Preliminary Proxy Statement
Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
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þ |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
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Definitive Proxy Statement |
o |
Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
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o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was
determined): |
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2)
and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its
filing. |
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
(3) |
Filing Party: |
(4) |
Date Filed: |
April 9, 2011
Dear Shareholder:
We invite you to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the Annual Meeting) of Green
Bankshares, Inc. (the Company) to be held at Tusculum College, 60 Shiloh Road, Greeneville,
Tennessee 37743, on Thursday, May 12, 2011, at 9:00 a.m., local time.
The Annual Meeting has been called (i) to vote on an amendment to the Companys Amended and
Restated Charter to declassify the Companys Board of Directors and provide for an annual election
of directors, (ii) to elect directors, (iii) to approve the compensation of certain of the
Companys executive officers, (iv) to ratify the appointment of the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm and (v) to transact such other business as may properly come
before the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof. Enclosed is a proxy statement, a proxy card
and the Companys Annual Report to Shareholders for the 2010 fiscal year. Directors and officers
of the Company as well as representatives of Dixon Hughes PLLC, the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm for the 2010 fiscal year, will be present at the Annual Meeting
to respond to any appropriate questions shareholders may have.
Your vote is important, regardless of the number of shares you own. On behalf of the
Board of Directors, we urge you to sign, date and return the enclosed proxy card as soon as
possible, even if you currently plan to attend the Annual Meeting. We also offer telephone and
Internet voting, as more particularly described in the attached proxy statement. Voting by
telephone, on the Internet or by returning a proxy card in the mail will not prevent you from
voting in person at the Annual Meeting, but will assure that your vote is counted if you are unable
to attend the Annual Meeting.
Thank you for your cooperation and your continuing support.
/s/ Stephen M. Rownd
Stephen M. Rownd |
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer |
100 North Main Street
P.O. Box 1120
Greeneville, Tennessee 37743
(423) 639-5111
Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
To Be Held on May 12, 2011
Notice is hereby given that the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the Annual Meeting) of
Green Bankshares, Inc. (the Company) will be held on Thursday, May 12, 2011, at 9:00 a.m.), local
time, at Tusculum College, 60 Shiloh Road, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743.
A Proxy Card and a Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting are enclosed.
The Annual Meeting is for the purpose of considering and acting upon the following matters:
(1) |
consider and vote upon a proposal to amend the Companys Amended and Restated
Charter to declassify the Companys Board of Directors and provide for the annual
election of directors; |
(2) |
elect three persons to serve as directors of the Company, each for a one-year
term if Proposal No. 1 is approved, or, alternatively, each for a three-year term if
Proposal No. 1 is not approved, those persons to serve until the end of their
respective terms and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified; |
(3) |
consider and vote upon a proposal to approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis,
the compensation of the Companys named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy
statement that accompanies this notice; |
(4) |
consider and vote upon a proposal to ratify the appointment of Dixon Hughes
PLLC as the Companys independent registered public accounting firm for 2011; and |
(5) |
transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or
any adjournment thereof. |
NOTE: Although the Board of Directors is not aware of any other business to come before the
Annual Meeting, the proxies have been authorized to vote upon such other business as may
properly come before the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
Any action may be taken on any one of the foregoing proposals at the Annual Meeting on the
date specified above or on any date or dates to which, by original or later adjournments, the
Annual Meeting may be adjourned. Shareholders of record at the close of business on March 17,
2011, will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting and any adjournments thereof.
You are requested to fill in and sign the enclosed form of proxy which is solicited by the
Board of Directors and to mail it promptly in the enclosed envelope or vote by telephone or over
the Internet as described in the attached proxy statement. The proxy will not be used if you
attend and choose to vote in person at the Annual Meeting.
/s/ James E. Adams
James E. Adams |
Corporate Secretary |
Greeneville, Tennessee
April 9, 2011
It is important that proxies be returned promptly. Therefore, whether or not you plan to be
present in person at the Annual Meeting, please sign, date, and complete the enclosed proxy card
and return it in the enclosed envelope. No postage is required if mailed in the United States.
Alternatively, you can vote by telephone or on the Internet, as more particularly described in the
attached proxy statement. Should you subsequently desire to revoke your proxy, you may do so as
provided in the attached proxy statement before it is voted at the Annual Meeting.
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the
Annual Stockholder Meeting to be Held on May 12, 2011
Pursuant to rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, we have provided
access to these proxy statement materials (which includes this proxy statement, a proxy card and
our 2010 Annual Report) both by sending you this full set of proxy statement materials, including a
proxy card, and by notifying you of the availability of such materials on the Internet.
This proxy statement, the Companys 2010 Annual Report and a proxy card are available at
The Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be held May 12, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. local time at
Tusculum College, 60 Shiloh Road, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743. In order to obtain directions to
attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, please call James E. Adams, our Corporate Secretary, at
(423) 278-3050.
The Proposals to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, all of which are more
completely set forth in this proxy statement, are as follows:
(1) |
approval of an amendment to the Companys Amended and Restated Charter to
declassify the Companys Board of Directors and provide for the annual election of
directors; |
(2) |
elect three persons to serve as directors of the Company, each for a one-year
term if Proposal No. 1 is approved, or, alternatively, each for a three-year term if
Proposal No. 1 is not approved, those persons to serve until the end of their
respective terms and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified; |
(3) |
approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the compensation of the
Companys named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement that accompanies
this notice; |
(4) |
ratify the appointment of Dixon Hughes PLLC as the Companys independent
registered public accounting firm for 2011; and |
(5) |
transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or
any adjournment thereof. |
Our Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR the approval of Proposals 1, 2, 3 and 4.
100 North Main Street
P.O. Box 1120
Greeneville, Tennessee 37743
(423) 639-5111
May 12, 2011
This document is being furnished to Green Bankshares, Inc. (the Company) shareholders in
connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Companys board of directors to be used at the
2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company (the Annual Meeting), to be held on 12, 2011,
at 9:00 a.m., local time, at Tusculum College, 60 Shiloh Road, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743. The
accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting, proxy card and this proxy statement are first being mailed
to shareholders on or about April 9, 2011.
The Companys board of directors has fixed the close of business on March 17, 2011, as the
record date for determining the holders of shares of the Companys common stock, par value $2.00
per share (the Common Stock), entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting.
Only holders of record of shares of the Common Stock at the close of business on that date will be
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting and at any adjournment or postponement of that meeting. At
the close of business on the record date, there were 13,188,896 shares of Common Stock outstanding,
held by approximately 2,600 holders of record. Each Company common shareholder will be entitled to
one vote for each share held of record as of the close of business on March 17, 2011, upon each
matter properly submitted at the Annual Meeting and at any adjournment or postponement of that
meeting. Holders of shares of the Companys Series A Fixed Rate Cumulative Preferred Stock (the
Series A Preferred Stock) will not be entitled to vote on any of the proposals to be considered
at the Annual Meeting.
Matters to be Considered
At this Annual Meeting, holders of the Companys common stock will be asked to:
consider and vote upon a proposal to amend the Companys Amended and Restated
Charter to declassify the Companys Board of Directors and provide for the annual
election of directors; |
elect three persons to serve as directors of the Company, each for a one-year term
if Proposal No. 1 is approved, or, alternatively, each for a three-year term if
Proposal No. 1 is not approved, those persons to serve until the end of their
respective terms and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified; |
consider and vote upon a proposal to approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the
compensation of the Companys named executive officers as disclosed in this proxy
statement; |
consider and vote upon a proposal to ratify the appointment of Dixon Hughes PLLC as
the Companys independent registered public accounting firm for 2011; and |
transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or any
adjournment thereof. |
Each copy of this document mailed to Company common shareholders is accompanied by a proxy
card with instructions for voting by mail, by telephone or on the Internet. If voting by mail, you
should complete and return the proxy card accompanying this document to ensure that your vote is
counted at the Annual Meeting, or at any adjournment or postponement of the Annual Meeting,
regardless of whether you plan to attend the Annual Meeting. You may also vote your shares by
telephone or on the Internet. Information and applicable deadlines for voting by telephone or on
the Internet are set forth in the enclosed proxy card instructions.
The presence of a shareholder at the Annual Meeting will not automatically revoke that
shareholders proxy. However, a shareholder may revoke a proxy at any time prior to its exercise
submitting a written revocation prior to the meeting to James E. Adams, Corporate
Secretary, Green Bankshares, Inc., 100 North Main Street, Greeneville, Tennessee
37743-4992; |
submitting another proxy by mail, internet or telephone that is dated later than the original proxy; or |
attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person. |
If your shares are held by a broker or bank, you must follow the instructions on the form you
receive from your broker or bank with respect to changing or revoking your proxy.
The shares represented by any proxy card that is properly executed and received by the Company
in time to be voted at the Annual Meeting will be voted in accordance with the instructions that
are marked on the proxy card. If you execute your proxy card but do not provide the Company with
any instructions, your shares will be voted as follows:
FOR the amendment to the Companys Amended and Restated Charter to declassify the
Companys Board of Directors and provide for the annual election of directors; |
FOR the election of three persons to serve as directors of the Company, each for a
one-year term if Proposal No. 1 is approved, or, alternatively, each for a three-year
term if Proposal No. 1 is not approved, those persons to serve until the end of their
respective terms and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified; |
FOR approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the compensation of the Companys
named executive officers as disclosed in this proxy statement; |
FOR ratification of the appointment of Dixon Hughes PLLC as the Companys
independent registered public accounting firm for 2011; and |
In the best judgment of the persons appointed as proxies as to all other matters
properly brought before the Annual Meeting. |
Proxies that are returned to us where brokers have received instructions to vote on one or
more proposals but do not vote on other proposal(s) are referred to as broker non-votes with
respect to the proposal(s) not voted upon. Broker non-votes are included in determining the
presence of a quorum.
Vote Required
In order to have a lawful meeting, a quorum of shareholders must be present at the Annual
Meeting. The presence, in person or by proxy, of the holders of a majority of the outstanding
shares of the Companys common stock outstanding, as of the record date, will constitute a quorum
at the Annual Meeting. A shareholder will be deemed to be present if the shareholder either attends
the Annual Meeting or submits a properly executed proxy card that is received at or prior to the
Annual Meeting (and not revoked). Under the laws of Tennessee, the Companys state of
incorporation, abstentions and broker non-votes are counted for purposes of determining the
presence or absence of a quorum, but are not counted as votes cast at the meeting.
Effect of Abstentions and Broker Non-Votes. If your shares are treated as a broker non-vote or
abstention, your shares will be counted in the number of shares represented for purposes of
determining whether a quorum is present. However, broker non-votes and abstentions will not be
included in vote totals (neither for nor against) and therefore will not affect the outcome of the
vote on any of Proposals 1-4 except as set forth below.
The affirmative vote of a plurality of the votes cast by the shareholders entitled to vote at
the Annual Meeting is required for the election of directors. A properly executed proxy marked
Withhold Authority with respect to the election of one or more directors will not be voted with
respect to the director or directors indicated, although it will be counted in determining whether
there is a quorum. Therefore, so long as a quorum is present, withholding authority will have no
effect on whether one, or more, director is elected except as set forth below.
Under Tennessee law, directors are elected by a plurality of the total number of votes cast,
which means the nominees who receive the largest number of properly cast votes will be elected as
directors. A vote to withhold authority for the election of one or more director nominees will be
counted for quorum purposes, but because the vote required to elect directors is a plurality vote,
a vote to withhold authority will not affect the outcome of the election under Tennessee law.
However, as explained more fully below, a vote to withhold authority will be counted for purposes
of determining whether a director nominee received the affirmative vote of holders of a majority of
the shares voted as required by the Companys Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Guidelines.
So long as a quorum is present, a broker non-vote will have no effect on the approval of the
nominees to the Companys Board except as set forth in the following paragraph.
The Companys Board has adopted Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Guidelines, as
described in more detail below, which provide that, should an incumbent director receive more
Withhold Authority votes than For votes, that director shall tender his or her resignation to
the Lead Director of the Board following the shareholder vote. Subsequently, the Companys
Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee shall consider the relevant facts and circumstances,
including the factors that may have given rise to the resulting shareholder vote and the service
and qualifications of the impacted director(s), and recommend to the Board within ninety days of
the shareholder vote as to whether to accept or reject the resignation of the impacted director(s).
The Board shall also consider the relevant facts and circumstances as to whether to accept or
reject the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committees recommendation. Subsequently, the Company
shall describe a full explanation of the above process and the decisions reached in a Form 8-K
filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any director who tenders his resignation
pursuant to this provision shall not participate in any discussion or recommendation related to the
above process.
If a quorum exists, approval of the amendment to the Companys Amended and Restated Charter to
declassify the Board of Directors and provide for the annual election of directors, approval, on a
non-binding, advisory basis, of the compensation of the Companys named executive officers, as
disclosed in this proxy statement, and the ratification of the appointment of Dixon-Hughes as the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm for 2011, requires that the number of votes
cast, in person or by proxy, at the Companys Annual Meeting in favor of the proposal exceed the
number of votes cast, in person or by proxy, against the proposal. Abstentions and broker
non-votes are not counted as votes cast and thus have no impact on the approval of the amendment to
the Companys Amended and Restated Charter to declassify the Board of Directors and provide for the
annual election of directors, approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the compensation of
the Companys named executive officers, as disclosed in this proxy statement, and the ratification
of the appointment of Dixon-Hughes as the Companys independent registered public accounting firm
for 2011, because the vote required to approve these proposals is not based upon the Companys
outstanding shares, but only on those shares present and voting at the Annual Meeting.
Solicitation of Proxies
In addition to solicitation by mail, directors, officers and employees of the Company may
solicit proxies for the Annual Meeting from Company shareholders personally or by telephone and
other electronic means without additional remuneration for soliciting such proxies. We also will
provide persons, firms, banks and corporations holding shares in their names or in the names of
nominees, which in either case are beneficially owned by others, proxy material for transmittal to
such beneficial owners and will reimburse such record owners for their expenses in taking such
actions. We have engaged Morrow & Co., LLC to assist with the solicitation of proxies for an
estimated fee of $6,500 plus expenses.
Internet Availability of Proxy Materials
This proxy statement, proxy card and accompanying proxy materials are available at the
following website:
On March 21, 2011, the Board of Directors approved an amendment to the Companys Amended and
Restated Charter to eliminate the classified structure of the Board of Directors and to allow for
the annual election of directors. At the same meeting, the Board of Directors approved a
corresponding amendment to the Companys Amended and Restated Bylaws, which will not take effect
unless and until this Proposal 1 is approved by the Companys shareholders. The amendment to the
Companys Amended and Restated Bylaws is not being voted upon by the shareholders.
Article 7 of the Companys Amended and Restated Charter currently divides the Companys Board
of Directors into three classes of directors, each of which is elected for a three-year term. This
proposal seeks approval of the amendment of our Amended and Restated Charter to provide that all
directors would be elected each year at the annual meeting of shareholders. If approved by the
Companys shareholders, the amendment to the Amended and Restated Charter will be filed with the
Secretary of State of the State of Tennessee promptly following the vote of the shareholders at the
Annual Meeting and will be in effect immediately upon approval by the Secretary of State of
Tennessee. The form of the Articles of Amendment to the Amended and Restated Charter is set forth
as Appendix A to this proxy statement.
If the amendment to the Amended and Restated Charter is approved, current directors would
continue to serve for their elected terms. Directors who are up for reelection at the Annual
Meeting shall be elected for one-year terms and would thereafter stand for election for one-year
terms at each successive annual meeting. Directors who were elected for three-year terms at the
2009 annual meeting of shareholders would stand for election at the 2012 annual meeting of
shareholders for one-year terms and would thereafter stand for election for one-year terms at each
successive annual meeting. Directors who were elected for three-year terms at the 2010 annual
meeting of shareholders would stand for election at the 2013 annual meeting of shareholders for
one-year terms and would thereafter stand for election for one-year terms at each successive annual
meeting. Thus, if this proposal is approved by the Companys shareholders, beginning with the
annual meeting of shareholders in 2013, all directors would be elected annually to one-year terms.
The Companys Board of Directors has considered the advantages and disadvantages of the
classified board structure, and has unanimously voted to propose to the shareholders that the
Amended and Restated Charter of the Company be amended to provide that directors be elected
annually. In reaching this determination, the Companys Board of Directors noted the support for
annual elections of directors among our shareholders, as evidenced by the vote at the 2010 annual
meeting of shareholders in favor of a non-binding shareholder proposal calling for annual election
of directors.
Vote Required
If a quorum exists, approval of the amendment to the Companys Amended and Restated Charter
requires that the number of votes cast, in person or by proxy, at the Companys Annual Meeting, in
favor of the proposal exceed the number of votes cast, in person or by proxy, at the Companys
Annual Meeting, against the proposal. Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no impact on the
proposal to approve the amendment to the Companys Amended and Restated Charter. If this Proposal 1
is not approved by the Companys shareholders, then the election of Messrs. Campbell, Lynch and
Tolsma set forth in Proposal 2 shall proceed under the Companys Amended and Restated Charter as
currently in effect. In such case, Messrs. Campbell, Lynch and Tolsma shall be elected for a term
of three years.
The Companys Board of Directors is currently comprised of 10 members. The Companys Amended
and Restated Charter requires that directors be divided into three classes, as nearly equal in
number as possible, and that
the members of each class serve for a term of three years and until their successors are
elected and qualified, with one-third of the directors elected each year. The Companys
Nominating/Governance Committee has nominated for election as directors Bruce Campbell, Samuel E.
Lynch and John Tolsma, each of whom is currently a member of the Board of Directors. We are
proposing, in Proposal 1 set out above, to amend the Companys Amended and Restated Charter to
declassify the Companys Board of Directors. If this proposal is approved, the three director
nominees would be elected to one year terms. Thereafter, as the term of each other class of
directors expires, such class of directors will be nominated for a term of one year. Through this
orderly process, our Board of Directors will be fully declassified at the 2013 annual meeting of
stockholders, at which all director nominees will be nominated for election to one year terms.
Each of Messers. Campbells, Lynchs and Tolsmas current terms will expire at the Annual Meeting.
Each director has consented to serve as a director if elected. If Proposal 1 set out above is not
approved at the Annual Meeting, if elected by the Companys shareholders, the nominees will be
elected for three year terms.
The Companys Board has recently adopted Amended and Restated Corporate Governance Guidelines
to include a majority vote standard for the election of directors. Pursuant to the Amended and
Restated Corporate Governance Guidelines, should an incumbent director receive more Withhold
Authority votes than For votes, that director shall tender his or her resignation to the Lead
Director of the Board following the shareholder vote. Subsequently, the Companys
Nominating/Governance Committee shall consider the relevant facts and circumstances, including the
factors that may have given rise to the resulting shareholder vote and the service and
qualifications of the impacted director(s), and recommend to the Board within ninety days of the
shareholder vote as to whether to accept or reject the resignation of the impacted director(s). The
Board shall also consider the relevant facts and circumstances as to whether to accept or reject
the Nominating/Corporate Governance Committees recommendation. Subsequently, the Company shall
describe a full explanation of the above process and the decisions reached in a Form 8-K filing
with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any director who tenders his resignation pursuant to
this provision shall not participate in any discussion or recommendation related to the above
It is intended that the persons named in the proxies solicited by the Board of Directors will
vote for the election of each of the nominees. If any nominee is unable to serve or for good cause
will not serve, the shares represented by all properly executed proxies which have not been revoked
will be voted for the election of a substitute nominee as the Board of Directors may recommend. In
the alternative, the Board of Directors may, in its discretion, reduce its size to eliminate the
vacancy. At this time, the Board of Directors knows of no reason why any nominee might be unable
or unwilling to serve.
The Companys Board of Directors has determined that each of the following directors is an
independent director within the meaning of Marketplace Rule 5605(a)(2) of the Nasdaq Stock
Market, LLC:
Martha M. Bachman;
Bruce Campbell;
W.T. Daniels;
Robert K. Leonard;
Samuel E. Lynch;
Bill Mooningham;
John Tolsma; and
Charles H. Whitfield, Jr.
The Companys Board of Directors has established procedures for the Companys shareholders to
communicate with members of the Board of Directors. Shareholders can communicate with any of the
Companys directors, including the chairperson of any of the committees of the Board of Directors,
by writing to a director c/o Green Bankshares, Inc., 100 North Main Street, P.O. Box 1120,
Greeneville, Tennessee 37743.
The Company encourages the members of the Board of Directors to attend the annual meeting of
shareholders. All of the Companys directors attended the Annual Meeting of Shareholders held in
2010, with the exception of Messrs. Tolsma and Campbell.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR election as directors of all the nominees
listed below.
The following table sets forth certain information with respect to each of the Companys
current directors whose term of office as a director will or, assuming re-election, is expected to
continue after the Annual Meeting.
The information describing the current position and prior business experience of each of the
nominees and continuing directors below contains information regarding the persons service as a
director, business experience, public reporting company director positions held currently or at any
time during the last five years and the experiences, qualifications, attributes or skills that
caused the Board of Directors to determine that the person should serve as a director for the
Company. Each of the Companys directors also currently serves as a director of the Bank, the
wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. There are no arrangements or understandings between the
Company and any director pursuant to which such person has been selected as a director or nominee
for director of the Company, and no director or nominee is related to any other director, nominee
or executive officer by blood, marriage or adoption.
Current |
Director |
Term to |
Previous Business Experience |
Name |
Age |
Since (a) |
Expire |
and Directors Qualifications |
Bruce Campbell
59 |
2000 |
2011 |
Mr. Campbell has served as
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer of
Forward Air Corporation, a
public company specializing
in logistics and
transportation, since 2007.
Prior to being elevated to
his current position, Mr.
Campbell served as
President and Chief
Executive Officer of the
Forward Air since 2003. He
has held a leadership role
with the Forward Air for
over 20 years. Mr. Campbell
is an experienced business
leader. His experience as
the chairman, president and
chief executive officer of
a registered public company
offers the Board management
experience, leadership
capabilities, financial
knowledge and business
acumen. |
Samuel E. Lynch
51 |
2008 |
2011 |
Dr. Lynch is founder of
BioMimetic and has been its
President, CEO and a
director since inception in
1999. BioMimetic is a
public biotechnology
company utilizing purified
recombinant human
platelet-derived growth
factor (rhPDGF-BB) in
combination with tissue
specific matrices as its
primary technology platform
for promotion of tissue
healing and regeneration.
He also served as chairman
of the board of BioMimetic
from inception until August
2005. Dr. Lynch has spent
his career in health care
management, product
development, and earlier in
including research and
patient care. He received
his Doctorate of Medical
Sciences and Specialty in
Periodontology from the
Harvard Medical and Dental
Schools, respectively, as
well as a Doctorate of
Dental Medicine from
Southern Illinois
University School of Dental
Medicine. He has published
and lectured extensively
worldwide and is a
co-inventor of BioMimetics
technologies. Dr. Lynchs
experience as the president
and chief executive officer
of a registered public
company offers the Board
management experience,
leadership capabilities,
financial knowledge and
business acumen. |
John Tolsma
37 |
2004 |
2011 |
Mr. Tolsma is Chief
Executive Officer,
Knowledge Launch, LLC, a
non-public educational
media company which creates
customized leadership and
development programs for
global companies and top
universities. It is a 2010
Blue Ribbon Award recipient
from the US Chamber of
Commerce. Mr. Tolsma
earned his JD from Harvard
Law School and his MBA from
Harvard Business School.
Mr. Tolsma has extensive
business experience as
chief executive officer of
an educational media
company and brings
excellent business acumen
and experience to the
Board. |
Current |
Director |
Term to |
Name |
Age |
Since (a) |
Expire |
Previous Business Experience |
Martha M. Bachman
56 |
2005 |
2012 |
Ms. Bachman began her
professional career in 1980
as an owner/co-owner of a
successful retail,
non-public company in
Northeast Tennessee which
was sold in 2007. She
currently provides
financial consulting to her
familys other personal
enterprises including
rental properties,
investments and other
holdings. Ms. Bachmans
family has been closely
affiliated with the Company
for over two generations
which provides a strong
historical connection
between the local community
and the Company. Ms.
Bachman has extensive
experience as a successful
business owner and also
provides the Board with
expertise in matters
relating to the retail
industry. |
W.T. Daniels
66 |
1987 |
2012 |
Since 1985 Mr. Daniels has
been President of The Dev.
Group, a non-public
property management and
development company in East
Tennessee. He is a
Community Leader and has
served as Chairman of the
Greeneville Light and Power
Board as well as serving
the local community as a
City Council Member for
over 20 years. Mr. Daniels
currently serves as mayor
of Greeneville, a position
he has held since July,
2010. Mr. Daniels
extensive experience in
real estate development and
his involvement in a number
of community and government
activities in the Companys
market area make him well
qualified to serve as a
director. |
Charles H.
Whitfield, Jr.
53 |
2000 |
2012 |
Mr. Whitfield has served as
President and Chief
Executive Officer of
Laughlin Memorial Hospital,
a non-public company, for
the past 13 years of his 20
years experience in the
acute care hospital
profession. Mr. Whitfield
has extensive experience in
the health care industry
and provides valuable
insight into all matters
relating to changes
occurring in this industry. |
Stephen M. Rownd
51 |
2010 |
2012 |
Mr. Rownd has been Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer
of the Company and the Bank
since March 31, 2010. He
had previously served as
Executive Vice President
and Senior Commercial
Banker for Fifth Third Bank
of the Carolinas from, 2008
to March 15, 2010, and was
responsible for leading a
new commercial banking team
focused on middle market
lending, commercial real
estate and treasury
services. Prior to joining
Fifth Third, Mr. Rownd
served as Executive Vice
President and Chief Banking
Officer of First Charter
Corporation from 2006 to
2008, as Executive Vice
President and Chief Risk
Officer from 2004 to 2006
and as Executive Vice
President and Chief Credit
Officer from 2000 to 2004.
Mr. Rownds extensive
banking experience and the
experience he has managing
the day to day operations
of the Companys business
as the Companys and the
Banks Chief Executive
provides the Board with
knowledge and insight into
the Companys operations
and makes him a valuable
member of the Board. |
Robert K. Leonard
43 |
2005 |
2013 |
Mr. Leonard served as
Chairman of the Audit
Committee from 2007 to
October, 2010 and was
appointed as Lead Director
of the Company in 2009.
Since 1996 he has been
President of LMR Plastics,
a non-public company, which
provides custom plastic
injection moldings to the
majority of the Global 1000
companies. He is a
Certified Public Accountant
with prior experience in
the Financial Institutions
Practice of KPMG Peat
Marwick. Mr. Leonards
experience in financial and
accounting matters,
including having served as
a certified public
accountant with KPMG Peat
Marwick, makes him a
valuable member of the
Board. He also has
experience as the president
of a successful
manufacturing company. |
Kenneth R. Vaught
46 |
2002 |
2013 |
Director, President and
Chief Banking Officer of
the Company and the Bank
since June 2010 and, prior
to June 2010, Director,
President and Chief
Operating Officer of the
Company and the Bank since
2002. Previously served as
Senior Vice President and
Regional Executive for the
Banks Blount and Knox
County, Tennessee offices
from 1998 to 2002. Mr.
Vaught began his banking
career in 1987. Mr.
Vaughts extensive banking
experience and his
experience managing the day
to day operations of the
Companys business provide
the Board with knowledge
and insight into the
Companys operations. |
Bill Mooningham
64 |
2009 |
2013 |
Mr. Mooningham, the
Chairman of our Audit
Committee, is a Certified
Public Accountant and
currently serves as an
Adjunct Professor of
Accounting at Middle
Tennessee State University
since 2007. He retired from
Ernst & Young LLP, an
international public
accounting firm, in 2007
after serving 22 years, of
his 37 year career with
Ernst & Young, as an Audit
Partner in their assurance
practice. Mr. Mooningham
brings significant
financial and accounting
expertise to the Board,
reflecting his 37-year
career with Ernst & Young
LLP and is an audit
committee financial expert. |
(a) |
Indicates year that director first served as a director of either the Company or the Bank. |
Board Leadership Structure
The Board of Directors appointed the Companys Chief Executive Officer as Chairman because he
is the director most familiar with the Companys business and industry, and as a result is best
suited to effectively identify strategic priorities and lead the discussion and execution of
strategy. The Board of Directors believes that the combined position of Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer promotes a unified direction and leadership for the board of directors and gives
a single, clear focus for the chain of command for our organization, strategy and business plans.
The Board of Directors believes that the Companys current leadership structure with the combined
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer leadership role and a strong Lead Director enhances the
Chairman/Chief Executive Officers ability to provide insight and direction on important strategic
initiatives to both management and the independent directors and, at the same time, ensures that
the appropriate level of independent oversight is applied to all board decisions.
Boards Role in Risk Oversight
While the Board of Directors has the ultimate oversight responsibility for the risk management
process, various committees of the Board of Directors assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling
its oversight responsibilities in certain areas of risk. In particular, the Audit Committee focuses
on financial and enterprise risk exposures, including internal controls, and discusses with
management, the internal auditors, and the independent registered public accountants the Companys
policies with respect to risk assessment and risk management, including risks related to fraud,
liquidity, credit operations and regulatory compliance. The Audit Committee also assists the Board
in fulfilling its duties and oversight responsibilities relating to the Companys compliance and
ethics programs, including compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. The Compensation
Committee is responsible for considering the risks that may be implicated by the Companys
executive compensation programs and reviews those risks with the Companys senior risk officers.
Meetings and Committees of the Board of Directors
The Company conducts its business through meetings of the Board of Directors, which met 11
times during 2010. Directors of the Company also are directors of the Bank, the Board of which met
nine times in 2010. During 2010, each member of the Board of Directors of the Company and of the
Bank attended at least 75% or more of the aggregate of (a) the total number of meetings of the
Boards of Directors and (b) the total number of meetings held by all committees on which the
director served.
The Nominating/Governance Committee of the Company, consisting of Bruce Campbell, Robert K.
Leonard, Martha Bachman and Samuel E. Lynch, with Bruce Campbell serving as Chairman, is
responsible for selecting nominees for election as directors. Nominations may also be made by
shareholders, provided such nominations are made in writing and submitted to the Secretary of the
Company in accordance with the requirements of the Companys Amended and Restated Charter as
described below. The Nominating/Governance Committee has a written charter which sets out the
duties and responsibilities of the committee, a copy of which is available on the Investor
Relations section of the Companys website at Each of the directors who
serve on the Nominating Committee is independent as that term is defined under Rule 5605(a)(2)
of the listing standards of the Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC. During 2010, the
Nominating/Governance Committee met four times.
Under the terms of the Companys Amended and Restated Charter, shareholders of record of the
Company both at the time of giving of notice and at the time of the annual meeting, may nominate
persons for election to the Companys Board of Directors. For such nominations to be properly
brought before an annual meeting, the shareholder must have given timely notice thereof in writing
to the secretary of the Company. To be timely, a shareholders notice shall be delivered to the
secretary at the Companys principal executive office no less than 40 days nor more than 60 days
prior to the scheduled date of such meeting; except that if notice of public disclosure of the
meeting is given fewer than 50 days prior to the meeting, such shareholders notice must be
delivered to the secretary of the Company not later than the close of business on the 10th day
following the day such notice was first mailed to the Company shareholders. In addition, each
notice submitted by a Company shareholder shall set forth as to such nominee all information
relating to that person that is required to be disclosed in solicitations of proxies for election
of directors, or as otherwise required, in each case pursuant to Regulation 14A of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act), including that nominees written consent to be named in the
proxy statement as a
nominee and to serving as a director if elected. Also, the shareholder giving such notice and
the beneficial owner, if any, on whose behalf the nomination is submitted, shall include the name
and address of such shareholder as they appear on the Companys books and of such beneficial owner,
and the number of shares of each class of the Companys stock which are owned beneficially and of
record by such shareholder and such beneficial owner.
In the event that the number of directors to be elected to the Board of Directors at an annual
meeting is increased and there is no public announcement by the Company naming all of the nominees
for director or specifying the size of the increased board of directors at least 70 days prior to
the first anniversary of the prior years annual meeting, a shareholders notice required by the
Companys Amended and Restated Charter shall also be considered timely with respect to nominees for
any such new positions, if it shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Company at the Companys
principal executive offices not later than the close of business on the 10th day following the day
on which public announcement of such increase is first made by the Company.
The Companys Nominating/Governance Committee is responsible for (i) annually reviewing with
the board of directors the appropriate skills and characteristics required of members of the Board
of Directors, which, at a minimum, include professional integrity, sound judgment, and sufficient
time to devote to Board activities; (ii) annually reviewing and determining any specific qualities
or skills that one or more directors must possess; (iii) identifying individuals qualified to
become directors consistent with the criteria approved by the Board of Directors; (iv) evaluating
and considering director candidates proposed by management, any director or any shareholder; and
(v) recommending for selection by the board of directors, director nominees for the next annual
meeting of shareholders. The Board of Directors will then review and approve director nominees for
the annual meeting of shareholders.
Each potential director nominee is evaluated on the same basis regardless of whether he or she
is recommended by management, by a director or by a shareholder. The Board of Directors has not
adopted a policy with respect to minimum qualifications for directors nor has the Board of
Directors adopted a formal diversity policy for nominees. Rather, the Nominating/Governance
Committee annually reviews and determines the specific qualifications and skills that one or more
directors must possess in the context of the needs of the Board of Directors with respect to
experience, expertise and age. Each of the nominees for director to be elected at the Annual
Meeting was nominated and recommended by the Nominating/Governance Committee and approved by the
Board of Directors. In making recommendations for nominees to the Board of Directors, the Board of
Directors seeks to include directors who, when taken together with the other nominees and
continuing directors, will create a Board of Directors that offers a diversity of education,
professional experience, background, age, gender, perspective, viewpoints and skill. The Company
has not received director nominee recommendations from any shareholders for the terms commencing in
2011. The Board of Directors will consider nominees recommended by shareholders under the same
criteria as nominees submitted by other parties, provided that such recommendations comply with the
notice, timing and other requirements provided for in the Companys Amended and Restated Charter.
The Audit Committee of the Bank also serves as the Audit Committee for the Company and is a
separately-designated standing audit committee established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A)
of the Exchange Act. The Audit Committee of the Bank consists of Messrs. Robert K. Leonard, Samuel
E. Lynch, Bill Mooningham, John Tolsma and Charles Whitfield, Jr. Each of the directors who serves
on the Audit Committee is independent of the Company, as the term independent is defined under
Rule 5605(a)(2) of the listing standards of the Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC and the standards
promulgated under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, including Rule 10A-3 of the rules and regulations
promulgated under the Exchange Act. Mr. Leonard served as the Chairman of the Audit Committee from
2007 to October 2010. In October 2010, Mr. Mooningham was appointed to serve as Chairman of the
Audit Committee. The Board of Directors has determined that Mr. Mooningham qualifies as an audit
committee financial expert as such term is defined by the Securities and Exchange Commissions
rules and regulations, and is independent, as defined by the listing standards of the Nasdaq
Stock Market, LLC and the Securities and Exchange Commissions rules and regulations. The Audit
Committee meets at least quarterly to, among other things, (1) monitor the accounting and financial
reporting practices of the Company, and (2) determine whether the Company has adequate
administrative, operating and internal accounting control over financial reporting. This committee
met seven times during 2010 in its capacity as the Audit Committee for the Company. A copy of the
Audit Committee Report is set forth below. The Audit Committee has a written charter which sets out
the duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee, a copy of which is available on the
Investor Relations section of the Companys website at
The Banks Compensation Committee also serves as the compensation committee for the Company.
The Compensation Committee consists of Martha Bachman, W.T. Daniels, Bruce Campbell, John Tolsma
and Charles
Whitfield, Jr., with Mr. Tolsma serving as Chairman. Each member of the Compensation
Committee is independent within the meaning of the listing standards of the Nasdaq Stock Market,
LLC. The Compensation Committee meets periodically to evaluate the compensation and fringe benefits
of the directors, officers and employees of the Bank and the Company and recommend compensation
changes to the respective Boards of Directors. The Compensation Committee met three times during
2010. The Compensation Committee has a written charter which sets out the duties and
responsibilities of the Compensation Committee, a copy of which is available on the Investor
Relations section of the Companys website at
Additionally, because the Company is participating in the Capital Purchase Program (the CPP)
established by the U.S. Department of the Treasury (the Treasury) under the Emergency Economic
Stabilization Act of 2008 (EESA), the Compensation Committee has additional responsibilities
under the EESA as amended by the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the ARRA) and the
rules, regulations and guidance issued thereunder including the interim final rule related to
compensation and governance issued by the Treasury on June 15, 2009 (the June 2009 IFR). Those
additional responsibilities include the following:
discussing, evaluating and reviewing, at least every six months, with the
Companys senior risk officers, the Companys senior executive officer compensation
plans and employee compensation plans and the risks these plans pose to the Company; |
identifying and limiting the features in the Companys senior executive officer
compensation plans that could lead the Companys senior executive officers to take
unnecessary and excessive risks that could threaten the value of the Company; |
identifying and limiting any features in the Companys employee compensation
plans that pose risks to the Company to ensure that the Company is not unnecessarily
exposed to risks, including any features in these senior executive officer compensation
plans or employee compensation plans that would encourage behavior focused on
short-term results rather than long-term value creation; |
discussing, evaluating and reviewing, at least every six months, the terms of
each Company employee compensation plan and identifying and eliminating the features in
these plans that could encourage the manipulation of reported earnings of the Company
to enhance the compensation of an employee; |
providing annually a narrative description of how the committee limited the
risk encouraging features in the senior executive officer compensation plans and
employee compensation plans; and |
certifying annually that the committee has completed its review of the senior
executive officer compensation plans and employee compensation plans required under the
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
The members of the Compensation Committee during 2010 consisted of John Tolsma, Martha
Bachman, W.T. Daniels, Bruce Campbell and Charles Whitfield, Jr.
No member of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company during 2010
was either (i) an officer or employee of the Company or any of its subsidiaries during the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2010, (ii) a former officer of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, or
(iii) an insider (i.e., director, officer, director or officer nominee, greater than 5%
shareholder, or immediate family member of the foregoing) of the Company or any of its subsidiaries
that engaged, or is currently engaging, in transactions with the Company or any subsidiary of the
Company that must be disclosed in this proxy statement under the rules and regulations of the SEC.
Except as set forth above, there are no relationships among the Companys executive officers,
members of its Compensation Committee or entities whose executives serve on the board of directors
or the Compensation Committee that require disclosure under applicable SEC rules or regulations.
Certain Transactions
The Company and its subsidiaries have had, and expect to have in the future, transactions in
the ordinary course of business with directors and executive officers and members of their
immediate families, as well as with principal shareholders. All loans and deposits included in such
transactions were made in the ordinary course of business on substantially the same terms,
including interest rates and collateral, in the case of loans, as those prevailing for comparable
transactions with non-affiliated persons. It is the belief of management that such loans neither
involved more than the normal risk of collectability nor presented other unfavorable features.
Review, Approval or Ratification of Transactions with Related Persons
The Company has followed the practice of having the full Board of Directors, or a committee of
disinterested directors, review and approve transactions in which a director has a material
interest. The Company has adopted a written Related Party Transactions Review and Approval Policy,
which is administered by the board of directors. The Policy covers related party transactions,
including any financial transaction, arrangement or relationship or any series of similar
transactions, arrangements or relationships, either currently proposed or since the beginning of
the last fiscal year in which the Company was or is to be a participant, involves an amount
exceeding $120,000 and in which a director, nominee for director, executive officer or immediate
family member of such person has or will have a direct or indirect material interest. The Board of
Directors determines whether or not related party transactions are fair and reasonable to the
Company and on terms no less favorable to the Company than those that would be available from
unaffiliated third parties. The Board of Directors also determines whether any related party
transaction in which a director has an interest impairs the directors independence. Approved
related party transactions are subject to on-going review by the Companys management on at least
an annual basis. Loans to directors and executive officers and their related interests made and
approved pursuant to the terms of Federal Reserve Board Regulation O are deemed approved under this
policy. Any such loans that become subject to specific disclosure in the Companys annual proxy
statement will be reviewed by the Audit Committee at that time.
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Companys officers and
directors, and persons who own more than 10% of a registered class of the Companys equity
securities, to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC. Officers, directors
and greater-than-10% shareholders are required to furnish the Company with copies of all such
reports. Based solely on its review of copies of such reports received by it, or written
representations from certain reporting persons that no annual report of change in beneficial
ownership is required, the Company believes that, during and with respect to the year ended
December 31, 2010 all such filing requirements were timely satisfied.
Audit Committee Report
The following Audit Committee Report shall not be deemed filed or incorporated by reference
into any other document, including the Companys filings under the Securities Act of 1933 or the
Exchange Act, except to the extent the Company specifically incorporates this Report into any such
filing by reference.
The Board of Directors of the Company has appointed an Audit Committee, consisting of five
independent directors, which assists the board of directors in fulfilling its responsibility for
oversight of the quality and integrity of the accounting, auditing and financial reporting
practices of the Company.
In discharging its oversight responsibility as to the audit process, the Audit Committee
obtained from the Companys independent registered public accounting firm the written disclosures
and the letter from the independent registered public accounting firm required by applicable
requirements of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding the independent registered
public accounting firms communications with the Audit Committee concerning independence, and has
discussed with the independent registered public accounting firm the independent registered public
accounting firms independence and satisfied itself as to the independent registered public
accounting firms independence. The Audit Committee also discussed with management, the internal
auditors and the independent registered public accounting firm the quality and adequacy of the
Companys internal control over financial reporting and the internal audit functions organization,
responsibilities, budget and staffing. The Audit Committee reviewed with both the independent
registered public accounting firm and the internal auditors their audit plans, audit scope, and
identification of audit risks.
The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed with the independent registered public accounting
firm all matters required by generally accepted auditing standards, including those matters
described in Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, as amended, (AICPA, Professional Standards,
Vol. 1 AU Section 380) as adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in Rule 3200T,
and, with and without management present, discussed and reviewed the results of the independent
registered public accounting firms examination of the financial statements and their assessment of
the Companys internal control over financial reporting. The Audit Committee further discussed and
reviewed with the independent registered public accounting firm, with and without management
present, certain significant deficiencies identified during the fourth quarter of 2010, that when
evaluated in combination, lead to a determination that there is a material weakness in internal
control as of December 31, 2010. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of
deficiencies, in internal control over
financial reporting, such that there is a reasonable possibility the Companys internal
controls could fail to prevent or detect a material misstatement of the financial statements on a
timely basis. The Audit Committee also reviewed with the independent registered public accounting
firm, with and without management present, managements specific action plans to address the
deficiencies identified as more fully discussed in the Companys 2010 Form 10-K, which accompanies
this proxy statement. The Audit Committee also discussed the results of the internal audit
The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed the audited financial statements of the Company as
of and for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010, with management and the independent registered
public accounting firm. Management has the responsibility for the preparation of the Companys
financial statements, and the independent registered public accounting firm has the responsibility
for the examination of those statements and expressing an opinion on the conformity of those
audited financial statements with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America. The Audit Committee held seven meetings during 2010.
Based on the above-mentioned review and discussions with management and the registered public
accounting firm, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the Companys
audited financial statements be included in the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2010, for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Bill Mooningham, Chairman
Robert K. Leonard
Samuel E. Lynch
John Tolsma
Charles H. Whitfield, Jr.
Code of Conduct
The Company maintains a code of conduct that is applicable to all of the Companys directors
and employees, including its principal executive officer and its senior financial officers. This
code, which requires continued observance of high ethical standards such as honesty, integrity and
compliance with law in the conduct of the Companys business, is available for public access under
the Investor Relations section of the Companys website at The Company
intends to make any legally required disclosure of any amendments to, or waivers from, the code of
conduct with respect to its directors and executive officers in accordance with the rules and
regulations of the SEC and the Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC. If such disclosure is made on the
Companys website, it will be located on the Investor Relations section of the website at
The Compensation Committee of the Companys Board, which also serves as the Compensation
Committee of the Bank, is presently comprised of four members of the Board of Directors and is
responsible for developing and making recommendations to the full Board of Directors concerning
compensation paid to all NEOs (as defined below). The Compensation Committee is further responsible
for administering all aspects of the Companys executive compensation program.
Each member of the Compensation Committee is independent within the meaning of the listing
standards of the Nasdaq Stock Market, LLC and is appointed annually. Members of the Compensation
Committee consist of Martha Bachman, W.T. Daniels, Bruce Campbell and John Tolsma, with Mr. Tolsma
serving as Chairman. The Compensation Committee meets periodically to evaluate the compensation and
fringe benefits of the directors, officers and employees of the Bank and the Company and recommend
compensation changes to the respective boards of directors when applicable.
The Compensation Committee has a written charter which sets out the duties and
responsibilities of the Compensation Committee, a copy of which is available on the Investor
Relations section of the Companys website at
The Compensation Committee is involved in setting compensation philosophy and strategy for the
NEOs of the Company and further reviewing the risk elements of all incentive compensation plans, if
any, for both NEOs and the Companys other executive officers.
We appreciate the opportunity to share this Compensation Discussion and Analysis (CD&A) with
our shareholders, understanding that investors have a strong interest in executive compensation,
with a specific focus on our Named Executive Officers (NEOs). The NEOs for 2010 included the
following individuals:
Stan Puckett, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Stephen M. Rownd, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Kenneth R. Vaught, President and Chief Banking Officer,
James E. Adams, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
Steve L. Droke, Senior Vice President and Chief Credit Officer, and
William C. Adams, Jr., Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer.
This section discusses, with respect to the compensation paid to our NEOs:
Our compensation process and Compensation Committee procedures. |
Our executive compensation programs. |
The objectives of our executive compensation programs. |
Our recent decisions regarding compensation. |
Legislation and regulations related to compensation, including legislation and
regulations applicable to financial institutions or their holding companies that are
participants in the CPP. |
Overall Compensation Philosophy and Objectives
The Compensation Committee has designed a compensation framework that it believes drives
financial performance and links executive compensation with the creation of shareholder value. The
principles of this framework include:
Pay should be competitive with the market. |
A substantial portion of pay should align with performance. |
A substantial portion of pay should be at risk to align with risk taken by our
shareholders. |
Compensation must comply with legal and regulatory limits. |
The Compensation Committee designs our compensation programs in an effort to accomplish the
following objectives:
Attract talented and experienced executives. |
Retain the executive management required to lead us. |
Encourage improvement in individual and business performance. |
Recognize the importance of improving shareholder value. |
Executive Compensation Determinations and Committee Procedures
The Compensation Committee of the Board, which we refer to in this section as the Committee,
makes decisions regarding the compensation of our executives. Specifically, the Committee has
strategic and administrative responsibility for a broad range of issues. These include ensuring
that we compensate key management employees effectively and in a manner consistent with our stated
compensation strategy and the requirements of any applicable regulatory limitations. The Committee
also oversees the administration of executive compensation plans, including the design, performance
measures, and award opportunities for the executive incentive programs, and certain
employee benefits. The Board appoints each member of the Committee and has determined that
each is an independent director.
The Committee reviews executive officer compensation at least annually to ensure that senior
management compensation is consistent with our compensation philosophies, highlighted above,
Company and personal performance, changes in market practices, and changes in an individuals
responsibilities. At the Committees first regular meeting each year, the Committee makes a more
specific review which focuses on performance and awards for the most recently-completed fiscal
year. This review considers corporate and individual performance, changes in an NEOs
responsibilities, data regarding peer practices, and other factors.
To assist in its efforts to meet the objectives outlined above, the Committee has utilized the
services of both Blanchard Chase and Pearl Meyer nationally known executive compensation and
benefits consulting firms, to advise it on the executive compensation and benefit programs. The
Committee engaged the consultants to provide general executive compensation consulting services and
to respond to any Committee members questions. In addition, the consultants perform special
executive compensation educational projects and consulting services from time to time as directed
by the Committee. Each of the consultants reports to the Committee Chairman. Pursuant to the
Committees charter, the Committee has the power to hire and fire such consultants and engage other
The Committee reviews and approves in advance the amount of each element of total compensation
paid to all NEOs. The consultants used by the Committee support such reviews by providing data
regarding market practices and making specific recommendations for changes to plan designs and
policies consistent with our philosophies and objectives highlighted above and described in more
detail below. The CEO, along with the President and Chief Banking Officer, recommend the
compensation of the other NEOs to the Committee and the Committee annually reviews these
recommendations for acceptance or modification. Upon satisfactory completion of the independent
review by the Committee, the compensation packages may, or may not, be approved as submitted for
the other NEOs.
The Committee has, over the last two years, among other things, taken the following actions:
1. |
Oversaw a comprehensive review of all company incentive plans. This review is
described in greater detail under the caption, 2010 Incentive Compensation Pay for
Performance Review in the Compensation Committee Report which follows this CD&A. |
2. |
Revised the form of compensation for NEOs and the Companys other executive
officers in order to comply with regulatory requirements applicable to participants in
the CPP. Specific changes for these individuals included: |
the elimination of bonuses and other incentive and retention
compensation for certain employees during the period that the Company has an
outstanding obligation to the Treasury under the CPP (the TARP Period) |
the elimination of golden parachute payments and other severance
payments for certain employees during the TARP Period; and |
the elimination of tax gross ups for certain employees during the TARP period. |
3. |
Adopted, and then later strengthened, a clawback policy covering incentive
compensation paid to NEOs and the Companys next twenty most highly-compensated
employees. |
4. |
Eliminated company sponsored country club memberships in mid-2009. Business
expenses incurred are reimbursed subject to expense reimbursement policies. |
5. |
Established share ownership and retention guidelines for executive officers and
directors. |
6. |
Made no cash incentive payments to any NEO or other executive officer based
upon our 2010 performance. |
7. |
In 2010, continued strong controls implemented in 2009 on compensation
company-wide, including the continued elimination of annual merit-based salary
increases in 2010 for all NEOs and the next 20 most highly compensated officers. |
8. |
Consistent with the financial results of the Company, we did not increase
base salaries for NEOs in 2010. |
As discussed elsewhere in this Proxy Statement, recent legislation and regulation likely will
be a determining factor in the future regarding the compensation of our NEOs and other executive
officers for at least as long as the Company is a participant in the CPP. Consequently our
executive compensation program, as a result of the new legislation and regulation, has undergone
change and prior actions of the Committee may not be predictive of future action.
Effect of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 and American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009
On October 14, 2008, the Treasury announced the creation of the CPP, a program under EESA
pursuant to which the Treasury would make preferred stock investments in participating financial
We participated in the CPP in 2008 by selling preferred stock and common stock purchase
warrants to the Treasury on December 23, 2008. As a result, we became subject to certain executive
compensation requirements under EESA, Treasury regulations, and the contract pursuant to which we
sold such preferred stock. The compensation requirements were modified and strengthened in
February 2009 with the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and
again in June 2009 when Treasury issued regulations implementing various provisions of EESA, as
modified by ARRA (the June 2009 IFR). As described in more detail below, these requirements apply
to the NEOs as well as, depending on the particular limitation, the Companys five most
highly-compensated employees, the Companys five next most highly-compensated employees after the
NEOs and the Companys twenty next most highly-compensated employees after the NEOs. Throughout
this proxy statement, we refer to EESA to mean EESA as amended by ARRA and as implemented by the
June 2009 IFR.
We believe that our compensation programs and agreements with our employees fully comply with
the requirements of EESA. Those requirements are:
Prohibition on Certain Types of Compensation. EESA prohibits us from providing
incentive compensation arrangements that encourage our NEOs to take unnecessary and
excessive risks that threaten the value of the financial institution. It also prohibits
us from implementing any compensation plan that would encourage manipulation of our
reported earnings in order to enhance the compensation of any of our employees. |
Risk Review. EESA requires the Committee to meet with our senior risk officers at
least semiannually to discuss and evaluate employee compensation plans in light of an
assessment of any risk to us posed by such plans. The review is intended to better
inform the Committee of the risks posed by the plans and ways to limit such risks. The
Committee has performed this review, and its conclusions are included in its report
which appears at the end of this CD&A. Specifically, the Committees report includes
its certifications that the plans do not encourage our NEOs to take unnecessary and
excessive risks that threaten the value of our Company, and that the plans do not
encourage manipulation of the reported earnings in order to enhance the compensation of
any of our employees. |
Bonus Prohibition. EESA prohibits the payment of any bonus, retention award, or
incentive compensation to our five most highly-compensated employees. The prohibition
includes several limited exceptions, including payments under enforceable agreements
that were in existence as of February 11, 2009 and limited amounts of long-term
restricted stock, discussed below, but prohibits cash incentive payments of the type
the Company has previously paid to the Companys NEOs and other executive officers
based on annual performance. We have performed an extensive review of our compensation
arrangements and have complied with all requirements of EESA for 2010 |
Limited Amount of Long Term Restricted Stock Excluded from Bonus Prohibition. EESA
permits us to pay a limited amount of long-term restricted stock to our five most
highly-compensated employees without such compensation qualifying as a prohibited
bonus, or incentive or retention award. The amount is limited to one-third of the total
annual compensation of the employee. EESA requires such stock to have a minimum 2-year
vesting requirement, and to not be transferable by the employee until the Company has
repaid specified percentages of its obligations under the CPP. |
Golden Parachutes. EESA prohibits any severance payment to any NEO or any of the
next five most highly-compensated employees upon termination of employment for any
reason as well as any change in control payment. EESA provides an exception for amounts
paid for services performed or benefits accrued. Under EESA, a payment, or a right to
payment, generally will be treated as a payment for
services performed or benefits accrued only if the payment would be made regardless of
whether the employee departs or the change in control event occurs, or if payment is due
upon departure of the employee, regardless of whether the departure is voluntary or
involuntary. EESA also provides exceptions for certain payments made under benefits
plans or deferred compensation plans. |
Clawback. EESA requires us to recover any bonus or other incentive payment paid to
any of our NEOs or the next twenty most highly-compensated employees on the basis of
materially inaccurate financial statements or any other materially inaccurate
performance metric or criteria. Prior to ESSA, we already had a similar policy in
place, but strengthened it to conform to the details of EESA. |
Limit on Tax Deduction. When we entered into the agreement with the Treasury on
December 23, 2008, we contractually agreed to abide by a provision of EESA and the
Treasurys regulations which limits our tax deduction for compensation paid to $500,000
annually and eliminates the exclusion from this $500,000 limit for performance-based
compensation. This provision amended the Internal Revenue Code by adding a new Section
162(m)(5), which imposes a $500,000 deduction limit. |
Shareholder Say-on-Pay Vote Required. EESA requires us to include a non-binding
shareholder vote to approve the compensation of executives as disclosed in the
Companys proxy statement. We have included a say-on-pay proposal as Proposal 3 in
this Proxy Statement. |
Policy on Luxury Expenditures. EESA required us to implement a company-wide policy
regarding excessive or luxury expenditures, including excessive expenditures on
entertainment or events, office and facility renovations, aviation or other
transportation services. Our Board of Directors adopted this policy effective June 18,
2009 and annually thereafter reviews and updates this policy as required. |
Reporting and Certification. EESA requires our CEO and CFO to provide a written
certification of compliance with the executive compensation restrictions in EESA in our
annual report. EESA also requires certain disclosures and certifications by the
Committee, which it makes in its report which is provided at the end of this CD&A. |
Other Regulation
On October 22, 2009, the Federal Reserve issued proposed guidance on incentive compensation.
The guidance includes three principles:
Incentive compensation arrangements should balance risk and financial results
in a manner that does not provide employees incentives to take excessive risks on
behalf of the banking organization. |
A banking organizations risk-management processes and internal controls should
reinforce and support the development and maintenance of balanced incentive
compensation arrangements. |
Banking organizations should have strong and effective corporate governance to
help ensure sound compensation practices. |
The guidance was immediately effective under the Federal Reserves power to regulate the
safety and soundness of financial institutions. The Federal Reserve will apply the guidance to all
U.S. financial institutions.
Decisions Regarding Composition of Total Compensation
Total direct compensation for each NEO is a mix of cash and long-term incentives.
Historically, total cash compensation included salary and an annual cash incentive award. However,
EESA prohibits the Company from paying an annual cash incentive to our top five most
highly-compensated employees. Our implementation of EESA requirements while maintaining a
competitive balance has resulted in guaranteed pay constituting a larger percentage of total
compensation. Historically, long-term incentives included restricted stock, stock options and stock
appreciation rights. However, EESA prohibits stock options and stock appreciation rights and limits
the amount of restricted stock that the Company may issue to the Companys top five most
highly-compensated employees to one-third of total compensation. Salary is the only portion of
compensation that is not at risk. Historically, we attempted to provide a portion of total direct
compensation paid to our NEOs as non-cash and to tie total direct compensation to our performance.
We did this so that shareholder returns, along with corporate, business unit and individual
performance, both short and long-term, impact executive pay. The Committee has historically used
long-term restricted stock, stock options and stock appreciation rights to motivate executives to
align the executives interests with shareholders interests and to focus on the long-term
performance of the business. This
element of compensation is limited during the TARP Period for the Companys five most
highly-compensated employees as described above by the prohibitions under EESA. The Companys
emphasis on compensation elements other than salary has historically subjected its executives to
downside risk related to the Companys performance, and this has significantly affected (both
positively and negatively depending on the Companys performance) their overall compensation.
Effect of EESA on Components of Executive Compensation
EESA affects the relative proportion of different types of compensation that we may pay to the
NEOs and our other executive officers. The proportion of salary to total direct compensation will
increase as a result of the elimination of the annual cash incentive and the limits on the amount
of restricted stock that may be granted. The impact of EESA for our five most highly-compensated
employees is summarized below:
Compensation Element |
Prior to EESA |
After EESA |
Cash only
Cash |
Salary in the form
of long-term
restricted stock |
Annual Incentive
Not allowed |
Long-term Incentive
Stock options
Not allowed |
Stock appreciation rights
Not allowed |
Restricted stock
Restricted stock
limited to one-third
of total
compensation and
subject to vesting
and transferability
limitations |
Corporate and Individual Performance Measures
For our NEOs, we tie compensation to corporate performance, peer group comparisons and
individual performance. The Committee considers individual performance, long-term potential, and
the other individual factors when determining the size of long-term incentive compensation grants.
Among the elements of individual performance considered by the Committee are leadership, talent
management, risk management, and individual contributions to our improvement in financial
performance, including growing the business, efficiency and productivity.
Market Competitiveness
To ensure that we continue to offer competitive total compensation to our NEOs, annually the
Committee reviews the marketplace in which we compete directly for executive talent utilizing a
select group of historically high performing banks. From this review, we generally target total
compensationsalary, short-term incentives, long-term incentives, and benefitsat peer median,
with minor deviations to reflect individual circumstances. Each such element of total compensation
is benchmarked separately, as is total compensation. As a result of the turmoil in the financial
services industry, and the compensation limitations applicable to financial institutions
participating in the CPP, it has become difficult to obtain timely and meaningful peer information,
although we have increased our efforts to obtain such information through regular discussions with
our compensation consultants.
The Committee chose these companies based on generally similar attributes of size, number of
employees, product offerings, and geographic scope. In setting 2010 compensation, our peer group
remained unchanged from 2009 and consisted of the following companies: Capital City Bank Group,
Inc, First Bancorp, Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc, Renasant Corporation and SCBT Financial
We believe that our market review assists us in making executive compensation decisions that
are consistent with our objectives, especially those of attracting, retaining and motivating our
executive officers. Also, because the current marketplace is the most relevant, when making annual
executive compensation decisions, the Committee does not take into account an individuals
accumulated value from past compensation grants.
Executive Compensation Program Overview
Our executive compensation program has historically consisted of four parts:
Short-Term (Annual) Cash Incentives. |
1. Salary
We pay salaries to attract and retain talented executives. The level of salaries we pay
depends mostly on each executives experience, duties, and scope of responsibility. We target the
level of salary at peer median to be competitive. Salary affects the level of benefits, such as the
amount of pension benefits and the potential payment under our change in control agreements,
discussed below. Salary also affects the amount of restricted stock that we may award to our top
five most highly-compensated employees under EESA limitations.
The Committee has historically determined annual increases to NEOs base salaries in January or
February after reviewing the Companys performance for the prior fiscal year and after considering
an individuals performance and/or changed responsibilities. For 2010 and 2009, the Committee
eliminated base salary increases for all of our NEOs. The decision to eliminate base salary
increases was based on the Companys poor financial results for the 2010 and 2009 performance
2. Short-Term (Annual) Incentives
The Company has utilized short-term annual cash incentive payments historically to reward the
achievement of annual performance goals, including Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Earnings Per
Share and Stock Price performance. The short-term annual incentives were designed to:
Support our strategic business objectives. |
Promote the attainment of specific financial goals. |
Reward achievement of specific performance objectives. |
EESA prohibited us from paying short-term cash incentives to our five-most highly-compensated
employees during the TARP Period, and accordingly the Company did not adopt an annual cash
incentive plan for the NEOs in 2010 and 2009.
3. Long-Term Incentives
We attempt to reward effective long-term management decision-making through our long-term
incentives. These incentives focus attention on long-range objectives and future returns to
In 2010, given the Companys poor financial performance, we did not award any equity awards to
our NEOs, other than Mr. Rownd. Mr. Rownd was awarded 18,382 shares of restricted stock on March
31, 2010. These restricted shares vest 100% on March 31, 2012. EESA will continue to limit the form
and amount of restricted stock we can pay to our five most highly-compensated employees in 2011.
Prior to our participation in the CPP, we utilized a combination of time-based vesting
restricted stock and stock options to incentivize our NEOs to achieve long-term success. Restricted
stock, like stock options, aligns compensation with shareholder return since the executive receives
a benefit to the extent the Companys stock price appreciates. Unlike stock options though,
restricted stock always has value unless our stock price falls to zero. Restricted stock does
provide less leverage to corporate performance than stock options, which is an advantage in terms
of risk, and may limit an executives incentive to engage in unnecessary or excessively risky
EESA permits long-term restricted stock, but only to the extent the value of the stock does
not exceed one-third of the total amount of annual compensation of the employee receiving the
stock. To comply with EESA, such grants must also have a minimum service requirement of at least
two years and may not be transferable until after we repay specified percentages of our CPP-related
For 2010, the Committee has not made any long-term incentive awards to the NEOs or our other
executive officers other than Mr. Rownds restricted shares described above.
4. Benefits
A. 401(k) Plan and 401(k) Excess Plan Contributions
We offer a qualified 401(k) Plan and a nonqualified 401(k) Deferred Compensation Plan to
provide tax-advantaged savings vehicles. We have historically made contributions to the 401(k) Plan
to encourage employees to save money for their retirement. These plans enhance the range of
benefits we offer to executives and enhance our ability to attract and retain employees.
Under the terms of the Green Bankshares, Inc. 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan, employees may defer
from 1% to 20% of their eligible pay. Historically the Company participated in the Safe Harbor
Rule which guaranteed a 3% of eligible compensation contribution. Additionally, the Company would
also historically provide a discretionary 3% contribution. All contributions are deposited into
investment funds, including company stock, based on Plan participants directions.
In July 2009, the Company contributions were suspended due to poor Company performance.
B. Perquisites and Other Benefits
Except as set forth on the 2010 Summary Compensation Table, we do not provide material
perquisites to our NEOs.
C. Post-Termination Compensation
Retirement Plans. We maintain both qualified and nonqualified retirement plans that we have
designed to work together to provide retirement pay to certain of our senior executives. We pay the
entire administrative costs for the 401(k) Plan and the Deferred Compensation Plan, each of which
encourage participants to set aside part of their current earnings to provide for their retirement.
All of the nonqualified deferred compensation plans are considered our unfunded general
contractual obligations and are subject to the claims of our creditors. If we were ever to become
insolvent, participants would be considered our general unsecured creditors. This status with
respect to these benefits should help ensure that the interests of the officer-participants are
aligned with our long-term interests of those of our shareholders.
Employment Agreements/Change in Control Agreements. We had previously entered into Employment
Agreements, which include a change in control provision, with Mr. Puckett and Mr. Vaught. The
agreement for Mr. Vaught was initially for a three year period expiring December 31, 2010, with an
automatic renewal unless either party notifies the other of a termination at least 90 days prior to
the end of the then current term. Mr. Vaughts Employment Agreement renewed for a new three-year
term on December 31, 2010 pursuant to the automatic renewal provision discussed above. Mr. Vaughts
Employment Agreement included provisions which provide for payment to the executive if his
employment is terminated either without cause by the Company, or with good reason by the executive.
The amount of the payment is determined by whether we or the executive terminates the agreement and
whether the termination occurs before or after a change in control. As discussed below, the
Employment Agreement is subject to regulations under the EESA provisions which prohibit golden
parachute payments that eliminate these termination payment obligations during the TARP Period.
Additionally, the Company had entered into Change in Control Agreements with selected members
of senior management, including each of the NEOs other than Mr. Puckett, Mr. Rownd and Mr. Vaught.
The Change in Control Agreements were entered into as a function of the consolidation occurring in
the financial services industry
and to avoid having our executives distracted by a rumored, or actual, change in control. If
a change in control were to occur, we want our executives to be focused on the business and the
interests of the shareholders. We believe that it is important that our executives react neutrally
to a potential change in control and not be influenced by personal financial concerns. The Board
believes that our Change in Control Agreements and the change in control provisions of the
Employment Agreement with Mr. Vaught described above are consistent with market practices and
assist us in retaining our executive talent. The level of benefits have been set at either 1.99
times or 2.99 times the participating executives base amount within the meaning of Section 280G of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code), and would be payable in a lump sum six
months following the executive officers termination without cause or for a good reason if the
executive is terminated within eighteen months of a change in control. We believe this structure is
common and necessary to remain competitive within the banking industry as a whole and, more
specifically, with our peer group. In establishing the multiples of base salary and bonus that a
terminated NEO would be entitled to receive following his or her termination after a change in
control, the Committee considered the need to be able to competitively recruit and retain talented
executive officers who often times seek protection against the possibility that they might be
terminated without cause or be forced to resign without cause, particularly following a change of
control. When establishing the multiples, the Committee also sought to provide benefits at a level
that it believed would provide appropriate compensation for the NEO in the event of consummating a
transaction that, although possibly detrimental to the individuals employment prospects with the
resulting company, would be beneficial to the Companys shareholders.
The Committee believes that the protections afforded in Mr. Vaughts Employment Agreement and
the Change in Control Agreements are reasonable and are an important element in retaining the
Companys NEOs and certain other members of senior management.
In connection with the Companys sale of preferred stock to the Treasury in connection with
the CPP, each of our NEOs executed letter agreements with the Company in 2008 in which each officer
agreed that (i) the Company is prohibited from paying any golden parachute payment (as originally
defined in Section 111(b)(2)(c) of the EESA) to the officer during any period that the executive is
a senior executive officer of the Company and the Treasury holds any equity or debt securities of
the Company issued in the CPP; (ii) any bonus or incentive compensation paid to the named executive
officer during any period that the officer is a senior executive officer of the Company and the
Treasury holds any equity or debt securities of the Company issued in the CPP is subject to
recovery or clawback by the Company if the payments were based on materially inaccurate financial
statements or performance metric criteria; and (iii) each of the Companys benefit plans were
amended with respect to the named executive officer to the extent necessary to give effect to the
limitations described above in this paragraph. As described above, the ARRA and the June 2009 IFR
imposed additional restrictions and limits concerning executive compensation of companies that
participated in the CPP, including a provision prohibiting any payment to any named executive
officer for departure from a company for any reason, except for payments for services performed or
benefits accrued. In December 2009, the Committee requested, and subsequently received, additional
letter agreements from each of the NEOs acknowledging the additional limitations on the
individuals compensation imposed under EESA, as modified by the ARRA and the June 2009 IFR during
the TARP Period. Regulations or guidance by the Treasury with respect to future additional
restrictions may require the Company to seek additional modifications to the agreements that it has
entered into with its NEOs and certain other highly-compensated employees. As a result of these
additional letter agreements, each of Mr. Vaught and the executives that are parties to the Change
in Control Agreements have waived their rights to receive any change in control payments under the
Change in Control Agreements that would otherwise be payable during the TARP Period.
Mr. Vaught has also entered into a Non-competition Agreement with the Company. In
consideration for entering into this agreement, the Company has provided certain deferred
compensation benefits which have been funded by individual insurance policies. The benefits payable
range from 7 to 10 years based upon certain events occurring such as age, retirement, disability or
death and are described in more detail below. If Mr. Vaught is terminated for cause, then the
Company will be released from its obligation. The Company and Mr. Puckett had similarly entered
into a Non-competition Agreement that provides Mr. Puckett with similar benefits following his
retirement. In 2010, the Company made payments to Mr. Puckett totaling $100,000 under the agreement
following his retirement.
Share Ownership and Share Retention Guidelines. Although our directors and executive officers
already have a significant equity stake in our company (as reflected in the beneficial ownership
information contained in this Proxy Statement), we have adopted a share ownership and retention
policy for directors and for senior management to formalize these important principles of share
ownership and share retention. We require our NEOs to own Company common stock worth at least 1.5
times their 2006 annual cash salary in order to be eligible to participate
in the long-term incentive program in 2010 and beyond. We allow these officers five years to
meet this ownership requirement, measured from the later of the date we adopted this policy in
February 2006 or the date they became subject to the policy. We count unvested restricted stock and
our common stock or its equivalent held in the 401(k) Plan and shares held in nonqualified plans in
determining compliance with these guidelines.
We require non-employee members of our Board to accumulate and own a multiple of four times
their average annual base retainer fee, determined over the four previous years base retainer fees
received, in our common stock. The value of these shares will be based on the greater of cost or
fair market value. New Directors are required to receive their annual retainer fee in equivalent
shares of Company stock until they fulfill the ownership requirements. We count restricted stock
towards this requirement. We allow members of the Board four years from their election to the Board
to meet this requirement.
Compensation Chief Executive Officer
In connection with Mr. Rownds appointment as the Companys and the Banks Chief Executive
Officer, the Company entered into an offer letter (the Offer Letter) with Mr. Rownd on March 15,
2010. Pursuant to the Offer Letter, based upon the advice and counsel of the Compensation
Committees independent compensation consultant, Pearl Meyers, Mr. Rownd is entitled to an initial
annual base salary of $400,000. In addition, on March 31, 2010, Mr. Rownd was granted restricted
stock in an amount equal to $150,000 of the Companys common stock on the date of grant, subject to
the restrictions and limitations of the EESA, as amended by the ARRA and as implemented by the June
2009 IFR. In accordance with the restrictions under the EESA, including the June 2009 IFR, the
restricted stock grant contains a minimum service requirement of two years, meaning that the award
may not vest until March 31, 2012, and is not transferable until after the Company repays specified
percentages of its obligations to the Treasury under the CPP. In accordance with the EESA, as
amended by the June 2009 IFR, the award vests on March 31, 2012. In addition, Mr. Rownd is eligible
to participate, subject to limitations and restrictions in the EESA and the June 2009 IFR, in the
Companys health insurance, 401(k) retirement plan and other broad-based benefit programs.
Tax Considerations
We consider the tax treatment of various forms of compensation and the potential for excise
taxes to be imposed on our NEOs which might have the effect of frustrating the purpose of such
compensation. We consider several provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 162(m). Prior to amendments enacted by EESA, Section 162(m) provided that we may not
deduct for federal income tax purposes compensation expense we incur in excess of $1 million for
any year for our CEO, CFO and the three other highest paid executive officers at the end of such
year. Although this limitation was previously in effect, it did not apply to any of our covered
employees due to their compensation levels.
Effect of EESA on Section 162(m). Beginning in 2008, as a result of our participation in the
CPP, we became subject to certain executive compensation requirements under EESA. Among those was
our agreement to not deduct for federal income tax purposes compensation paid to any NEO in excess
of $500,000. In addition, we are prohibited from deducting certain performance based compensation
we pay under shareholder approved plans. Due to existing compensation levels, this change is not
expected to have an impact on the Company in 2011.
Section 409A. Section 409A generally governs the form and timing of nonqualified deferred
compensation payments. Section 409A imposes sanctions on participants in nonqualified deferred
compensation plans that fail to comply with Section 409A rules, including accelerated income
inclusion, an additional 20% income tax (in addition to ordinary income tax) and an interest
penalty. We had previously amended our nonqualified deferred compensation plans to comply with
Section 409A or to qualify for an exemption from Section 409A.
Compensation Committee Report
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
The Compensation Committee reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
included in this Proxy Statement with management. Based on such review and discussion, the
Compensation Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis be included in this Proxy Statement for filing with the Securities and Exchange
Risk Review
The Committee has also reviewed the Companys review of the risks implicated by both the
incentive plans in which our NEOs, who we sometimes refer to as our senior executive offices or
SEOs participate, and all other compensation plans, including those in which SEOs do not
2010 Incentive Compensation Pay For Performance Review
On June 15, 2009, the Treasury published the June 2009 IFR that applies additional risk review
requirements to companies that participated in the CPP and which have outstanding obligations to
the Treasury under the CPP. In recognition of those requirements, the Company commenced a broad
review of its incentive plans. This review analyzed each plan on two dimensionscompensation risk
and business risk.
2010 Risk Review
Building on the 2009 review, the Committee met with the chief risk officers at least
semiannually in 2010 and discussed and reviewed all of the Companys compensation plans. No changes
had been made to the plans previously reviewed.
Most revenue generating employees participate in a functional incentive plan. We use these
plans to link employee compensation to the successful achievement of their business objectives. We
try to structure these plans to drive behaviors that directly affect revenue or productivity.
While our plans have many common features and plan terms, they generally fall into one of two
categories: commission plans or incentive plans. Commission plans pay based on production less a
monthly draw. Incentive plans pay based on formulas tied to new sales and revenue growth above a
threshold with appropriate risk measures designed to include asset quality characteristics.
During 2010, the Committee reviewed each of our active incentive plans including: 1) The
Teller Incentive Plan which is based upon new deposit account openings and does not pose a material
risk to the Company; 2) The Branch Manager Incentive Plan which is based upon overall branch
performance and does not pose a material risk to the Company and 3) The GreenWealth Compensation
Plan which is primarily a commissioned based plan for the sale of annuity products through a third
party and was deemed not to pose a material risk to the Company.
The review of our functional incentive plans, through a risk lens, was intense during 2010 and
will continue into 2011. We have made good progress in strengthening the balance between safety and
soundness of the Company, risk management, and incentive compensation. We will continue to approach
our work by applying the following principles:
Balance incentive compensation arrangements with our financial results. We will
review our incentive plans regularly to ensure that they do not provide incentives to
take excessive and unnecessary risks. |
Use risk-management processes and internal controls to reinforce and support
the development and maintenance of our incentive compensation arrangements. |
Reinforce our compensation practices with strong corporate governance. |
Use performance measures that include or adjust for risk. |
Future Reviews
On an ongoing basis, at least every six months, and for so long as we have any obligations
outstanding to the Treasury under CPP, the Committee will discuss, evaluate, and review with the
chief risk officer(s) the employee compensation plans in light of the risks posed to the Company by
such plans and how to limit such risks, specifically to ensure that:
the senior executive officer compensation plans do not encourage employees to
take unnecessary and excessive risks that threaten the value of the Company, |
the employee compensation plans do not encourage the manipulation of the
Companys reported earnings to enhance the compensation of any of the Companys
employees, and |
to identify and eliminate the features in these plans that could encourage the
manipulation of reported earnings of the Company to enhance the compensation of any
employee. |
The Companys senior executive officer annual cash-based incentive program was terminated in
2008. Once the Company returns to a sustainable level of profitability and redeems the preferred
shares it sold to the Treasury under the CPP, a new annual cash-based incentive program will be
designed and approved by the Committee for future implementation. The Committee will discuss,
evaluate and review with the chief risk officers features in the Companys future senior executive
officers compensation plans that could lead senior executive officers to take unnecessary and
excessive risks and the features than existing in the employee compensation plans that pose risks
to the Company, including any features in the senior executive officer compensation plans and the
employee compensation plans that would encourage behavior focused on short-term results and not on
long-term value creation. The Committee is required to limit these features to ensure that the
senior executive officers are not encouraged to take risks that are unnecessary or excessive and
that the Company is not unnecessarily exposed to risks.
Conclusions of 2010 Risk Review
As a result of the work performed, based upon the Committees review, the Committee is able to
certify that:
1. |
The Committee has discussed, evaluated and reviewed with the chief risk
officers the senior executive officer compensation plans to ensure that these plans do
not encourage senior executive officers to take unnecessary and excessive risks that
threaten the value of the Company; |
2. |
The Committee has discussed, evaluated and reviewed with the chief risk
officers the employee compensation plans in light of the risks posed to the Company by
these plans and how to limit such risks; and |
3. |
The Committee has discussed, evaluated and reviewed the employee compensation
plans to ensure that these plans do not encourage the manipulation of reported earnings
of the Company to enhance the compensation of any employee. |
Submitted by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.
John Tolsma, Chairman
Martha Bachman
Bruce Campbell
W.T. Daniels
Change in |
Pension Value |
and |
Non-Equity |
Nonqualified |
Stock |
Option |
Incentive Plan |
Deferred |
All Other |
Name and |
Salary |
Bonus |
Awards |
Awards |
Compensation |
Compensation |
Compensation |
Total |
Principal Position |
Year |
($) |
($) |
(1)($) |
($) |
($) |
Earnings ($) |
(4)($) |
($) |
Stephen M. Rownd (2) |
2010 |
$ |
301,988 |
$ |
$ |
149,997 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
14,430 |
$ |
466,415 |
Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive
Officer of the Company
and the Bank (CEO) |
Kenneth R. Vaught |
2010 |
$ |
267,000 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
112,160 |
$ |
379,160 |
Director, President and |
2009 |
267,000 |
106,792 |
416,368 |
Chief Banking Officer |
2008 |
267,000 |
42,576 |
98,170 |
407,746 |
of the Company and the
Bank (CBO) |
James E. Adams |
2010 |
$ |
228,000 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
9,000 |
$ |
237,000 |
Executive Vice President, |
2009 |
228,000 |
15,618 |
243,618 |
Chief Financial Officer and |
2008 |
228,000 |
40,008 |
25,079 |
293,087 |
Secretary of the
Company and the Bank
(CFO) |
Steve L. Droke |
2010 |
$ |
188,043 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
188,043 |
Senior Vice President and |
2009 |
188,043 |
6,942 |
194,985 |
Chief Credit Officer of the |
2008 |
183,325 |
32,154 |
18,329 |
233,808 |
Bank (CCO) |
William C. Adams, Jr. |
2010 |
$ |
172,682 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
172,682 |
Senior Vice President and |
2009 |
172,682 |
5,650 |
178,332 |
Chief Information Officer |
2008 |
172,682 |
30,288 |
13,135 |
216,105 |
of the Bank (CIO) |
R. Stan Puckett (3) |
2010 |
$ |
81,250 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
119,627 |
$ |
200,877 |
Retired Chairman of the |
2009 |
325,000 |
133,933 |
458,933 |
Board and Chief Executive |
2008 |
325,000 |
42,576 |
139,749 |
507,325 |
Officer of
the Company and the
Bank (CEO) |
(1) |
The value of these awards is determined by multiplying the number of restricted shares
granted by the stocks closing price on the grant date. On March 31, 2010, the Company
awarded 18,382 shares of restricted common stock to Stephen M. Rownd, the Companys Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer which will fully vest on March 31, 2012. The 2008 restricted
shares were issued in the first quarter of 2008 based upon 2007 performance. |
(2) |
Mr. Rownd was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Company on March, 31, 2010 and elected
as Chairman of the Board of Directors
on April 30, 2010. |
(3) |
Mr. Puckett retired as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company on March 31,
2010. From April 1, 2010 to September 30, 2010, Mr. Puckett provided consulting services to
the Company in exchange for a consulting fee totaling $81,252, which amount is included in the
All Other Compensation for 2010. |
(4) |
The amounts shown as All Other Compensation for 2010, 2009 and 2008 include the following: |
Amounts |
Accrued |
Health and Life |
Directors |
under Non- |
Company |
Company |
Insurance Paid |
Temporary |
Fees Paid or |
Compete |
401(k) |
Car |
by the |
Country Club |
Living |
Consulting |
Name |
Earned |
Agreement |
Contribution |
Allowance |
Company |
Dues |
Expenses |
Fees |
Stephen M. Rownd |
$ |
8,550 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
5,880 |
$ |
Kenneth R. Vaught |
21,600 |
90,560 |
James E. Adams |
9,000 |
Steve L. Droke |
William C. Adams |
R. Stan Puckett |
13,050 |
25,325 |
81,252 |
Kenneth R. Vaught |
$ |
19,800 |
$ |
78,824 |
$ |
4,288 |
$ |
$ |
1,455 |
$ |
2,072 |
$ |
$ |
James E. Adams |
3,990 |
9,000 |
2,628 |
Steve L. Droke |
3,291 |
1,023 |
2,628 |
William C. Adams |
3,022 |
2,628 |
R. Stan Puckett |
19,800 |
101,301 |
4,288 |
2,905 |
5,639 |
Kenneth R. Vaught |
$ |
20,400 |
$ |
68,609 |
$ |
13,800 |
$ |
$ |
1,455 |
$ |
2,528 |
$ |
$ |
James E. Adams |
13,680 |
8,625 |
2,774 |
Steve L. Droke |
10,100 |
5,455 |
2,774 |
William C. Adams |
10,361 |
2,774 |
R. Stan Puckett |
20,400 |
94,942 |
13,800 |
2,942 |
7,665 |
The following table summarizes certain information regarding grants of plan based awards to
the Named Executive Officers during fiscal year 2010.
All Other |
All Other |
Stock |
Option |
Awards: |
Awards: |
Grant Date |
Estimated Future Payouts |
Number |
Number of |
Exercise or |
Fair Value |
Estimated Possible Payouts Under |
Under Equity Incentive Plan |
of Shares |
Securities |
Base Price of |
of Stock |
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards |
Awards |
of Stock |
Underlying |
Option |
and Option |
Grant |
Threshold |
Target |
Maximum |
Threshold |
Target |
Maximum |
or Units |
Options |
Awards |
Awards |
Name |
Date |
($) |
($) |
($) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
(#) |
($/Sh) |
($) |
Stephen M. Rownd |
3/31/10 |
18,382 |
(1) |
$ |
$ |
149,997 |
(1) |
Reflects restricted stock awarded to the named executive officer which will fully vest on
March 31, 2012, as described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis. All shares of
Company restricted stock are entitled to dividends as declared and paid on Company Common
Stock and have the same voting rights as Company Common Stock. |
The following table sets forth certain information with respect to outstanding equity awards at
December 31, 2010:
Option Awards |
Stock Awards |
Equity |
Equity |
Equity |
Incentive Plan |
Incentive |
Incentive Plan |
Awards: |
Plan |
Awards: |
Market or |
Awards: |
Number of |
Payout Value |
Number |
Number of |
Number of |
Unearned |
of Unearned |
of |
Securities |
Securities |
Number of |
Market Value |
Shares, Units |
Shares, Units |
Securities |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Shares or |
of Shares or |
or Other |
or Other |
Underlying |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Option |
Units of Stock |
Units of Stock |
Rights That |
Rights That |
Unexercised |
Options(#) |
Unearned |
Exercise |
Option |
That Have |
That Have |
Have Not |
Have Not |
Options(#) |
Unexercisable |
Options |
Price |
Expiration |
Not Vested |
Not Vested |
Vested |
Vested |
Name |
Exercisable |
(1) |
(#) |
($) |
Date |
(#) (4) |
($) (5) |
(#) |
($) |
Stephen M. Rownd |
$ |
18,382 |
$ |
58,822 |
Kenneth R. Vaught |
10,000 |
23.99 |
12/31/14 |
(2) |
8,000 |
26.89 |
12/31/15 |
(2) |
6,000 |
1,200 |
28.90 |
02/17/16 |
(2) |
4,000 |
2,800 |
34.63 |
03/19/17 |
(2) |
4,000 |
5,200 |
(3) |
34.63 |
03/19/17 |
(2) |
1,543 |
4,938 |
1,543 |
(6) |
16.56 |
01/14/13 |
(6) |
James E. Adams |
1,800 |
720 |
28.90 |
2/21/16 |
(2) |
1,200 |
1,440 |
36.32 |
2/20/17 |
(2) |
1,236 |
3,955 |
1,236 |
19.44 |
02/27/13 |
(6) |
Steve L. Droke |
590 |
19.00 |
01/10/13 |
(2) |
2,947 |
23.21 |
01/09/14 |
(2) |
2,208 |
552 |
26.89 |
01/25/15 |
(2) |
1,981 |
1,321 |
28.90 |
02/21/16 |
(2) |
1,010 |
1,517 |
36.32 |
02/20/17 |
(2) |
994 |
3,181 |
994 |
(6) |
19.44 |
02/27/13 |
(6) |
William C. Adams |
2,579 |
16.00 |
12/31/11 |
(2) |
2,579 |
19.00 |
12/31/13 |
(2) |
2,579 |
23.21 |
01/10/14 |
(2) |
1,812 |
453 |
26.89 |
01/09/15 |
(2) |
1,883 |
1,256 |
28.90 |
01/25/16 |
(2) |
952 |
1,428 |
36.32 |
02/21/17 |
(2) |
935 |
2,992 |
935 |
(6) |
19.44 |
02/27/13 |
(6) |
R. Stan Puckett |
9,000 |
15.09 |
12/31/11 |
(2) |
9,000 |
16.41 |
01/13/13 |
(2) |
9,000 |
19.97 |
01/09/14 |
(2) |
9,000 |
26.89 |
01/25/15 |
(2) |
5,400 |
1,080 |
28.90 |
02/21/16 |
(2) |
3,600 |
2,520 |
34.63 |
03/19/17 |
(2) |
3,600 |
3,960 |
(3) |
34.63 |
03/19/17 |
(2) |
(1) |
Options or cash-settled stock appreciation rights become exercisable in five equal annual
installments beginning on the first anniversary of date of grant. |
(2) |
The expiration date of each option or cash-settled stock appreciation right occurs ten years
after the date of grant for each option. |
(3) |
Cash-settled stock appreciation rights. These cash-settled stock appreciation rights vest in
tandem with the stock options they were granted with and can only be exercised if the market
price of the Companys stock is greater than the issue price of the stock appreciation right
on the date of exercise of the option. |
(4) |
The restricted stock awards granted to Mr. Rownd will fully vest on March 31, 2012. The
restricted stock awards granted in 2008 vest in five equal annual installments beginning on
the first anniversary of the date of grant. |
(5) |
Market value is determined by multiplying the closing market price of the Companys common
stock on December 31, 2010 by the number of shares. |
(6) |
Cash-settled stock appreciation rights. The annual vested potion of these cash-settled stock
appreciation rights expire if not exercised with the vesting of the restricted stock awards
they are linked to and expire in five years from grant date. These cash-settled stock
appreciation rights can only be exercised if the market price of the Companys stock is
greater than the issue price of the stock appreciation right on the date of vesting. |
The following table sets forth certain information with respect to restricted shares that
vested and the value realized on these shares as of the vesting date for the Named Executive
Officers in fiscal 2010:
Option Awards |
Stock Awards |
Number of Shares |
Value Realized |
Number of Shares |
Value Realized |
Acquired on Exercise |
on Exercise |
Acquired on Vesting |
on Vesting |
Name |
(#) |
($) |
(#) |
($) (1) |
Stephen M. Rownd |
$ |
$ |
Kenneth R. Vaught |
$ |
514 |
$ |
1,928 |
James E. Adams |
$ |
411 |
$ |
2,503 |
Steve L. Droke |
$ |
330 |
$ |
2,010 |
William C. Adams |
$ |
311 |
$ |
1,894 |
R. Stan Puckett |
$ |
514 |
$ |
1,928 |
(1) |
Equals the product of the number of shares vesting and the closing price for the Companys
common stock on January 14, 2010 for Mr. Puckett and
Mr. Vaught and February 27, 2010 for Messrs. James E.
Adams, Steve L. Droke and William C. Adams, the vesting date. |
The Company has entered into non-compete agreements with each of Messrs. Puckett and Vaught,
pursuant to which the Company has agreed to provide certain retirement benefits to each of these
officers. Information regarding potential payments to Mr. Vaught and potential and actual 2010
payments to Mr. Puckett pursuant to these agreements is set forth below:
Present |
Number of |
Value of |
Payments |
Years Credited |
Accumulated |
During Last |
Service |
Benefit |
Fiscal Year |
Name |
Plan Name |
(#) |
($) |
($) |
R. Stan Puckett |
Non-Compete Agreement |
6 |
$ |
520,043 |
$ |
100,000 |
Kenneth R. Vaught |
Non-Compete Agreement |
5 |
347,656 |
Pursuant to Mr. Pucketts non-compete agreement, he agreed not to, among other things, during
the term of his employment or following termination of his employment until his sixtieth (60th)
birthday, engage in the business of banking in any county of any state in which the Company has an
office or branch at the time of his termination. In consideration for this agreement, the Company
agreed to pay Mr. Puckett a deferred compensation benefit for a period of seven years following the
termination of his employment. Mr. Pucketts non-compete agreement also provides for the payment of
benefits for seven years following a change in control of the Company or Mr. Puckett becoming
disabled. As Mr. Puckett retired on March 31, 2010, the Company accrued $25,325 for the payment of
the benefit under this agreement for the period of 2010 that Mr. Puckett was employed in 2010 and
made payments totaling $100,000 to him under the agreement in 2010.
Pursuant to Mr. Vaughts non-compete agreement, he has agreed that, in exchange for his
receipt of a deferred compensation benefit, that during the term of his employment or following his
termination by the Company without cause or his voluntary resignation, until his forty-six (46th)
birthday, he would not either directly or indirectly engage in the business of banking, or any
other business in which the Company directly or indirectly engages during the term of his
employment with the Company in any county of any state in which the Company has an office or branch
at the time of his termination.
In consideration of his agreement not to compete, the Company agreed to pay to Mr. Vaught,
upon his reaching age 50, deferred compensation benefits for a period of 10 years following the
termination of his employment or upon his fiftieth (50th) birthday if still employed by the Company
at that date. If Mr. Vaught dies before age 50 while still employed by the Company, the benefits
will be paid to his beneficiary beginning on August 1, 2014. If he dies after his fiftieth (50th)
birthday while still employed by the Company, the benefit payments will commence within ninety days
following his death. The agreement also provides that Mr. Vaught can defer receipt of these
payments until age 60 if he is still employed by the Company at age 50. Mr. Vaughts non-compete
also provides for the payment of benefits for ten years following a change in control. The
Company accrued $90,560 for the payment of the benefit under this agreement in 2010.
The following table sets forth certain information with respect to deferrals made by the
Companys Named Executive Officers pursuant to the Companys nonqualified deferred compensation
plan described below, the earnings thereon and the aggregate balance at December 31, 2010:
Executive |
Registrant |
Aggregate |
Aggregate |
Aggregate |
Contributions in |
Contributions in |
Earnings in |
Withdrawals/ |
Balance at |
Last FY(1) |
Last FY (1) |
Last FY (1) |
Distributions |
Last FYE |
Name |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Stephen M. Rownd |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Kenneth R. Vaught |
12,000 |
4,639 |
124,713 |
James E. Adams |
Steve L. Droke |
William C. Adams |
R. Stan Puckett (2) |
8,968 |
489,971 |
(1) |
All amounts reported in the columns titled Executive Contributions in Last FY and
Registrant Contributions in Last FY are also reported as compensation to such named
executive officer in the Summary Compensation Table on page 23. |
(2) |
Mr. Puckett did not defer any compensation for the year ending December 31, 2010. |
During 2010, 2009 and 2008, the Bank maintained a deferred compensation plan (the Original
Plan) pursuant to which Mr. Puckett and Mr. Vaught could elect to defer receipt of a portion of
their salaries by entering into deferred salary agreements with the Bank. In addition to the salary
deferral, the agreements also provided for payment of benefits under certain events of disability,
early retirement, termination of employment or death. The Bank is the beneficiary of life insurance
acquired with respect to officers participating in the Original Plan. During 2006, the Company
began using a formula which provides an annual earnings crediting rate based upon 75% of the
Companys return on average stockholders equity on balances in the plan, until the officer is
separated from service, and, thereafter at an earnings crediting rate of 56.25% of the Companys
return on average stockholders equity for the year then ending. For the year ended December 31,
2008, the Companys Return on Average Equity was (1.64%) and no earnings were credited. During
2009 the Company modified the annual earning crediting rate formula as follows: The annual
crediting rate will be 100% of the annual return on stockholders equity with a 4% floor and a 12%
ceiling, for the year then ended, on balances in the Plan until the director experiences a
separation from services, and, thereafter, at an earnings crediting rate based on 75% of the
Companys return on average stockholders equity for the year then ending with a 3% floor and a 9%
On September 20, 2004, the Company approved a separate deferred compensation plan for
nonemployee directors (the Nonemployee Plan) which, effective July 1, 2004, enabled nonemployee
directors to defer additional board and committee meeting fees, beyond those being deferred under
the Original Plan, into certain investment vehicles, including a deemed investment in the
Companys common stock. Mrs. Bachman and former director Mr. Bachman are currently the only
participants in the Nonemployee Plan. Mrs. Bachman deferred $1,050 of her director fees for 2010
into the Nonemployee Plan and had an increase of value of $10,298 on her account during 2010. On
December 13, 2004, the Company amended and restated the Nonemployee Plan for the principal purpose
of ensuring that it complies with The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004. On December 16, 2005, the
Company approved additional changes to its Nonemployee Plan effective January 1, 2005, which
further facilitate compliance with Section 409A of the Code.
On December 31, 2007, the Company entered into an employment agreement with each of R. Stan
Puckett and Kenneth R. Vaught, the Companys then chief executive officer and president,
respectively (the Employment Agreements), which agreements replaced the existing employment
agreements with each of these individuals. Pursuant to the terms of the Employment Agreements, the
Company agreed to employ Mr. Puckett and Mr. Vaught as the chief executive officer and president,
respectively, of the Company for a three-year term ending December 31, 2010. Mr. Puckett retired on
March 31, 2010 and his employment agreement was accordingly terminated. Pursuant to the terms of
the Mr. Vaughts Employment Agreements, the term may be extended for additional three-year periods
if the Company or the employee fails to notify the other of an intent to terminate the Employment
Agreement upon not less than 90 days notice prior to the end of the then current term. On
December 31, 2010, Mr. Vaughts Employment Agreement was renewed for an additional three-year term
ending December 31, 2013. Under the terms of the Employment Agreement, Mr. Vaught will be
entitled to a beginning base salary of $237,000 as well
as director fees for service on the Companys and its subsidiaries boards of directors, life
insurance, participation in Company-sponsored benefit plans, including equity-based plans and cash
incentive plans, and other fringe benefits.
The Company may terminate Mr. Vaughts employment immediately for cause, in which event the
Company shall have no further obligations to pay Mr. Vaught, as the case may be, for his services,
except for any accrued and unpaid salary through the termination date. The Company may also
terminate the employment of Mr. Vaught, as the case may be, without cause, in which case the
Company shall pay to Mr. Vaught, not earlier than six (6) months following the date of termination,
a lump sum payment equal to the sum of one year of such employees base salary plus an amount that
is the average of the employees previous two years bonus. Because the Company is prohibited by
the terms of EESA, including the June 2009 IFR, from paying this payment to Mr. Vaught for as long
as the Company has an obligation outstanding under the CPP to the Treasury, Mr. Vaught has waived
his right to receive such payment during that period. Mr. Vaught may also terminate his employment
under the Employment Agreement voluntarily on not less than 60 days notice.
Cause is defined in Mr. Vaughts Employment Agreement to include (i) permanent disability of
the executive; (ii) death of the executive; (iii) material breach of the Employment Agreement by
the executive; (iv) failure of the executive to perform his duties in a manner that the Company
requires; (v) an act of gross negligence by the executive that causes harm to the Company; (vi) the
executives conviction of, or pleading guilty (including a plea of nole contendere) to, a criminal
act which is a felony or which is a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; (vii) excessive
absenteeism by the executive; and (viii) any misrepresentation or breach of the covenants and
warranties contained in the Employment Agreement by the executive.
Under the terms of the Employment Agreement, if within 18 months following a change in control
the Company or its successor terminates Mr. Vaught, without cause or Mr. Vaught voluntarily resigns
following a change in position, a reduction in title or a significant reduction in the duties which
he is to perform for the Company or its successor, then the Company or its successor shall pay to
Mr. Vaught, as the case may be, a lump sum payment equal to 2.99 times Mr. Vaughts annual base
salary and bonus for the year immediately preceding termination. This payment shall be made no
earlier than six months following the date of termination. If payments to Mr. Vaught following a
change in control would create an excise tax for the employee under the excess parachute rules of
Section 4999 of the Code, the Company is required to pay to the employee the amount of such excise
tax and all federal and state income or other taxes with respect to any such additional amounts
(the Gross-Up Amount) and such additional amount as is necessary to offset any tax liability of
the employee as a result of the Gross-Up Amount.
A Change in Control is defined in the Employment Agreements to include a change in the
ownership of the Company, a change in the effective control of the Company or a change in the
ownership of a substantial portion of the assets of the Company as provided under Section 409A of
the Code and any Internal Revenue Service guidance and regulations issued in connection with
Section 409A of the Code.
The Company is prohibited from paying Mr. Vaught his change in control payment under his
employment agreement for so long as the Company has an obligation outstanding under the CPP to the
Treasury and Mr. Vaught has waived his right to receive such payment during that period.
The following table describes the potential payments and benefits under the Companys
compensation and benefit plans and arrangements to which the Named Executive Officers would be
entitled upon termination of employment as of December 31, 2010, which payments have been
materially limited by the Companys participation in the CPP. The amounts that would be payable
under the Companys Employment Agreement with Mr. Vaught and Change in Control Agreements if the
Company was not a participant in the CPP is discussed above under Compensation Discussion and
Analysis Employment Agreements/Change in Control Agreements. In addition, if the Company was not
a participant in the CPP, upon a change in control, vesting of the Companys outstanding unvested
stock options (all of which were underwater at December 31, 2010) and restricted stock awards would
Continuation |
Cash |
of Medical |
Non- |
Total |
Severance |
and Welfare |
Acceleration of Equity |
Competition |
Termination |
Name |
Payment |
Benefits |
Awards (2) |
Agreement |
Benefits |
Stephen M. Rownd |
Voluntary termination |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
termination |
Involuntary without
cause termination prior to a
change in control |
Involuntary or good
reason termination after
change in control (CIC) |
Kenneth R. Vaught |
Voluntary termination |
431,760 |
(3) |
termination |
431,760 |
(3) |
Involuntary without
cause termination prior to a
change in control |
431,760 |
(3) |
Involuntary or good
reason termination after
change in control (CIC) |
431,760 |
(3) |
James E. Adams |
Voluntary termination |
termination |
Involuntary or good
reason termination after
change in control (CIC) |
Steve L. Droke |
Voluntary termination |
termination |
Involuntary or good
reason termination after
change in control (CIC) |
William C. Adams |
Voluntary termination |
termination |
Involuntary or good
reason termination after
change in control (CIC) |
R. Stan Puckett (1) |
Early Retirement |
700,000 |
(4) |
(1) |
Mr. Puckett retired as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company on March 31,
2010. |
(2) |
The market price of the Companys Common Stock is significantly below the option prices
granted, rendering all options worthless at December 31, 2010. |
(3) |
Represents the accrued liability of the Company under the Non-competition Agreement at
December 31, 2010; however, pursuant to the terms of the agreement, Mr. Vaught will not be
entitled to receive payments until he reaches age 50. At such time he will receive equal
annual installments for a period of 10 years. |
(4) |
Includes $100,000 paid in 2010 as previously disclosed in the Pension Benefits table
above. |
As of the date of this proxy statement, the Company is a participant in the CPP under the
Trouble Asset Relief Program established by the Treasury. As a participant under the CPP, the
Company is required to present the Companys shareholders with an annual non-binding, advisory vote
on the compensation of the named executive officers (commonly referred to as a say-on-pay vote)
pursuant to Section 111(e)(1) of EESA. The say on pay vote required by the CPP is similar to the
say on pay vote required by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the
Dodd-Frank Act) except that under the CPP this vote must occur annually, while under the
Dodd-Frank Act, the Company may hold the vote every year, every other year or every three years. In
deciding how frequently to hold the say on pay vote required under the Dodd-Frank Act, the
Company is required to seek the views of its shareholders as to the frequency with which the vote
shall be held at least once every six years. Because the Company is required to submit this
say-on-pay vote to its shareholders annually by virtue of its participation in the CPP, it is not
currently required to submit to its shareholders the say-on-pay vote or the vote regarding the
frequency with which it will hold say-on-pay votes required by the Dodd-Frank Act. These votes
will be required at the first annual meeting of shareholders after the Company is no longer subject
to the say-on-pay requirements by virtue of its participation in the CPP.
The Company believes that the compensation for the Named Executive Officers, as described in
the compensation discussion and analysis above, is based on a pay-for-performance culture and is
strongly aligned with the long-term interests of the Companys shareholders. The Company believes
that its culture focuses executives on prudent risk management and appropriately rewards them for
The Company also believes that both the Company and its shareholders benefit from responsive
corporate governance policies and consistent dialogue.
The Company also believes that the extensive disclosure of compensation information provided
in this proxy statement provides the Companys shareholders the information they need to make an
informed decision as they weigh the pay of the Named Executive Officers in relation to the
Companys performance.
This say-on-pay proposal gives you as a shareholder the opportunity to endorse or not
endorse the compensation the Company paid to its Named Executive Officers in 2010 through the
following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the shareholders of Green Bankshares, Inc. approve the compensation of the
named executive officers of Green Bankshares, Inc. set forth in the Summary Compensation Table of
this proxy statement as described in Compensation Discussion and Analysis and the tabular
disclosure regarding named executive officer compensation in this proxy statement for its 2011
Annual Meeting.
Because your vote is advisory, it will not be binding upon the Board. However, the
Compensation Committee will take into account the outcome of the vote when considering future
executive compensation arrangements.
This proposal is provided as required pursuant to Section 111(e)(1) of the EESA based on the
Companys participation in the CPP.
It is anticipated that the Audit Committee of the Companys board of directors will appoint
Dixon Hughes PLLC (Dixon Hughes) as the Companys independent registered public accounting firm
for 2011 at its next upcoming meeting, subject to ratification by the Companys shareholders. The
decision of the Audit Committee will be based on a review of the qualifications, independence, past
performance and quality controls of the independent registered public accounting firm. The decision
will take into account the proposed audit scope, staffing and approach, including coordination of
the independent registered public accounting firms efforts with the Companys outsourced internal
audit function, as well as audit fees for the coming year. Dixon Hughes is considered to be well
In view of the difficulty and expense involved in changing auditors on short notice, should
the shareholders not ratify the selection of Dixon Hughes, it is contemplated that the appointment
of Dixon Hughes for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011, will be permitted to stand unless the
board of directors finds compelling reasons for making a change. Disapproval by the shareholders
will be considered a recommendation that the board select a different independent registered public
accounting firm for the following year. In order for the proposal to ratify the appointment of
Dixon Hughes as the Companys independent registered public accounting firm, the number of shares
voted in favor of the proposal must exceed the number of shares voted against the proposal.
Representatives of Dixon Hughes are expected to be present at the Annual Meeting and will be
given the opportunity to make a statement, if they desire, and to respond to appropriate questions.
During the years ended December 31, 2010 and December 31, 2009, the Company incurred
(including those billed or expected to be billed) the following principal independent auditor fees
from Dixon Hughes:
2010 |
2009 |
Audit Fees(a) |
$ |
406,675 |
$ |
328,525 |
Audit-Related Fees(b) |
34,605 |
36,550 |
Tax Fees(c) |
31,000 |
31,000 |
All Other Fees(d) |
(a) |
Includes fees related to the annual independent audit of the Companys consolidated financial
statements and reviews of the Companys annual report on Form 10-K, review of the Companys
interim financial statements, issuance of consents, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Improvement Act (FDICIA) attest services, Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 attest services, review
of registration statements and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. |
(b) |
Fees incurred were for (a) general accounting matters and related consultations and an
employee benefit plan audit. The Audit Committee has considered whether the provision of these
services is compatible with maintaining the independence of Dixon Hughes. |
(c) |
Fees incurred were for income tax return preparation and compliance services. The Audit
Committee has considered whether the provision of these services is compatible with
maintaining the independence of Dixon Hughes. |
(d) |
There were no additional fees billed to the Company by Dixon Hughes for 2010 and 2009. |
The Audit Committee has adopted a formal policy concerning approval of audit and non-audit
services to be provided by the Companys independent auditor. The policy requires that all services
provided by the independent auditor, including audit services and permitted audit-related and
non-audit services, be pre-approved by the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee approved all audit
and non-audit services provided by the Companys independent auditor during 2010.
The table below summarizes the compensation paid by the Company to directors for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2010:
Change in |
Pension Value |
and |
Nonqualified |
Non-Equity |
Deferred |
Fees Earned or |
Option |
Incentive Plan |
Compensation |
All Other |
Paid in Cash |
Stock Awards |
Awards |
Compensation |
Earnings |
Compensation |
Total |
Name |
($) |
($) (1) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Martha M. Bachman |
$ |
26,700 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
26,700 |
Bruce Campbell |
30,150 |
30,150 |
W.T. Daniels |
31,500 |
31,500 |
Robert K. Leonard |
28,575 |
10,002 |
38,577 |
Samuel E. Lynch |
17,450 |
10,002 |
27,452 |
Ronald E. Mayberry(2) |
9,800 |
177,870 |
(3) |
187,670 |
Bill Mooningham |
19,925 |
10,002 |
29,927 |
John Tolsma |
25,907 |
10,002 |
35,909 |
Charles H. Whitfield, Jr. |
24,450 |
24,450 |
(1) |
Certain non-employee directors received 1,637 shares of restricted stock on February 22, 2010
for the $10,000 portion of their annual $15,000 retainer for 2009. All restrictions on these
shares were released February 22, 2011. The amounts in column captioned Stock Awards reflects
the dollar value of these awards by multiplying the number of restricted shares granted by the
stocks closing price on the grant date. At December 31, 2010, the Companys directors
denoted in the table below held the following restricted shares of the Companys Common Stock. |
Number of |
Restricted |
Name |
Shares |
Robert K. Leonard |
1,637 |
Samuel E. Lynch |
1,637 |
Bill Mooningham |
1,637 |
John Tolsma |
1,637 |
(2) |
Mr. Mayberrys term as a director expired at the 2010 Annual Meeting. |
(3) |
Reflects base salary paid to Mr. Mayberry for his services as an executive officer of the
Company and the Bank in 2010. |
Directors of the Company meet as a board on a regular scheduled basis, or more often as
needed, to address matters relating to the operation and direction of the Company. Directors of the
Company met 11 times in 2010.
Directors of the Company are also directors of the Bank. The Bank compensates members of its
board of directors for all regular and special meetings. Directors of the Bank received $600 for
each regular monthly and specially-called board meeting attended in 2010, plus payment of such fee
for up to two absences during a year. The Banks board of directors met nine times in 2010. Each
Bank director also received, in 2010, an annual retainer fee of $15,000, of which $10,000 was
available in the form of restricted stock awards or cash and $5,000 payable in equal quarterly cash
amounts of $1,250. Members of the Executive Committee of the Banks board of directors also
received $450 for each twice-monthly meeting of the Executive Committee attended, and Messrs.
Martha Bachman and W.T. Daniels, the two permanent members of the Committee, received an annual
retainer of $1,500. During 2010, members of the Companys Audit Committee received $450 per each
quarterly meeting and specially-called meetings, as well as an annual retainer fee of $1,500 paid
in equal quarterly amounts. In addition, the Chairman of the Audit Committee received an annual
retainer of $6,000. During 2010, members of the Companys Compensation Committee received $300 per
each meeting and specially-called meetings, as well as an annual retainer fee of $1,500 paid in
equal quarterly amounts. In addition, the Chairman of the Compensation Committee received an
annual retainer of $2,500. Compensation for all other committee meetings was $300 per meeting
during 2009.
During 2010, pursuant to the Original Plan, all directors could elect to defer receipt of a
portion of their fees by entering into deferred fee agreements with the Bank. In addition to the
fee deferral, the agreements also provided for payment of benefits under certain events of
disability, early retirement, termination of employment or death. The Bank is the beneficiary of
life insurance acquired with respect to directors participating in the Original Plan. During 2006,
the Company began using a formula which provides an annual earnings crediting rate based upon 75%
of the Companys return on average stockholders equity on balances in the plan, until the Director
is separated from service, and, thereafter at an earnings crediting rate of 56.25% of the Companys
return on average stockholders equity for the year ending. During 2009, the Company modified the
annual earning crediting rate formula as follows: The annual crediting rate will be 100% of the
annual return on stockholders equity with a 4% floor and a 12% ceiling, for the year then ended,
on balances in the Plan until the director experiences a separation from services, and, thereafter,
at an earnings crediting rate based on 75% of the Companys return on average stockholders equity
for the year then ending with a 3% floor and a 9% ceiling.
For 2011, the Company and the Bank made certain changes to the compensation paid to Directors,
including reducing the annual retainer paid to Directors by 20%, reducing meeting fees by 10%,
increasing the percentage of compensation paid to Directors in the form of restricted stock awards
and eliminating the practice of paying Directors for up to two missed meetings. Accordingly,
beginning in 2011, Directors of the Company receive $540 for each meeting of the board of directors
of the Company. Directors of the Bank also receive $540 for each meeting of the board of directors
of the Bank. Directors must be present at such meetings to be paid. Members of the Executive
Committee of the Banks board of directors receive $400 for each twice-monthly meeting of the
Executive Committee that they attend. There are four independent director members of the Executive
Committee, two permanent members and two rotating members. Each of the two permanent members of the
Executive Committee also receives an annual retainer of $1,350, payable in equal quarterly
installments. Members of the joint Audit Committee of the Banks and the Companys boards of
directors receive $400 per meeting as well as an annual retainer fee of $1,350 paid in equal
quarterly installments. The chairman of the Audit Committee also receives an annual retainer of
$5,400. Members of the joint Compensation Committee of the Banks and the Companys boards of
directors receive $270 per meeting as well as an annual retainer fee of $1,350 paid in equal
quarterly installments. The chairman of the Compensation Committee also receives an annual retainer
of $2,250. Directors receive $270 per meeting for all other committee meetings attended. The first
$3,000 of committee meeting fees will be paid to the Directors in cash. All other fees will be paid
in restricted stock awards granted quarterly based upon meeting fees accrued over the $3,000 cash
Persons and groups beneficially owning more than 5% of the Common Stock are required under
federal securities laws to file certain reports with the SEC detailing their ownership. The
following table sets forth the amount and percentage of the Common Stock beneficially owned by any
person or group of persons known to the Company to be a beneficial owner of more than 5% of the
common stock as of the record date.
Name and Address of |
Amount and Nature of |
Percent of Common |
Beneficial Owner |
Beneficial Ownership (a) |
Stock Outstanding |
Scott M. Niswonger
P.O. Box 938
Greeneville, TN 37744 |
827,711 |
(b) |
6.28 |
% |
Columbia Wagner Assets Management, L.P.
227 West Monroe Street, Suite 3000
Chicago, IL 60606 |
1,183,912 |
(c) |
8.98 |
% |
Phil M. Bachman
Martha Bachman
100 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 1120
Greeneville, Tennessee 37743 |
892,601 |
(d) |
6.77 |
% |
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
6300 Bee Cave Road, Building One
Austin, TX 78746 |
780,663 |
(e) |
5.92 |
% |
(a) |
For purposes of this table, an individual or entity is considered to beneficially own any
share of Common Stock which he, she or it directly or indirectly, through any contract,
arrangement, understanding, relationship, or otherwise, has or shares: (1) voting power, which
includes the power to vote, or to direct the voting of, such security; and/or (2) investment
power, which includes the power to dispose, or to direct the disposition of, such security. In
addition, an individual or entity is deemed to be the beneficial owner of any share of Common
Stock of which he, she or it has the right to acquire voting or investment power within 60 days
of the record date. |
(b) |
Based upon information set forth in a Schedule 13D/A, filed with the SEC on October 22, 2010
by Mr. Niswonger, who has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to 827,711 shares. |
(c) |
Based solely on the information contained in a Schedule 13G filed by Columbia Wagner Asset
Management, L.P. with the SEC on February 10, 2011, as of December 31, 2010. |
(d) |
Martha Bachman is a director and the wife of retired director Phil Bachman. Includes 200,738
shares of common stock held directly or indirectly by Martha Bachman, 673,697 shares owned by
Phil Bachman individually and 18,166 shares owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bachman jointly. |
(e) |
Based solely on the information contained in a Schedule 13G filed by Dimensional Fund
Advisors, L.P. with the SEC on February 11, 2011, as of December 31, 2010. |
The following table sets forth, as of the record date, certain information known to the
Company as to Common Stock beneficially owned by each director and Named Executive Officer of the
Company and by all directors and executive officers of the Company as a group. The address for
each of our directors and executive officers listed below is c/o Green Bankshares, Inc., 100 North
Main Street, P.O. Box 1120, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743. As of the record date, there were
13,188,896 shares of the Companys stock outstanding.
Number of Shares Beneficially Owned |
Common |
Shares |
Percent of |
Beneficially |
Shares Acquirable |
Common Stock |
Name and Position |
Owned(a)(b) |
in 60 Days (c) |
Total |
Outstanding |
Stephen M. Rownd, Chairman
of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer |
22,959 |
22,959 |
Martha Bachman, Director |
892,601 |
(e)(g) |
892,601 |
6.77 |
% |
Bruce Campbell, Director |
10,176 |
10,176 |
* |
W.T. Daniels, Director |
13,633 |
13,633 |
* |
Robert K. Leonard, Director |
93,498 |
(f)(g) |
93,498 |
* |
Samuel Lynch, Director |
3,658 |
3,658 |
* |
Bill Mooningham, Director |
1,637 |
1,637 |
* |
John Tolsma, Director |
11,580 |
11,580 |
* |
Charles H. Whitfield, Jr.,
Director |
14,288 |
14,288 |
* |
Kenneth R. Vaught,
Director, President and
Chief Banking Officer |
38,834 |
26,800 |
65,634 |
* |
James E. Adams, Executive
Vice President, Chief
Financial Officer and
Secretary |
25,823 |
4,200 |
30,023 |
* |
William C. Adams, Senior
Vice President and Chief
Information Officer |
25,870 |
(g) |
16,391 |
42,261 |
* |
Steve L. Droke, Senior
Vice President and Chief
Credit Officer |
18,802 |
7,219 |
26,021 |
* |
All directors, named
executive officers and
executive officers as a
group (15 persons) (h) |
1,314,869 |
119,737 |
1,434,606 |
10.78 |
% |
R. Stan Puckett, Retired
Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer |
74,904 |
44,640 |
(d) |
119,544 |
* |
* |
Less than 1% of the outstanding Common Stock. |
(a) |
For the definition of beneficially owned, see Note (a) to the preceding table. |
(b) |
Includes shares owned directly by directors and executive officers of the Company as well as
shares held by their spouses and children, trust of which certain directors are trustees and
corporations in which certain directors own a controlling interest. |
(c) |
Represents options to purchase Common Stock which are exercisable within 60 days of the
record date. |
(d) |
Includes options to acquire 36,000 shares of Common Stock currently exercisable (or
exercisable within 60 days of the record date) by Mr. Puckett at an exercise price equal to
150% of the book value of the Common Stock at the date of grant (a weighted average price of
approximately $16.27 per share) and options to acquire 19,800 shares of Common Stock currently
exercisable (or exercisable within 60 days of the record date) by Mr. Puckett at an exercise
price equal to the fair market value at the date of grant (a weighted average price of
approximately $29.03 per share). |
(e) |
Martha Bachman is a director and the wife of retired director Phil Bachman. Includes 200,738
shares of common stock held directly or indirectly by Martha Bachman, 673,697 shares owned by
Phil Bachman individually and 18,166 shares owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bachman jointly. |
(f) |
Includes 41,197 shares of common stock in a limited partnership of which Mr. Leonard is a
limited partner. Mr. Leonard disclaims beneficial ownership of 32,216 of these shares. Also
includes 504 shares of common stock in a limited liability company in which Mr. Leonard has an
interest. Mr. Leonard disclaims beneficial ownership of 363 of these shares. |
(g) |
As of March 15, 2011, the following individuals have pledged the following amounts of their
common shares beneficially owned to secure lines of credits or other indebtedness: Martha
Bachman and retired director Phil Bachman 372,899 shares; Robert Leonard 15,000 shares
held in a limited liability partnership; and William C. Adams 5,000 shares. |
(h) |
Includes shares held by Mr. Puckett, who served as the Companys Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer until March 31, 2010. |
Name |
Age |
Title |
Stephen M. Rownd
51 |
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer |
Kenneth R. Vaught
46 |
President and Chief Banking Officer |
James E. Adams1
66 |
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary |
Steve L. Droke
61 |
Senior Vice President and Chief Credit Officer |
William C. Adams, Jr.
55 |
Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer |
Steve D. Ottinger
61 |
Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer |
(1) |
Mr. Adams has previously notified the Company of his intention to retire effective
May 16, 2011. |
Stephen M. Rownd has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company and the Bank
since March 31, 2010. He had previously served as Executive Vice President and Senior Commercial
Banker for Fifth Third Bank of the Carolinas from, 2008 to March 15, 2010, and was responsible for
leading a new commercial banking team focused on middle market lending, commercial real estate and
treasury services. Prior to joining Fifth Third, Mr. Rownd served as Executive Vice President and
Chief Banking Officer of First Charter Corporation from 2006 to 2008, as Executive Vice President
and Chief Risk Officer from 2004 to 2006 and as Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer
from 2000 to 2004.
Kenneth R. Vaught has served as President and Chief Banking Officer of the Company and the
Bank since June 2010, and prior to June 2010, served as President and Chief Operating Officer of
the Company and the Bank since June 2002. He also was elected to the Companys board of directors
on that date. Previously, he served as Senior Vice-President and Regional Executive for the Banks
Blount and Knox County, Tennessee offices. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Vaught began his
banking career in 1987 as a Management Trainee with Hamilton Bank (SunTrust affiliate) in Johnson
City, Tennessee. He later joined First Tennessee Bank in 1989 as a Commercial Loan Officer. In
1991, he was promoted to Vice President and transferred to First Tennessee Bank, Maryville,
Tennessee. He left First Tennessee Bank in 1998 as Senior Vice President and Commercial Banking
Manager to join what was then Greene County Bank. He is a graduate of East Tennessee State
University with a degree in Finance.
James E. Adams joined the Company in December 2005 and assumed the role of Senior Vice
President, Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary. He was promoted to Executive Vice
President in 2007. Prior to the Company, Mr. Adams served as Executive Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer of Rurban Financial Corporation from 2003 to 2005. Prior to that, he was retired
after having served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Integra Bank
Corporation from 1999 through 2002; and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of
MainStreet Financial Corporation from 1994 to 1999. He has held executive management positions at
several multi-billion dollar bank holding companies, which have subsequently been acquired, since
1978. Mr. Adams began his career in 1970 as a Certified Public Accountant upon graduation from
Michigan State University and subsequently began his banking career in 1974. He has co-authored
two books used throughout the financial services industry and was appointed to serve a three year
term on the Finance and Accounting Commission of the Bank Administration Institute in the mid 80s.
Steve L. Droke has served as Senior Vice President and Chief Credit Officer of the Bank since
July 1997, with responsibilities for risk management including Credit Policy development and
implementation and oversight of Compliance and Loan Operations. Prior to joining the Bank, he was
Senior Vice President and Senior Credit Officer with First American Corporation. His 32-year
banking career includes a varied background in bank management, risk management, and lending. Mr.
Droke is a graduate of East Tennessee State University with a B.S. in Finance, the Graduate School
of Retail Bank Management at the University of Virginia, and the Graduate School of Commercial Bank
Lending at the University of Oklahoma. He is a member of Tennessee Bankers Association.
William C. Adams, Jr. has served as Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer of the
Bank since 1998, with responsibilities for oversight of the information technology and operations
functions. Prior to joining the Bank he served as CEO of Premier Bank of East Tennessee from 1991
to 1998. Prior to that he was Senior Regional Lender for First American Bank (subsequently Regions
Bank) in Maryville, Tennessee and Commercial Lender for Third National Bank (subsequently SunTrust)
in Nashville, Tennessee. Early in his 28-year banking career he served as Installations Coordinator
for a major national financial services software provider, where he oversaw or participated in over
50 community bank software installations and conversions nationwide. He is a graduate of the
University of Tennessee.
Steve D. Ottinger joined the Bank in October of 1975. He currently serves as Senior Vice
President and Chief Human Resources Officer, with responsibilities for training, certain areas of
risk management and compliance, customer privacy, and customer information security. Prior to
joining the Bank, Mr. Ottinger spent five years in city government as Director of Parks and
Recreation for the town of Greeneville, Tennessee. His experience includes both retail banking and
operations. Throughout his career he has been very involved in community activities having served
in leadership capacities in many non-profit organizations and that continues. He is a member of the
Society for Human Resource Management, a graduate of The Tennessee School of Banking, and holds a
Bachelors of Business Administration with an emphasis in Human Resources from East Tennessee State
If a shareholder wishes to have a proposal included in the Companys proxy statement for the
Companys 2012 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, that proposal must be received by the Company at its
executive offices in Greeneville, Tennessee by December 11, 2011. If a shareholder wishes to
present a proposal at the Companys 2012 annual meeting of shareholders and the proposal is not
intended to be included in the Companys proxy statement relating to that meeting, the shareholder
must give advance notice to the Company prior to the deadline for such meeting determined in
accordance with the Companys Amended and Restated Charter (the Charter Deadline). Under the
Companys Amended and Restated Charter, in order to be deemed properly presented, notice must be
delivered to the Companys Secretary at the Companys principal executive offices no less than
forty (40) nor more than sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting at which such
matter is to be acted upon; provided, however, that if notice or public disclosure of such meeting
is given fewer than fifty (50) days before the meeting, notice by the shareholder must be delivered
to the Company not later than the close of business on the tenth (10th) day following the day on
which notice of the meeting was mailed to shareholders. If a shareholder gives notice of such a
proposal after the Charter Deadline, the shareholder will not be permitted to present the proposal
to the shareholders for a vote at the meeting.
The SEC rules also establish a different deadline for submission of shareholder proposals that
are not intended to be included in the Companys proxy statement with respect to discretionary
voting (the Discretionary Voting Deadline). This deadline for the 2012 annual meeting of
shareholders is February 24, 2012. If a shareholder gives notice of a proposal after this deadline,
the persons named as proxies in the proxy statement for the 2012 annual meeting will be allowed to
use their discretionary voting authority to vote against the shareholder proposal when, and if, the
proposal is raised at the 2012 annual meeting. Because the Charter Deadline is not capable of being
determined until the Company gives notice of, or publicly announces, the date for the 2012 annual
meeting of shareholders, it is possible that the Charter Deadline may occur after the Discretionary
Voting Deadline, in which case a proposal received after the Discretionary Voting Deadline but
before the Charter Deadline would be eligible to be presented at the 2012 annual meeting of
shareholders and the Company believes that the persons named as proxies in the proxy statement
would be allowed to use the discretionary authority granted by the proxy card to vote against the
proposal at the meeting without including any disclosures of the proposal in the proxy statement
relating to the meeting.
The enclosed proxy card grants proxy holders discretionary authority to vote on any matter
properly brought before the Annual Meeting, including any shareholder proposals received between
the date of this proxy statement and the Charter Deadline for the Annual Meeting, which is April 2,
Shareholder proposals should be addressed to Secretary, Green Bankshares, Inc., 100 North Main
Street, P.O. Box 1120, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743 and must comply with the provisions of the
Companys Amended and Restated Charter. Nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to require the
Company to include in its proxy statement and form of proxy relating to the Companys 2012 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders any shareholder proposal that does not satisfy the requirements for
inclusion as established by the SEC at the time of receipt.
As of the date of this document, the Companys board of directors is not aware of any matters
that will be presented for consideration at the Companys Annual Meeting. If any other matters
come before either of the meetings or any adjournments or postponements of the meeting and are
voted upon, the enclosed proxy will confer discretionary authority on the individuals named as
proxies to vote the shares represented by the proxy as to any other matters. The individuals named
as proxies intend to vote in accordance with their best judgment as to any other matters.
The Companys 2010 Annual Report to Shareholders (the Annual Report), including financial
statements, is being mailed with this Proxy Statement to all persons who were shareholders of
record as of the close of business on the record date. Any shareholder who does not receive a copy
of the Annual Report may obtain a copy by writing to the Secretary of the Company. The Annual
Report is not to be treated as a part of this proxy solicitation material or as having been
incorporated herein by reference.
/s/ James E. Adams
James E. Adams |
Corporate Secretary |
Greeneville, Tennessee
April 9, 2011
A copy of the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010, as
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission will be furnished without charge to persons who
were shareholders as of the record date upon written request to the Secretary, Green Bankshares,
Inc., 100 North Main Street, P.O. Box 1120, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743 or by calling (423)
In accordance with the provisions of Section 48-20-106 of the Tennessee Business Corporation
Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment (the Articles of
Amendment) to its Charter (the Charter):
1. |
Name of Corporation. The name of the Corporation is Green Bankshares, Inc. |
2. |
Section 7B of the Charter is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: |
7B. Commencing at the annual meeting of shareholders in 2011 (the 2011 Annual Meeting),
the directors shall be elected annually for a term of office of one year, except that any
director in office at the 2011 Annual Meeting whose term expires at the annual meeting of
shareholders in 2012 or 2013 shall continue to hold office until the end of the term for
which such director was elected and until such directors successor shall have been elected
and qualified. At each annual meeting of shareholders beginning in 2013, all directors shall
be elected for a term of office to expire at the next succeeding annual meeting of
shareholders after their election, and shall continue to hold office until their respective
successors are elected and qualified. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, a director whose
term shall expire at any annual meeting shall continue to serve until his or her successor is
elected and has qualified or until the directors death, retirement, resignation or removal.
Should a vacancy occur or be created, any director elected or appointed to fill such vacancy
shall hold office until the next annual meeting of shareholders or until such directors
death, retirement, resignation or removal if earlier. |
3. |
Except as amended by these Articles of Amendment, the Charter of the Corporation shall remain in
full force and effect. |
4. |
Adoption. These Articles of Amendment were duly adopted by the Board of Directors on March 21,
2011, and by the shareholders of the Corporation on May
_____, 2011. |
5. |
Effective Date. These Articles of Amendment will be effective when filed with the Secretary of
State. |
Date: , 2011
By: |
Name: |
Stephen M. Rownd |
Title: |
Chief Executive Officer |
Form of Proxy
100 North Main Street
P.O. Box 1120
Greeneville, Tennessee 37743
May 12, 2011
You can vote in one of three ways: 1) By Mail, 2) By Internet, 3) By Telephone.
See the reverse side of this sheet for instructions.
Illinois Stock Transfer Co.
209 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 903, Chicago, Illinois 60606
The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Stephen M. Rownd, Robert K. Leonard and James
E. Adams, and each of them, the proxies of the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to
attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Green Bankshares, Inc. (the Company) to be held at
Tusculum College, 60 Shiloh Road, Greeneville, Tennessee 37743 on Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 9:00
a.m., local time, and at any adjournments thereof, and to vote all the shares of stock of the
Company which the undersigned may be entitled to vote, upon the following matters.
Proxy Solicited by and on behalf of the Board of Directors for the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders to be held on Thursday, May 12, 2011.
The Companys Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR each of the Proposals 1, 2, 3 and 4.
1. |
Approval of the amendment to the Companys Amended and Restated Charter to declassify the
Companys Board of Directors and provide for the annual election of directors. |
2. |
The election of the following directors, each for a term of one year, if Proposal No. 1 is
approved, or each for a term of three years if Proposal No. 1 is not approved. |
01 Bruce Campbell
o |
02 Samuel E. Lynch
o |
03 John Tolsma
o |
3. |
Approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis, of the compensation of the Companys named
executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. |
4. |
Ratification of the appointment of Dixon Hughes PLLC as the Companys independent registered
public accounting firm for 2011. |
Your shares will be voted in accordance with your instructions. If no choice is specified, shares
will be voted FOR PROPOSALS 1, 2, 3 and 4.
In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other business as may properly
come before the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
Your Internet vote is quick, confidential and your vote is immediately submitted. Just follow these
easy steps:
1. |
Read the accompanying Proxy Statement. |
2. |
Visit our Internet voting site at, click on the I am a Shareholder,
select the Internet Voting tab, enter your Voter Control Number and the last four digits
of your Tax Identification Number that is associated with the account you are voting in the
designated fields. Your Voter Control Number is shown above. |
Please note that all votes cast by Internet must be completed and submitted prior to Tuesday May
10, 2011, at 11:59 p.m. Central Time.
Your Internet vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares to the same extent as if you
marked, signed, dated and returned the proxy card.
This is a secured web page site. Your software and/or Internet provider must be enabled to
access this site. Please call your software or Internet provider for further information if needed.
If you vote By Internet, Please Do Not Return Your Proxy Card By Mail
Your telephone vote is quick, confidential and immediate. Just follow these easy steps:
1. |
Read the accompanying Proxy Statement. |
2. |
Using a Touch-Tone telephone, call Toll Free 1-800-555-8140 and follow the
instructions. |
3. |
When asked for your Voter Control Number, enter the number printed above. |
Please note that all votes cast by Internet must be completed and submitted prior to Tuesday May
10, 2011, at 11:59 p.m. Central Time.
Your telephone vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your shares to the same extent as if you
marked, signed, dated and returned the proxy card.
If you vote By Telephone, Please Do Not Return Your Proxy Card By Mail
To vote by mail, complete both sides, sign and date the proxy card below. Detach the card
below and return it in the envelope provided.
The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy of the accompanying Notice of Annual
Meeting of the Shareholders and Proxy Statement and the Annual Report to Shareholders for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2010, and hereby revokes any proxy heretofore given. This proxy may
be revoked at any time before its exercise.
Please mark, date and sign as your name appears herein and return in the enclosed envelope. If
acting as executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, etc. you should so indicate when signing. If
the signor is a corporation, please sign the full name by duly appointed officer. If a
partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person. If shares are held jointly,
each shareholder named should sign.