 0.00 to 4.78  461,175  508,083 
Limit of credit II  2009  January 2017  TJLP + 2.58 to 3.58  358,254  327,902 
Limit of credit II  2009  January 2017  4.50  15,999  17,582 
Plant expansion PVC Alagoas  2010  December 2019  TJLP + 0.00 to 3.58  261,340  261,403 
Plant expansion PVC Alagoas  2010  December 2019  5.50  40,463  30,129 
Limit of credit III  2011  January 2018  TJLP + 2.05 to 3.45  246,378  122,234 
Butadiene  2011  December 2020  TJLP + 2.45 to 3.45  98,009  64,060 
Total        2,497,894  2,556,521 





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(d)                      Export credit notes (“NCE”)


Issue date Initial amount
of the transaction
Maturity Charges (% per year) Consolidated
Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Foreign currency            
November 2006   167,014  May 2018  Us dollar exchange variation + 8.10  159,471  147,991 
April 2007   101,605  March 2018  Us dollar exchange variation + 7.87  102,877  95,533 
May 2007   146,010  May 2019  Us dollar exchange variation + 7.85  152,589  141,636 
January 2008   266,430  February 2020  Us dollar exchange variation + 7.30  312,417  290,043 
March 2008   41,750  March 2016  Us dollar exchange variation + 7.50  51,669  47,950 
    722,809      779,023  723,153 
Local currency            
December 2005 (i)  100,000  March 2014  106% of CDI  105,345 
January 2006 (i)  11,500  January 2014  108% of CDI  7,731 
April 2010 50,000  March 2014  12.16  64,446  60,861 
June 2010 200,000  June 2014  12.13  251,551  237,590 
September 2010 (ii)  71,000  September 2012  100.7% of CDI  86,539  81,818 
February 2011 250,000  February 2014  99% of CDI  287,092  274,613 
April 2011 (iii)  450,000  April 2019  112.5% of CDI  458,523  461,209 
June 2011 80,000  June 2014  98.5% of CDI  88,395  84,572 
August 2011 (iii)  400,000  August 2019  112.5% of CDI  403,170  404,267 
October 2011 250,000  April 2012  108.3% of CDI  158,568 
November 2011 (i)  400,000  November 2019  112.5% of CDI  405,240 
January 2012 200,000  December 2013  103% of CDI  209,465   
February 2012 30,000  December 2012  8.50  30,946   
June 2012 100,000  June 2014  103% of CDI  100,066   
Total   2,592,500      1,980,193  2,281,814 


(i)         The Company settled these borrowings in advance.


(ii)       The Company entered into a swap operation for this borrowing, which was designated as hedge accounting (Note 18.2.1(b.i)).


(iii)     The Company entered into hedge transactions for certain NCE contracts in order to offset the variation in the Interbank Certificate of Deposit (CDI) rate (Note 18.2.1(a.i)).






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(e)                      Payment schedule


The maturity profile of the long-term amounts is as follows:


Jun/2012 Dec/2011
2013  660,207  1,252,464 
2014  1,752,192  1,781,917 
2015  1,189,219  1,123,509 
2016  1,022,517  1,204,472 
2017  649,284  565,456 
2018  1,453,464  1,331,131 
2019  1,169,327  1,536,264 
2020  1,909,024  1,754,200 
2021  2,061,074  1,430,065 
2022 and thereafter  3,441,242  1,773,555 
Total  15,307,550  13,753,033 


(f)                       Capitalized financial charges


The Company and its subsidiaries capitalized financial charges in the period ended June 30, 2012 in the amount of R$78,883 (R$40,316 on June 30, 2011), including monetary variation and part of the exchange variation. The average rate of these charges in the period was 7.27% p.a. (7.45% p.a. on June 30, 2011).



(g)                      Guarantees


Braskem gave collateral for part of its borrowings as follows:


Loans Maturity Total
Total debt
BNB  December 2022  325,389  325,389  Mortgage of plants, pledge of machinery and equipment 
BNDES  January 2020  2,958,089  2,958,089  Mortgage of plants, land and property, pledge of machinery and equipment 
FUNDES  May 2020  206,898  206,898  Mortgage of plants, land and property, pledge of machinery and equipment 
FINEP  January 2019  147,847  147,847  Bank surety 
FINAME  July 2015  7,605  7,605  Pledge of equipment 
Total    3,645,828  3,645,828   







Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(h)                      Financial covenants


The Company has a borrowing agreement (Note 17 (b.iii)) that establishes limits for certain indicators related to the capacity to contract debt and pay interest.

The first indicator establishes a limit for the indebtedness of the Company based on its capacity to generate EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization). The second indicator stipulated in the agreement of the Company is the division of consolidated EBITDA by net interest, which corresponds to the difference between interest paid and interest received.

On June 30, 2012, the Company was in compliance with all commitments undertaken.







Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


18.                     Financial instruments


The information related to financial instruments was presented in the annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 21.


18.1.               Non-derivative financial instruments


Classification by category Fair value
Note Book value Fair value
Jun/2012 Dec/2011 Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Cash and cash equivalents      5         

Cash and banks 

Loans and receivables      364,736   349,916   364,736   349,916 

Financial investments in Brazil 

Held-for-trading  Level 2    385,447   435,580   385,447   435,580 

Financial investments in Brazil 

Loans and receivables      2,272,175   1,464,245   2,272,175   1,464,245 

Financial investments abroad 

Held-for-trading  Level 2    275,098   737,078   275,098   737,078 
        3,297,456  2,986,819  3,297,456  2,986,819 
Financial investments      6         

FIM Sol investments 

Held-for-trading  Level 2    39,496   36,410   39,496   36,410 

Investments in foreign currency 

Held-for-trading  Level 2    7,049   10,716   7,049   10,716 

Investments in foreign currency 

Held-to-maturity      50,655   50,655  


Held-for-trading  Level 1    3,023   3,023   3,023   3,023 

FIM Sol investments 

Loans and receivables      90,624   116,007   90,624   116,007 

Quotas of receivables investment fund 

Held-to-maturity      43,017   34,720   43,017   34,720 

Restricted deposits 

Held-to-maturity      7,415   4,173   7,415   4,173 
        241,279  205,049  241,279  205,049 
Trade accounts receivable  Loans and receivables    7  2,142,895   1,894,812  2,142,895   1,894,812 
Related parties  Loans and receivables    9 (b)  176,747   58,169  176,747   58,169 
Trade payables  Other financial liabilities      8,838,558   6,847,340  8,838,558   6,847,340 

Foreign currency 

Other financial liabilities    17  11,597,079   9,699,720   12,034,625   9,956,792 

Local currency 

Other financial liabilities      5,177,078   5,531,341   5,177,078   5,531,765 
        16,774,157  15,231,061  17,211,703  15,488,557 
Debentures  Other financial liabilities      19,102  19,102 


Fair value hierarchy


Level 1 – fair value obtained through prices quoted (without adjustments) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities, such as the stock exchange.


Level 2 – fair value obtained from discounted cash flow models, when the instrument is a forward purchase or sale or a swap contract, or valuation models of option contracts, such as the Black-Scholes model, when the derivative has the characteristics of an option; and


Level 3 – techniques that use data that have a significant effect on fair value and that are not based on observable market data, that is, unobservable inputs. The Company did not apply this technique on its financial instruments.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


18.2.               Derivative financial instruments


Identification Operation characteristics Dec/2011 Change in
fair value
(Note 18.2.2)
Asset part Liability part
Non-hedge accouting transactions            
Foreign exchange swap  (i)   Yen  CDI  649  (142)  (507) 
Foreign exchange swap    Note 18.2.1 (a.i)  CDI  Dolar  70,969  114,393  17,237  202,599 
Repurchase of shares swap    Note 18.2.1 (a.ii)  Share value  CDI  2,263  (498)    1,765 
Commodity swap - naphtha  (ii)   Fixed price  Variable price  480  (24)  (456) 
Commodity swap - ethanol  (ii)   Variable price  Fixed price  (202)  (51)  253 
Commodity swap - naphtha  (ii)   Brent (iii)  Naphtha  543  (543) 
Commodity swap - ethanol  (ii) Note 18.2.1 (a.iii)  Reais  Dolar     7,772  1,315  9,087 
        74,159  121,993  17,299  213,451 
Hedge accounting transactions            
Interest rate swaps  (iv)   Libor  Fixed rate  19,309  (685)  (18,624) 
Interest rate swaps    Note 18.2.1 (b.i)  Pre-contractual rate  CDI  (833)  194    (639) 
        18,476  (491)  (18,624)  (639) 
Current assets (other receivables)        (1,035)  (639) 
Current liability (hedge operations)      83,392  213,451 
Non-current liabilities (hedge operations)      10,278   
        92,635      212,812 


(i)           In June 2012, the Company paid at maturity the borrowing denominated in yen contracted from NEXI (Note 17 (iii)).


(ii)         In January 2012, the Company settled its commodity swap operations for naphtha and ethanol, which sought to hedge the fixed price and the fluctuation in the variable prices of these commodities, respectively, and entered into new operations to hedge the price of naphtha based on the price of Brent oil (used to produce naphtha), and, in the case of the ethanol swap agreement, swap the price in Brazilian real for U.S. dollar.


(iii)        Brent – reference oil price.


(iv)       The Company paid in advance the borrowings related to hedge accounting (Note 17 (b.i)).






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


18.2.1.         Existing operations on June 30, 2012


(a)                      Non-hedge accounting transactions


The regular changes in the fair value of swaps are recorded as financial income or expenses in the same period in which they occur. Braskem recognized a financial expense of R$121,993 related to the change in the fair value of these swaps for the period ended June 30, 2012.


(a.i)        Swaps related to export credit notes (NCE)



Fair value
Identification Nominal value Interest rate Maturity Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Swap NCE I 200,000  5.44%  Aug-2019  62,220  32,023 
Swap NCE II 100,000  5.40%  Aug-2019  28,842  13,952 
Swap NCE III 100,000  5.37%  Aug-2019  27,257  12,512 
Swap NCE IV 100,000  5.50%  Apr-2019  19,876  6,267 
Swap NCE V 100,000  5.50%  Apr-2019  19,801  6,215 
Swap NCE VI 150,000  5.43%  Apr-2019  24,685 
Swap NCE VII 100,000  4.93%  Apr-2019  19,918   
Total 850,000      202,599  70,969 
In current liabilities (hedge operations)       202,599  70,969 
Total       202,599  70,969 


The purpose of these swap operations is to offset the interest rate risk arising from the borrowings mentioned in Note 17(d).


(a.ii)       Swaps related to share repurchases


        Fair value 
Identification  Nominal value  Interest rate  Maturity  Jun/2012  Dec/2011 
Repurchase TRS  23,218  108% CDI  Aug-2012  1,765  2,263 
Total  23,218      1,765  2,263 
In current liabilities (hedge operations)        1,765  2,263 
Total        1,765  2,263 


The Braskem’s shares that were repurchased by a financial institution involved swap transactions (Note 26(c)).






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(a.iii)      Ethanol swaps (NDF)


Fair value
Identification Nominal value Rate Maturity Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,036  1.80%  Jul-2012  610 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,496  1.87%  Aug-2012  435 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,130  1.81%  Aug-2012  591 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,517  1.88%  Sep-2012  401 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,207  1.82%  Sep-2012  568 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,537  1.89%  Oct-2012  376 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,283  1.83%  Oct-2012  552 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,558  1.90%  Nov-2012  345 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,360  1.84%  Nov-2012  530 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,568  1.91%  Dec-2012  315 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,437  1.85%  Dec-2012  509 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,690  1.92%  Jan-2013  289 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  5,514  1.86%  Jan-2013  494 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  7,057  1.75%  Jul-2012  1,075 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  2,137  1.76%  Aug-2012  312 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  2,161  1.78%  Sep-2012  299 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  2,186  1.78%  Oct-2012  292 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  2,948  1.79%  Nov-2012  377 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  2,981  1.80%  Dec-2012  365 
Commodity swap - ethanol (NDF)  3,014  1.81%  Jan-2013  352   
Total  92,817      9,087   
Current liability (hedge operations)        9,087   
Total        9,087   

                      Hedge accounting transactions

(b.i)        Swaps related to export credit notes (NCE)

Identification Nominal value
(US$ thousand)
Interest rate Maturity Fair value
Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Swap NCA I  42,612  100.70% CDI  Sep-2012  (639)  (833) 
Total  42,612      (639)  (833) 
In current assets (other receivables)        (639)  (833) 
Total        (639)  (833) 


The purpose of these swap operations is to offset the interest rate risk arising from the borrowings mentioned in Note 17(d).


(c)                      Effectiveness test of transactions designated for hedge accounting


The effectiveness test at June 30, 2012, showed that the derivatives were effective in offsetting the changes in the hedged item from the time the derivatives were contracted until the end of the reporting period, and that all other conditions for qualifying these instruments for hedge accounting were met. Accordingly, the effective portion of the changes in the fair value of the derivatives, amounting to R$491 (Note 18.2.2), was recorded under "other comprehensive income".





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(d)                      Estimated maximum loss


The amount at risk of the derivatives held by Braskem on June 30, 2012, which is defined as the highest loss that could result in one month and in 95% of the cases under normal market conditions, was estimated by the Company at US$78,159 for the NCE swaps and US$718 for the share repurchase swap.


18.2.2.         Hedge operations presented under “other comprehensive income” in shareholders' equity


The derivatives indicated in item 18.2.1 (b) were designated as cash flow hedge, resulting in closing balances under “other comprehensive income”. The appropriations of interest are allocated to interest expenses in the financial expenses group. The table below shows the summary of changes before the impact of income tax and social contribution:


Dec/2011 Appropriation of
Change in
fair value
Swaps EPP  (17,071)  16,386  685 
Swaps NCE  833  (1,264)  (194)  (625) 
  (16,238)  15,122  491  (625) 



On June 30, 2012, the appropriation of accrued interest and change in the fair value of derivatives designated as “cash flow hedge” was R$15,613, which, with the effect of income tax and social contribution of R$5,309, amounts to R$10,304 and is presented in “other comprehensive income” under shareholders' equity.


18.3.               Credit quality of financial assets


(a)                      Trade accounts receivable


Only a few of the Company's customers have risk ratings assigned by credit rating agencies. For this reason, the Company developed its own credit rating system for all accounts receivable from domestic customers and for part of the accounts receivable from foreign customers. The Company does not apply this rating to all of its foreign customers because most accounts receivable from them are covered by an insurance policy or letters of credit issued by banks. On June 30, 2012, the credit ratings were as follows:







Minimum risk





Low risk





Moderate risk





High risk





Very high risk





(i)           Most customers in this group are inactive and the respective accounts are in the process of collection actions in the courts. Customers in this group that are still active buy from Braskem and pay in advance.






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


Delinquency indicators for the periods ended:







June 30, 2012



March 31, 2012



December 31, 2011



December 31, 2010



December 31, 2010




LTM – last 12 months


(b)                      Other financial assets


In order to determine the credit ratings of counterparties in financial assets classified as cash and cash equivalents, held-for-trading, held-to-maturity and loans and receivables, the Company uses the following credit rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch Ratings.


  Jun/2012  Dec/2011 
Financial assets with risk assessment     


2,938,404  2,868,992 


40,034  206 


248,737  72,029 


175,201  96,464 


17  28 


21,845  71,367 


10,770  19,028 


  3,435,008  3,131,704 
Financial assets without risk assessment 

Quotas of investment funds in credit rights (i) 

82,512  34,720 

Sundry funds (i) 

7,049  10,723 

Restricted deposits (ii) 

7,415  4,173 

Other financial assets with no risk assessment 

6,751  10,548 
  103,727  60,164 
  3,538,735  3,191,868 


(i)      Financial assets with no internal or external ratings.

(ii)     Risk-free financial assets



Braskem’s financial policy determines “A-” as the minimum rating for financial investments. On June 30, 2012, Braskem has balances rated at “BB+" related to Time Deposits with Special Guarantee (Depósitos a Prazo com Garantia Especial – DPGE) in the amount of R$10,770 (R$19,028 on December 31, 2011). These deposits are guaranteed by the Credit Guarantee Fund – FGC (Fundo Garantidor de Crédito), which makes these investments adequate for Braskem’s policy.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


18.4.               Sensitivity analysis


Financial instruments, including derivatives, may be subject to changes in their fair value as a result of the variation in commodity prices, foreign exchange rates, interest rates, shares and share indexes, price indexes and other variables. The sensitivity of the derivative and non-derivative financial instruments to these variables are presented below:


(a)                      Selection of risks


On June 30, 2012, the main risks that can affect the value of the Company’s financial instruments are:


·        Brazilian real/U.S. dollar exchange rate;

·        LIBOR floating interest rate;

·        CDI interest rate; and

·        TJLP interest rate.


For the purposes of the risk sensitivity analysis, the Company presents the exposures to currencies as if they were independent, that is, without reflecting in the exposure to a foreign exchange rate the risks of the variation in other foreign exchange rates that could be directly influenced by it.


(b)                      Selection of scenarios


In accordance with CVM Instruction No. 475/08, the Company included three scenarios in the sensitivity analysis, with one that is probable and two that represent adverse effects to the Company. In the preparation of the adverse scenarios, only the impact of the variables on the financial instruments, including derivatives, and on the items covered by hedge transactions, was considered. The overall impacts on the Company’s operations, such as those arising from the revaluation of inventories and revenue and future costs, were not considered. Since the Company manages its exposure to foreign exchange rate risk on a net basis, adverse effects from depreciation in the Brazilian real in relation to the U.S. dollar can be offset by opposing effects on Braskem’s operating results.


(b.1)       Probable scenario


The Market Readoutpublished by the Central Bank of Brazil on June 29, 2012 was used to create the probable scenario for the U.S. dollar/Brazilian real exchange rate and the CDI interest rate, using the reference date of December 31, 2012. The Market Readoutpresents a consensus of market expectations based on a survey of the forecasts made by various financial and non-financial institutions.


The Market Readoutdoes not publish forecasts for the interest rates LIBOR and TJLP. Therefore, the Company considered the expectations for the CDI interest rate for determining the probable scenario for those rates, given their correspondence.






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(b.2)       Possible and extreme adverse scenarios


For the Brazilian real/U.S. dollar exchange rate, a positive change of 25% was considered for the possible adverse scenario and of 50% for the extreme scenario based on the exchange rate on June 30, 2012.

For the CDI interest rate, a positive change of 25% was considered for the possible adverse scenario and of 50% for the extreme scenario based on the interest rate on June 30, 2012.

For the LIBOR interest rate, a positive change of 25% was considered for the possible adverse scenario and of 50% for the extreme scenario based on the LIBOR rate on June 30, 2012.

For the TJLP interest rate, an increase of 0.5% was considered for the possible adverse scenario and of 1% for the extreme scenario based on its rate on June 30, 2012, in accordance with the upward or downward adjustments made by the government in the rate, in this order of scale.

The sensitivity values in the table (c) below are the changes in the value of the financial instruments in each scenario, except for tables (d), (e) and (f), which show the changes in future cash flows.


(c)                      Sensitivity to the Brazilian real/U.S. dollar exchange rate


The sensitivity of each financial instrument, including derivatives and items covered by them, to the variation in the Brazilian real/US dollar exchange rate is presented in the table below:


Instrument Probable Possible adverse
(25% )
Extreme adverse
(50% )


16,233  (115,049)  (230,098) 


299,491  (2,122,587)  (4,245,175) 

Working capital / structured operations 

54,173  (383,939)  (767,878) 

Raw material financing 

75  (532)  (1,063) 

Medium-Term Notes 

6,324  (44,823)  (89,646) 


32,762  (232,192)  (464,384) 

Financial investments abroad 

(9,704)  68,775  137,549 


7,467  (52,922)  (105,843) 



(d)                      Sensitivity of future cash flows to the LIBOR floating interest rate


The sensitivity of future interest income and expenses of each financial instrument, including derivatives and items covered by them, is presented in the table below. The figures represent the impact on financial income (expenses), taking into consideration the average term of the respective instrument.


Instrument Probable Possible adverse
(25% )
Extreme adverse
(50% )
Raw material financing 5  (11)  (22) 
EPP 2,068  (4,887)  (9,723) 







Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(e)                      Sensitivity of future cash flows to the CDI interest rate


The sensitivity of each financial instrument, including derivatives and items covered by them, to the variation in CDI interest rate is presented in the table below:


Instrument Probable Possible adverse
(25% )
Extreme adverse
Export credit notes 40,862  (91,872)  (176,713) 
Agricultural credit note 179  (420)  (830) 
Working capital / other 216  (491)  (830) 


(f)                       Sensitivity of future cash flows to the TJLP interest rate


The sensitivity of each financial instrument, including derivatives and items covered by them, to the variation in TJLP interest rate is presented in the table below:


Instrument Probable Possible adverse
TJLP + 0.5%
Extreme adverse
TJLP + 1%
BNDES  38,470  (37,289)  (73,451) 
FINEP  59  (58) 0  (115) 
Other governamental agents  263  (257) 0  (510) 






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


19.                     Taxes payable


  Parent Company Consolidated
Note Jun/2012 Dec/2011 Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Parent Company and subsidiaries in Brazil           


  27,732  24,259  44,621  38,654 


  6,742    12,511  7,172 

Income tax and social contribution 

  14,543  13,792  34,744  21,787 


  11,371  29,861  82,254  94,668 

Tax debt refinancing program - Law 11,941/09 

(a)  1,499,636  1,600,556  1,569,098  1,669,976 


  40,842  48,040  42,378  64,521 
Foreign subsidiaries           

Value-added tax 

      72,418  40,463 

Income tax 

      8,218  5,925 




  1,600,866  1,716,508  1,866,515  1,943,166 

In current liability 

  506,779  215,924  660,258  329,987 

In non-current liability 

  1,094,087  1,500,584  1,206,257  1,613,179 


  1,600,866  1,716,508  1,866,515  1,943,166 


The information related to taxes payable was presented in the Company’s 2011 annual financial statements, in Note 22.


(a)                 Tax renegotiation program – Law 11,941/09


In June, the Company's Management decided to pay in advance part of the installments under the program, amortizing R$403,821. In accordance with the applicable rules, Braskem disbursed R$301,841 on July 31, 2012. The reduction, in the amount of R$101,980, was recognized as follows: (i) the amounts corresponding to the renegotiated tax payments, of R$80,496, were recorded under “other net operating income (expenses)”; and (ii) their restatement by the SELIC interest rate, as from the renegotiation date, was recorded under “financial results”, in the amount of R$21,484.

In addition, the installments prepaid were transferred from non-current liabilities to current liabilities.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


20.                     Income tax (“IR”) and social contribution (“CSL”)


(a)                      Reconciliation of the effects of income tax and social contribution on profit or loss


Parent Company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Jun/2011 Jun/2012 Jun/2011

Profit (loss) before IR and CSL and participation of noncontrollinginterest 

(1,447,474)  1,006,313  (1,494,395)  1,113,829 
IR and CSL at the rate of 34%  492,141  (342,146)  508,094  (378,702) 
Permanent adjustments to the IR and CSL calculation basis         

IR and CSL on equity in results of investees 

93,956  33,392  240  (391) 

Effects from pre-payment of taxes 

  13,896    13,896 

Tax incentives (Sudene and PAT) 

  39,205  27  39,895 

Other permanent differences 

(15,482)  (27,990)  105,054  (58,557) 
Effect of IR and CSL on results of operations  570,615  (283,643)  613,415  (383,859) 
Breakdown of IR and CSL:         
Current IR and CSL    (142,974)  (7,921)  (212,276) 
Tax incentives (Sudene and PAT)    39,205  27  39,895 
Current IR and CSL    (103,769)  (7,894)  (172,381) 
Deferred IR and CSL  570,615  (179,874)  621,309  (211,478) 
Deferred IR and CSL  570,615  (179,874)  621,309  (211,478) 
Total IR and CSL  570,615  (283,643)  613,415  (383,859) 






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(b)                 Deferred income tax and social contribution



Breakdown of deferred IR and CSL Note Parent Company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Dec/2011 Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Noncurrent assets           

Tax losses and negative base 

  326,219  29,199  889,734  545,148 

Goodwill amortized 

  40,326  60,082  43,848  63,820 

Foreign currency translation adjustment 

  288,977    293,062  11,979 

Temporary differences 

  262,013  173,626  351,066  243,805 

Business combination - Quattor 

  89,770  89,770  241,194  238,315 

Pension plan 

  45,604  45,604  45,604  45,604 

Deferred charges - writeoff 

  8,198  11,200  71,505  82,952 


(i)  213  5,521  213  5,521 
Total    1,061,320  415,002  1,936,226  1,237,144 
Noncurrent liabilities           

Amortization of goodwill based on future profitability 

(i)  472,808  420,537  523,939  474,985 

Tax depreciation 

(i)  178,546  129,137  254,649  213,684 

Exchange variations 

    54,275    54,275 

Temporary differences 

  5,245  5,778  322,617  321,032 

Business combination 

  86,848  87,948  646,762  667,041 

Writeoff negative goodwill of incorporated subsidiarie 

  2,078  2,375  2,078  2,375 

Additional indexation PP&E 

  161,205  168,220  161,205  168,220 


(i)  74,996  32,446  144,360  51,741 
Total    981,726  900,716  2,055,610  1,953,353 


(c)                 Realization of deferred income tax and social contribution


In December 2011, the Company assessed the realization of deferred income tax and social contribution by analyzing the grounds for accruing the amounts that comprise their calculation base, and opted to maintain the existing balances.

There were no material events or circumstances in the quarter ended June 30, 2012 that indicate any compromise of the realization of these deferred taxes.

The information related to income tax and social contribution was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 23.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


21.                     Sundry provisions


Parent company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Dec/2011 Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Provision for customers bonus  5,566  10,053  12,443  13,577 
Provision for recovery of environmental damages  21,745  30,451  27,872  36,777 
Judicial and administrative provisions  85,147  73,168  285,191  266,302 
Other      5,460  5,067 
Total  112,458  113,672  330,966  321,723 
In current liabilities  5,566  18,759  14,171  23,629 
In non-current liabilities  106,892  94,913  316,795  298,094 
Total  112,458  113,672  330,966  321,723 


The composition of judicial and administrative provisions is as follows:


Parent company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Dec/2011 Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Labor claims  27,417  27,986  34,593  36,718 
Tax claims         
Income tax and social contribution  28,970  27,753 
PIS and COFINS  31,762  30,354 
ICMS - interstate purchases  76,863  73,457 
ICMS - other  54,953  52,518 
Other  50,744  38,197  50,744  38,197 
Societary claims and other  6,986  6,985  7,306  7,305 
  85,147  73,168  285,191  266,302 


This table was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 24.


22.                     Private pension plans


The amounts recognized for defined benefit pension plans are as follows:


Parent company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Dec/2011 Jun/2012 Dec/2011
Novamont Braskem America  885  821 
Petros Copesul plan  134,506  134,506  134,506  134,506 
Braskem Alemanha      15,408  14,248 
  134,506  134,506  150,799  149,575 


The information related to private pension plans was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 26.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


23.                     Advances from customers - consolidated


The information related to advances from customers was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 27.


(a)                      Current


On June 30, 2012, the balance of this line includes advances of R$49,571 million (US$24.5 million) from customers for the acquisition of goods in July 2012.


(b)                      Non-current


On June 30, 2012, the balance of this line includes advances of R$142,123 (US$70.3 million) from customers overseas for the acquisition of butadiene for supply between February 2013 and December 2016.


24.                     Other accounts payable – consolidated


(a)                      Current


On June 30, 2012, Braskem Idesa has amounts payable to non-controlling interest amounting to R$121,501, due in December 2012.


(b)                      Non-current


The main balance of this item refers to notes payable to BNDESPAR Participações S.A. in the amount of R$246,033 (R$235,968 on December 31, 2011), which on August 9, 2010 exercised its option to sell shares in Riopol to Braskem , as part of the business combination of Quattor (currently named Braskem Qpar).


The information related to other accounts payable was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 18.


25.                     Contingencies


The Company has contingent liabilities related to lawsuits and administrative proceedings arising from the normal course of its business. These contingencies are of a labor and social security, tax, civil and corporate nature and involve risks of losses that are classified by the Company’s management as possible. A provision for the lawsuits for which the risk of loss is classified as probable is recognized and is presented in Note 21 of this Quarterly Information.

Based on the opinion of the internal legal advisors, there were no significant additions of lawsuits that involve the risk of losses classified as possible or significant changes in the progress of the existing lawsuits.

The description of the main contingent liabilities of the Company was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements, in Note 28.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


26.                     Shareholders’ equity


The information related to the Company’s shareholders’ equity was presented in its 2011 annual financial statements, in Note 29.


(a)                      Capital


On June 30, 2012, the Company's subscribed and paid up capital stock amounted to R$8,043,222 and comprised 801,665,617 shares with no par value divided into 451,669,063 common shares, 349,402,736 class A preferred shares, and 593,818 class B preferred shares, distributed as follows:


% Preferred
class A
% Preferred
class B
% Total %
OSP and Odebrecht  226,334,623  50.11%  79,182,498  22.66%      305,517,121  38.11% 
Petrobras  212,426,946  47.03%  75,792,587  21.69%      288,219,533  35.95% 
BNDESPAR    0.00%  44,069,052  12.61%      44,069,052  5.50% 
ADR (*)    0.00%  34,224,744  9.80%      34,224,744  4.27% 
Other  12,907,083  2.86%  113,436,839  32.47%  593,818  100.00%  126,937,740  15.83% 
Total  451,668,652  100.00%  346,705,720  99.23%  593,818  100.00%  798,968,190  99.66% 
Treasury shares  411    1,542,258  0.44%      1,542,669  0.19% 
Braskem shares owned by                 
subsidiary of Braskem Petroquímica      1,154,758  0.33%      1,154,758  0.14% 
Total  451,669,063  100.00%  349,402,736  100.00%  593,818  100.00%  801,665,617  100.00% 


(b)                      Treasury shares


The breakdown of treasury shares is as follows:


Parent company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Dec/2011 Jun/2012 Dec/2011

Common shares 

411  411  411  411 

Preferred shares class "A" 

1,542,258  1,542,258  2,697,016  2,697,016 
  1,542,669  1,542,669  2,697,427  2,697,427 
Amount (R$ thousand)  11,325  11,325  60,217  60,217 







Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(c)                      Ongoing share repurchase program

On August 26, 2011, Braskem’s Board of Directors approved a program for the repurchase of shares effective for the period between August 29, 2011 and August 28, 2012, through which the Company may acquire up to 12,162,504 class A preferred shares at market price. Shares may be purchased by the Company or by financial institutions hired for that purpose.

At the end of the program, Braskem will acquire from the financial institutions, at market price, the balance of shares they purchased, and only then it will record such shares as “treasury shares”.

In 2011, a total of 1,405,400 shares were repurchased by financial institutions, for the amount of R$19,830, and in the period ended June 30, 2012, another 602,200 shares were repurchased, for the amount of R$6,477, totaling 2,007,600 repurchased shares, amounting to R$26,395. The weighted average price of repurchased shares is R$13.09 (lowest of R$10.53 and highest of R$15.15).


On June 30, 2012, the market price of these shares was R$26,862.


(d)                      Dividends


On April 27, 2012, the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting approved the payment of dividends as per the Management proposal in 2011, in the amount of R$482,593, equivalent to R$0.605085049 per common, class A preferred and class B preferred share, to be paid by November 20, 2012.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


(e)                      Other comprehensive income - shareholders' equity


    Parent company and consolidated
Note Additional
indexation of
cost of
Fair value
of cash flow
on interest
in subsidiary
As of December 31, 2010    353,777  (53,292)  (79,135)  221,350 
Additional indexation           

Realization by depreciation or writteoff assets 

  (20,634)      (20,634) 

Income tax and social contribution on realization 

  7,016      7,016 
Deemed cost             

Deemed cost of jointly-controlled subsidiary 

    22,311        22,311 
Cash flow hedges             

Change in fair value 

      (4,235)      (4,235) 

Transfer to result 

      41,391      41,391 

Tax on fair value gains 

      891      891 
Foreign currency translation adjustment          (14,412)    (14,412) 
As of June 30, 2011    340,159  22,311  (15,245)  (93,547)    253,678 
As of December 31, 2011    326,541  21,159  (10,716)  (24,504)  3,106  315,586 
Additional indexation             

Realization by depreciation or writte-off assets 

  (20,634)        (20,634) 

Income tax and social contribution on realization 

  7,016        7,016 
Deemed cost             

Realization by depreciation or writte-off assets 

    (348)        (348) 

Income tax and social contribution on realization 

    118        118 
Cash flow hedges  19.2.2           

Change in fair value 

    491      491 

Transfer to result 

    15,122      15,122 

Tax on fair value gains 

    (5,309)      (5,309) 
Gain on interest in subsidiary  14 (b)        1,511  1,511 
Foreign currency translation adjustment          36,623    36,623 
As of June 30, 2012    312,923  20,929  (412)  12,119  4,617  350,176 






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


27.                     Earnings per share


The table below shows the reconciliation of profit or loss for the period adjusted for the amounts used to calculate basic and diluted earnings per share. 


  Jun/2012  Jun/2011 
  Basic  Diluted  Basic  Diluted 
Profit (loss) for the period attributed to Company's shareholders  (876,859)  (876,859)  722,670  722,670 
Dividends attributable to priority         

Preferred share class "A" 

    209,417  209,495 

Preferred share class "A" potentially convertible 


(the ratio of 2 shares class "B" for each share class "A") 


Preferred share class "B" 

      209,776  209,674 
Distribution of 6% of the unit value of common shares      272,817  272,919 
Distribution of plus income, by class:         

Common shares 

    124,589  124,538 

Preferred shares class "A" 

    115,488  115,440 

Preferred share class "A" potentially convertible 


(the ratio of 2 shares class "B" for each share class "A") 

      240,077  240,077 
Reconciliation of income (loss) available for distribution, by class (numerator):         

Common shares 

(497,138)  (496,953)  397,406  397,457 

Preferred shares class "A" 

(379,721)  (379,579)  324,905  324,935 

Preferred share class "A" potentially convertible 

  (327)    278 

(the ratio of 2 shares class "B" for each share class "A") 

  (876,859)  (876,859)  722,311  722,670 
Weighted average number of shares, by class (denominator):         

Common shares 

451,668,652  451,668,652  374,037,569  374,037,569 

Preferred shares class "A" (i) 

344,990,720  344,990,720  346,714,919  346,714,919 

Preferred share class "A" potentially convertible 


(the ratio of 2 shares class "B" for each share class "A") 

  296,909    296,909 
  796,659,372  796,956,281  720,752,488  721,049,397 
Earnings (loss) per share (in R$)         

Common shares 

(1.1007)  (1.1003)  1.0625  1.0626 

Preferred shares class "A" 

(1.1007)  (1.1003)  0.9371  0.9372 



(i)           In the calculation of the weighted average, the shares of the Company repurchased by a financial institution that are not yet recorded as “treasury shares” were excluded from the base (Note 26 (c)).


The information related to the earnings per share of the Company was presented in its 2011 annual financial statements, in Note 30.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


28.                     Net sales revenues


Parent company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Jun/2011 Jun/2012 Jun/2011
Sales revenue         

Domestic market 

9,002,074  8,605,370  12,961,889  12,784,521 

Foreign market 

2,840,447  2,231,995  7,680,225  6,345,076 
  11,842,521  10,837,365  20,642,114  19,129,597 
Sales deductions         


(2,050,711)  (2,052,179)  (3,126,785)  (3,219,850) 

Sales returns and other 

(95,286)  (66,555)  (152,720)  (129,840) 
  (2,145,997)  (2,118,734)  (3,279,505)  (3,349,690) 
Net sales revenue  9,696,524  8,718,631  17,362,609  15,779,907 


This table was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 31.



29.                     Tax incentives

Braskem receives certain tax incentives granted during the determination of federal and state taxes. On June 30, 2012, the Company recognized credits related to the PRODESIN (ICMS) and REINTEGRA tax incentives amounting to R$11,596 and R$104,324, respectively, in its statement of operations. In the period ended June 30, 2012, the Company did not record credits from the SUDENE (IR exemption/reduction) tax incentive as a result of the tax loss recorded in the period.

The information related to tax incentives was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 32.


30.                      Other net operating income (expenses) - consolidated

In the period ended June 30, 2012, the main amounts under this item were as follows:

(i)         indemnity provided for under the supply agreement between Sunoco and Braskem America in the final amount of R$263,571 (Note 1(a)).

(ii)       reduction in the balance of the tax renegotiation program of Law 11,941/09, amounting to R$80,496 (Note 19 (a)).

The information related to the other net operating income (expenses) of the Company was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements, in Note 33.






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


31.                     Financial results


Parent Company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Jun/2011 Jun/2012 Jun/2011
Financial income         

Interest income 

108,097  141,882  121,862  150,995 

Monetary variations 

19,592  81,489  21,662  34,112 

Exchange rate variations 

63,810  (31,676)  217,054  (61,170) 


9,483  4,802  13,420  12,426 
  200,982  196,497  373,998  136,363 
Financial expenses         

Interest expenses 

(457,509)  (397,978)  (513,901)  (452,274) 

Monetary variations 

(118,945)  (116,608)  (135,707)  (151,432) 

Exchange rate variations 

(1,396,450)  643,883  (1,559,017)  654,883 

Update of tax and labor debts 

(119,078)  (83,126)  (133,351)  (102,331) 

Tax expenses on finacial operations 

(8,870)  (4,624)  (10,419)  (6,849) 

Discounts granted 

(12,446)  (8,721)  (23,967)  (19,560) 

Loans transaction costs - amortization 

(1,966)  (3,010)  (6,585)  (16,195) 

Adjustment to present value - appropriation 

(98,534)  (2,114)  (135,804)  (10,690) 


(22,916)  (14,537)  (64,495)  (165,879) 
  (2,236,714)  13,165  (2,583,246)  (270,327) 
Total  (2,035,732)  209,662  (2,209,248)  (133,964) 
Parent company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Jun/2011 Jun/2012 Jun/2011
Interest income         


5,887  67,963  14,916  73,889 

Loans and receivables 

66,947  40,804  69,465  42,978 


8,298  7,941  8,298  7,941 
  81,132  116,708  92,679  124,808 

Other assets not classifiable 

26,965  25,174  29,183  26,187 
Total  108,097  141,882  121,862  150,995 



This table was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 34.




Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


32.                     Expenses by nature


Parent Company Consolidated
Jun/2012 Jun/2011 Jun/2012 Jun/2011
Classification by nature:         

Raw materials other inputs 

(7,289,628)  (6,031,754)  (13,481,852)  (11,543,404) 

Personnel expenses 

(539,531)  (502,108)  (890,168)  (785,144) 

Outsourced services 

(107,232)  (276,638)  (501,770)  (425,333) 

Tax expenses 

(13,296)  (13,928)  (27,590)  (29,751) 

Depreciation, amortization and depletion 

(552,052)  (504,944)  (895,347)  (812,546) 

Variable selling expenses 

(162,592)  (140,189)  (291,059)  (238,936) 


(418,681)  (323,216)  (619,038)  (476,640) 

Other expenses 

(318,842)  (108,583)  (227,875)  (186,831) 
Total  (9,401,854)  (7,901,360)  (16,934,699)  (14,498,585) 
Classification by function:         

Cost of products sold 

(8,746,223)  (7,299,361)  (15,873,874)  (13,537,208) 


(91,214)  (76,692)  (194,753)  (164,557) 


(183,526)  (149,994)  (266,638)  (228,537) 

General and administrative 

(341,274)  (349,458)  (548,077)  (524,534) 

Research and development 

(39,617)  (25,855)  (51,357)  (43,749) 


(9,401,854)  (7,901,360)  (16,934,699)  (14,498,585) 


This table was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 35.




Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


33.                     Segment information


(a)                      In April 2012, the Business Leader of Braskem announced the Company's new corporate structure, which is distributed as follows:


·             Basic Petrochemicals: consists of the CGUs UNIB Bahia, UNIB Sul, UNIB São Paulo and UNIB Rio de Janeiro and is represented by the Basic Petrochemicals operating segment. It was unchanged by the new organizational structure.


·             Polyolefins and Renewables: consists of the CGUs  polyethylene, polypropylene and green polyethylene and is represented by the Polyolefins operating segment.


·             Vinyls: consists of the CGUs PVC and Chlor-Alkali, and is represented by the Vinyls operating segment. It was unchanged by the new organizational structure.


·             Latin America: this new segment is formed by the businesses and projects of Braskem in Latin America, particularly in Mexico and Venezuela. As of June 30, 2012, it is not a reportable segment and is presented under Other Segments.


·             United States and Europe: consists of the operations of Braskem in the United States and Europe and is represented by the International Business operating segment.


The change regarding the presentation of information by segment, presented in Note 36 of the 2011 financial statements of the Company, consists of the transfer of the green polyethylene business from the International Business segment to the Polyolefins segment. The following information for June 2012 and 2011 already includes these changes.






Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 



Reporting segments Total
before adjustments
Eliminations Braskem
Polyolefins Vinyls International
Net sales revenue  11,689,015  6,747,445  925,109  2,733,532  417,134  22,512,235  92,827    22,605,062  (5,242,453)  17,362,609 
Cost of products sold  (10,762,549)  (6,318,608)  (922,471)  (2,654,246)  (347,060)  (21,004,934)  (78,695)    (21,083,629)  5,209,755  (15,873,874) 
Gross profit  926,466  428,837  2,638  79,286  70,074  1,507,301  14,132    1,521,433  (32,698)  1,488,735 
Operating expenses                       

Selling, general and distribution expenses 

(234,919)  (434,343)  (60,873)  (113,014)  (52,084)  (895,233)  (31,598)  (133,994)  (1,060,825)    (1,060,825) 

Results from equity investments 

              2,080  2,080    2,080 

Other operating income (expenses), net 

(17,985)  (4,997)  (849)  258,610  1,007  235,786  (1,078)  50,155  284,863    284,863 
  (252,904)  (439,340)  (61,722)  145,596  (51,077)  (659,447)  (32,676)  (81,759)  (773,882)    (773,882) 
Operating profit (loss)  673,562  (10,503)  (59,084)  224,882  18,997  847,854  (18,544)  (81,759)  747,551  (32,698)  714,853 
Reporting segments Total
before adjustments
Eliminations Braskem
Polyolefin Vinyls International
Net sales revenue  11,315,683  6,293,877  849,960  1,355,480  378,281  20,193,281  108,167    20,301,448  (4,521,669)  15,779,779 
Cost of products sold  (9,941,602)  (5,591,429)  (786,882)  (1,217,431)  (307,816)  (17,845,160)  (87,768)    (17,932,928)  4,395,719  (13,537,209) 
Gross profit  1,374,081  702,448  63,078  138,049  70,465  2,348,121  20,399    2,368,520  (125,950)  2,242,570 
Operating expenses                       

Selling, general and distribution expenses 

(267,445)  (408,355)  (72,008)  (53,456)  (48,525)  (849,789)  (22,002)  (89,586)  (961,377)    (961,377) 

Results from equity investments 

              (748)  (748)    (748) 

Other operating income (expenses) 

(13,795)  1,072  (22,929)  (2,612)  (8)  (38,272)  4,134  1,486  (32,652)    (32,652) 
  (281,240)  (407,283)  (94,937)  (56,068)  (48,533)  (888,061)  (17,868)  (88,848)  (994,777)    (994,777) 
Operating profit (loss)  1,092,841  295,165  (31,859)  81,981  21,932  1,460,060  2,531  (88,848)  1,373,743  (125,950)  1,247,793 


The Company does not disclose assets by segment since this information is not presented to its chief decision maker.


The information related to the presentation of information by segment was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements, in Note 36.





Braskem S.A.


Notes to the financial statements

at June 30, 2012

All amounts in thousands of reais unless otherwise stated 


34.                     Insurance coverage

In the period ended June 30, 2012, there were no significant changes in the insurance coverage of Braskem and its subsidiaries.

The information related to insurance coverage was presented in the 2011 annual financial statements of the Company, in Note 37.


35.                     Subsequent events


(a)                      In July 2012, a total of 587,700 class A preferred shares were acquired under the share repurchase program, for the amount of R$6,906. In contrast to the repurchases made up to June 30, 2012 (Note 26 (c)), these acquisitions were made by Braskem, and are therefore recorded directly as "treasury shares”.


(b)                     On July 23, 2012, the subsidiary Braskem America Finance concluded the US$250 million funding operation with an interest coupon of 7.125% p.a. and effective yield for investors of 6.98%. This operation is related to the additional issue of the funding operation conducted on July 19, 2011, in the amount of US$500 million and with maturity in 2041.







        Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: August 17, 2012
  By:      /s/      Marcela Aparecida Drehmer Andrade
    Name: Marcela Aparecida Drehmer Andrade
    Title: Chief Financial Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates offuture economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.