In her debut children’s picture book, Guac, the Avocado Bird (Brown Books Kids; on sale: November 7, 2023), author Julie Branch-Evans delivers a heartfelt, inclusive message. Readers learn that they can find home, community and belonging when they simply love themselves and others just as they are. Guac, the Avocado Bird was inspired by Branch-Evans’s daughter who lives with apraxia of speech and other developmental difficulties.
“I have seen the enormous obstacles so many children face with physical and cognitive disabilities, and their spirit and hard work moved me. I wanted to write a book to help [my daughter] and so many children like her realize that no matter how different she is from other people, there’s a place for her in the world and people who will love and accept her for who she is. … By writing Guac, the Avocado Bird, I hope that I can create an enjoyable way to share these messages to every child: practice acceptance, embrace differences, focus on what we have in common and — most importantly — love yourself exactly as you are.” —Julie Branch-Evans
BOOK SUMMARY: Guac, the avocado bird, hatches from an avocado. He is different. He is scared. He is alone. But he is also brave and takes on his own journey to build a home. In doing so, he makes some delightful unlikely friendships. Each of the critters that come knocking on his door, likewise, are lonely and looking for a place to belong. They come to find that each of their individual differences contributes something unique to the whole of their newfound community. Together, this vibrant cast of characters creates a home.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Julie Branch-Evans’s life changed forever in May 2016 when her first daughter was born. At twenty-two days old, her little girl was given a rare health diagnosis. After a difficult, emotional journey to help her daughter heal and develop, she has had her eyes opened to obstacles she never imagined and to the reality of what lonely and different can look and feel like for so many children. She is hopeful that Guac, the Avocado Bird can bring laughter and fun to other children and parents.
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